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Primary Language Learning Transition Meetings 1+2

Primary Language Learning Transition Meetings 1+2. L1 is Mother tongue (Remember in Glasgow we have 100+ languages) L2 is the first foreign language this is the language that is taken through to 3 rd level in Broad General Education L3 is the second foreign language

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Primary Language Learning Transition Meetings 1+2

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  1. Primary Language LearningTransition Meetings1+2

  2. L1 is Mother tongue (Remember in Glasgow we have 100+ languages) L2 is the first foreign language this is the language that is taken through to 3rd level in Broad General Education L3 is the second foreign language this is currently tackled via master classes, themed weeks, conversation corners, it must also have language elements as well as cultural input and include adequate language progression to qualify as L3 1+2 in a nutshell

  3. By 2021 : L2 = P1-P7 L3 = P5-P7 In GCC focus is currently focussed on getting L2 right Schools need to review staff training implications L2 delivered through discrete language lessons from primary 5 Planning to embed relevant purposeful language from primary 1 to P4 to mimic acquisition. 1+2 in a nutshell

  4. Language of L2 depends on the language of the learning community / associated secondary schools Language of L3 might be influenced by Secondary L3 Doesn’t have to be the same language P5-P7 for L3 (however remember need for adequate language progression) 1+2 in a nutshell

  5. Learning has to be relevant and purposefulConsistency and repetition are also essential. “Young children always find that new knowledge makes more sense if it is linked to something within their own experience. New knowledge for them, needs to have a purpose, this has sometimes been called “knowing how” rather than “knowing that”. Pamela May (2011) If an experience occurs daily in the children’s routine they are much more likely to learn from it, copy it and absorb it. It is therefore essential that the introduction of a FL is embedded in their daily interaction to achieve maximum impact. Elaine Weitzman & Janice Greenberg (2002)

  6. Assessing first level : Mainly oral • Behavioural signs such as quality of concentration and focus • Engagement as opposed to reluctance to participate • Enjoyment as opposed to being puzzled and withdrawn • Noise level indicating disengagement as opposed to enthusiasm • Oral feedback in English from children during plenary • Ability to demonstrate understanding of foreign words or phrases by reacting appropriately to instructions, associating accurately words / phrases heard and their representation (Flashcards/props/illustrations…) • Ability to copy and reproduce French sounds / words or phrases • Quality and quantity of French language production • Parents / carers feed back

  7. By the end of P4, with support, leaners will be able to: • Behavioural signs such as quality of concentration and focus • Engagement as opposed to reluctance to participate

  8. M P-R 1+ 2 2017

  9. By the end of P7 pupils should be able to:https://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/Images/modern_languages_principles_practice_tcm4-539990.pdf • give a short presentation about themselves • take part in simple conversations and transactions • understand classroom instructions and personal information • enjoy listening to a story, song or poem • read aloud a simple text • read and understand a short text • write a few sentences about themselves and others • script a simple conversation or transaction

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