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Design Daily Production Schedule /Running sheet. Teknik Produksi dan Penyiaran Program Radio Kelompok Teknologi Informasi dan komunikasi Penyusun : Ahadiat,S.ST Dadang Abdurrakhman,S.Pd Drs.Liliek Julianto Taufan Adhiwiranto, S.sos Agus Nuryaman.
Design Daily Production Schedule /Running sheet. Teknik Produksi dan Penyiaran Program Radio Kelompok Teknologi Informasi dan komunikasi Penyusun : Ahadiat,S.ST Dadang Abdurrakhman,S.Pd Drs.Liliek Julianto Taufan Adhiwiranto, S.sos Agus Nuryaman
Design Daily Production Schedule /Running sheet. Compiling Information of Daily Production
In compiling daily production, there are some matter which must be paid attention to among other things analyse Format Program
Format Program Hereunder represent some format program event : 1. Adult Contemporary(AC) 2. Radio Hit Kontemporer(CHR) 3. Easy Listening
4. Rock orient album ( AOR)/ modern [of] rock 7. Middle of the road(MOR) 5. News/ conference 6. Classic/oldies/nostalgia
Adult Contemporary(AC) broadcasted in the form of blocking time and also groove to continue: Format Music pop Strong Its Influence At group Age 25-49 year ADULT CONTEMPORARY (AC) A lot of Drawing Fitter advertisement. Effective Drawing Woman Hearer
AC emphasize present day poor concert, aiming to soft rock Tend to ballad and light. athletic information And news take possession of next sequence Placed at morning or nighttime presentation of Music of about 10 - 12 minute alternated by the brief information of title of its artist and song. ADULT CONTEMPORARY (AC)
Radio Hit Contemporary (CHR) RADIO HIT KONTEMPORER (CHR) recognized As Top 40 Turning around Song What in demand In this time Goals listener Age 12-18 year Music current turned around joining Illicit Interval Everything having the character of Trendy is something that profiting.
Easy Listening Year 1960-an more knowledgeable as Beautiful Music, but is later then turned into by easy listening to more interesting young hearer. wide [is] recognized bland Instrumentally music And become especial dish of this format Listener have age of 50 year EASY LISTENING Conference Minimization
Rock Orient Album(Aor)/Modern Rock This format is full to almost give all mind to at album rock, so that tend to less be supple, too systematic. And surely if overemphasize at hard rock or heavy rock, difficult to get music litener.
Music broadcasted by nonstop or at least two or theree of song partake Principle of a few/little talking of a lot of music. Station of AOR very orient at life style, so that a lot of doing/conducting promotion of related to appetite of its hearer
News/conference There are some format being based on news. There is format of just just news , news / conference, sport news, plus news, and the conference format. Each differing and unique. format of pure News limited to for the free market capable to support the effort, because this format require expense three till bigger four times compared to by station of have format to music
News format/ conference represent mixture of between wide pervasion with block of phone conversation two direction, this Conference or News Format nowadays progressively draw young hearer, see from talc and rock format appearance in band FM in America.
Even the conference format have been adopted in such a manner, so that the format relying on this hearer participation exploit music from musician which the popular medium as music bumper/ilustrationto reach for more young hearer from middle circle for
Flatten – flatten its hearer have is age to relative is young the than high social storey level At day and nighttime a lot of enjoyed circle middle Long news habit kept time leave and come home job Conference News All Talks heard by a low circle and pensioner
Classic/ Oldies/ Nostalgia Although there is difference, but in principle the Classic format Oldies or Nostalgia is of equal turning around song – worn out song. At format oldies broadcaster play a part important, song is not turned around successive, advertisement turned around by one - one in between song
On the contrary the Nostalgia more make account of music which is turned around serially. hearer Oldies tend to more is young compared to by nostalgia. While classic format of a more regular turn around song (rock first) what have entered top ten in around year 70-an and 80-an.
Classic/ Oldies/ Nostalgia oldies Nostalgia Clasik 1. Song is not turned around successive 2.Advertisement turned around by one in between the song 3. listener Tend to more young Often turn around song of rock which have entered top ten of year 70-an and year 80-an. Song turned around successive 2. Listener tend to older
Middle of the Road(MOR) This format is “ do not too”, music which is turned around do not too ossify do not too bland, do not too new nor too worn out. Format with age goals 40 this annual, giving opportunity which relative more free to poet, meaningless although abusively. An broadcaster, news or information presented in a word in between song.
At clock - clock leave or come home office, MOR often present sportscast, weather information, last - passed by quickly. Still a lot of format of other of like Classical, Urban Contemporary, Ethnic, Religious, or narrow;tight Forma of all Childs, Rock Alternative, etc..
Compiling daily program Program Format Select choose most format fulfill need & want public radio, if format have been determined by program manager have to know how to execute it effectively and efisien.
Programming an radio format is work which enough heavily. Although radio campus/community own public/target audience what clear, meaningless but the anything become easy to.
Select most format fulfill need & want your public radio if format have been determined, you have to know how to execute effectively and efficient perhaps.
Matter which must in paying attention to in preparing program Change of Event Pattern Instruction of Broadcast Pattern Broadcast Pattern Location system Program broadcast Substance Program
Broadcast Pattern Before arranging program compile broadcast event, beforehand have to prepare broadcast pattern
before broadcast formulated in one day, one week one month and one year, hence have to be known by how much length of duration of program to be adapted for by goals of audien and policy from radio station. Afterwards is newly made by its pattern
Pattern work a compiler of program have to collect reference that is needed 2. Policy from head of broadcasting station 1.Trend expanding
4. Result of research ( rating and shared 3. Broadcast reach 5. Research distributor
2. To educate listener 1. Give information 4. To entertain listener 3. To influence listener Marking of radio broadcast Management
Manfa’atSiaran Giveinformation can give points, resolving, or add knowledge. What the primal can give clarification easy to and is quickly understood by the public society
To educate listener educating hearer to do right, is not deceived by words or information turning around inversion fact
To influence listener making attitude of hearer as according to information which is reported on in positive values.
To entertain listener making listener feel peace and balmy when listening information
Instruction of Broadcast Pattern. To pattern an event of broadcast required by knowledge of instruction of broadcasting in order to the company can strengthen position of the radio as well as have to think influence from the broadcast.
Change of Broadcast Pattern pattern of Event of broadcast can be altered by according to circumstance and there is two reason of base of the happening of change of broadcast pattern.
Reason of change of broadcast pattern. 1. imprecise weekly and daily event Formation Location. Equally there is mistake in analyzing that good the desired target strategy on schedule the broadcasting and also is precisely listened by listener. 2. There is certain event is which impinge between station which is one with other station.
daily program Items program every day nya will be alculatedhow big peresentasebroadcast, in order to fulfill standard specified by pursuant to vision and mission of broadcasting station.
Daily program have to be flexible, its meaning is occurrence important /emergency which of national and international can change schedule every day which have been specified. So that part of program every day own guidance broadcast a long one day, what have been prepared slowest of previous evening to be distributed