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Presented by S.Prabukumar 09MBT14 M.Sc Marine Biotechnology Bharathidasan University

Presented by S.Prabukumar 09MBT14 M.Sc Marine Biotechnology Bharathidasan University Under the guidance of Dr. Kamal sarma CARI Andaman. INTRODUCTION STUDY AREA OBJECTIVES MATERIALS AND METHODS RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS. Oysters are filter feeders

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Presented by S.Prabukumar 09MBT14 M.Sc Marine Biotechnology Bharathidasan University

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  1. Presented by S.Prabukumar 09MBT14 M.Sc Marine Biotechnology Bharathidasan University Under the guidance of Dr. Kamal sarma CARI Andaman


  3. Oysters are filter feeders Filtering water through the gills to obtain food. As a consequence of filter-feeding, microorganisms and chemicals, including toxic metals, can be accumulated from the marine environment (Bioaccumulation)(Klontz & Rippey, 1991). Oyster, Crossostrea rivularis(Gould) are present in North Wandoor and Phoenix Bay Jetty regions in plenty and can be harvested by human beings and consumed. However, without having proper knowledge on the quality of the meat, consumption might lead to harmful effects to human beings gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, diarrhea, Stomatitis, tremor, hemoglobinuria causing a rust–red colour to stool, ataxia, paralysis, vomiting and convulsion, depression, and pneumonia, cholera. Crossostrea rivularis used to monitor the pollution level by using different parameters such as mineral profiles, water quality, enzymes, nutritional status and microbial load in two regions of Andaman.

  4. In this study phoenix bay jetty and north Wandoor areas were selected. Phoenix Jetty (latitude-11° 40’27.63”N, longitude 92° 44’12.96”E) is a harbor located in capital of Andaman (port Blair). Phoenix bay jetty is a polluted area. inter island ships activity is there. Due to this activity the oil spills are present in sea water. Then also here the sewage water is mixed by the way of channels. Wandoor is a pollution free area here two sites characterized by site I and site II. (Site I: Latitude: 11⁰37′ 15.7′′N, Longitude: 92⁰37′ 01.1′′ E). (Site II: Latitude: 11⁰37′ 15.8 ′′N, Longitude: 92⁰37′ 02.2′′E

  5. To study the hydrographical and microbiological load from two different regions of Andaman viz. Phoenix bay jetty and North wandoor. To record the variability of biological parameters and mineral composition of the oysters from two different regions of Andaman. To study the biochemical parameters and nutritional status of oyster, Crassostrea rivularis collected from the selected sites

  6. Water quality parameters Free carbon dioxide, Total alkalinity, Nitrite-N, Phosphate-P , Nitrate ( APHA, 1998) Microbiological parameters Spread plate method Mineral profile Nitric acid-H2O2 digestion method Instruments used: Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Flame photometry Proximate composition Protein -Micro Kjeldhals method Fat -Ether Extract method Enzyme parameters ATPase - Post and Sen (1967).

  7. The quality of the water was helpful in problems like pollution control. Changes in the water quality are reflected in the biotic community structure. The factors like pH, Temperature, Biological Oxygen Demand, chemical Oxygen Demand, Dissolved Oxygen, Dissolved Oxygen %, Hardness, Alkalinity, phosphate, Nitrite, Nitrate, Carbon dioxide and etc., is constantly varying and plays important impact either by directly


  9. Moisture Fat Protein

  10. The enzymes are bio indicator of pollution. Decrease or increase the level of enzyme indicates the pollution. ATPase

  11. In conclusion, overall results of this preliminary study suggested that, oysters living in the Phoenix jetty area are not healthy compare to the North Wandoor area due to combined effect of several stressors. In Phoenix Bay Jetty area city effluents are getting discharged. These effluents might contain sewages and other harm full chemicals like heavy metals, pesticides etc. All these cumulatively effect oyster and inhibit their growth and biochemical parameters. Microbial loads in oysters were also higher compared to North Wandoor samples and hence may not be suitable for raw consumption. Hence, effort has to be made to treat the discharge municipal sewage of those areas before releasing to the sea. More systematic and laboratory oriented study can be initiated to elucidate the exact impacts on these sewage on organism level.

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