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The Presented Case Studies. The site names are fictionalSite plans and aerial photos are not the real investigation sites, and are representative onlyThe conceptual models are representative of real sites used during the researchThe site factual data, including logs have been simplified and all references to real sites removedThe hi-frequency data has been collected from the research field studies.
2. The Presented Case Studies The site names are fictional
Site plans and aerial photos are not the real investigation sites, and are representative only
The conceptual models are representative of real sites used during the research
The site factual data, including logs have been simplified and all references to real sites removed
The hi-frequency data has been collected from the research field studies
4. Case Study 1 – The Docks Former docks. Over time the base filled with organic sludge and other waste and had not been used for several years
A clay bund was created across the middle of the dock, with the organic sludge being removed and backfilled predominantly with sand to reclaim land for dock storage use
This storage use was expanded with a steel sheet pile wall being put across the dock opening and filled with inert waste
5. Case Study 1 – Aerial Photo
6. Redevelopment Proposals Regenerate the area for a mixed commercial (shops and offices) with residential apartment use
3 Blocks spanning across the infilled dock with associated parking and landscaping
Requires outline planning to secure funding
Site investigations have revealed a ground gas risk
7. Conceptual Model
8. Spot Monitoring Spot monitoring revealed
high concentrations of methane (@50%v/v), carbon dioxide (@20%v/v) and depleted oxygen and low flow on the ship canal side of the bund
Occasional low concentrations of methane and slightly reduced oxygen with variable flow of the land side of the bund
However, further detail required to understand the gassing regime for protection design and provide confidence that no gas was passing across the bund
9. Spot Monitoring
10. Spot Monitoring
11. Hi Frequency Monitoring GasClam instruments were installed within the organic sludge and made ground and within the sand fill on the other side of the bund
Elevated methane and carbon dioxide was found in the organic sludge and made ground – no surprises there!
Low concentrations of methane were detected on the sand filled side of the bund, with slightly reduced oxygen levels. Interestingly negligible carbon dioxide?
12. To The Machines! Open up file The Docks.xls
Plot multi-parameter time series data graphs for both BHA and BHB
Plot all bulk gases and atmospheric pressure on one graph for each borehole
Plot separate graphs for differential pressure and water level for each borehole
Plot the above graphs on the same worksheet for each borehole (for viewing!)
13. Hi Frequency Monitoring
14. Hi Frequency Monitoring
15. Application of Hi-Frequency Data to Gas Screening Values Why not! Provides a much bigger data set
GSV = gas flow rate x concentration/100
Max Gas Value or selected %ile Concentration Duration Value?
Gas Flow Rates – Spot Monitoring
16. Max Gas or Concentration Duration? Depends on the site specific setting, amount and confidence in the data collected – have we recorded likely worst case conditions?
What value do we use? Max value, 99th, 95th, …, 51st%ile
17. To The Machines! Open up file The Docks.xls
Plot concentration duration curves for both BHA and BHB
Select Concentration Duration Tab
Create a percentage time column
Create concentration columns and sort descending
Plot a graph of Percent time (x axis) by Concentration (y axis) for all bulk gases
18. Concentration Duration Curves
19. Gas Flow Rates Spot sampling method using a flow meter
Typically negligible or very low with some short initial positive flows
Consider assumptions and limitations of this monitoring
Can use statistics (probability distribution function)
Gas flow input values for GSV calculation are:
BHA: 2.4 l/hr max (total gas)
BHB: 4.5 l/hr max (total gas)
20. To The Machines! Open up file The Docks.xls and GSV tab
Work out the GSV values for the data
21. GSV Calculation GSV= Gas Flow (ltr/hr) x Gas Concentration (%) / 100
22. Lines of Evidence Desk Study
Conceptual Model
Investigation & Monitoring Design and Findings
Concentration profile and duration
Any other correlations?
Changes over time (1 in 100 year events?)
Construction Design (and future modification)
Others……..environmental conditions etc
Conceptual Model – yes – again!
23. Case Study 1 Conclusions The hi-frequency monitoring provided much greater detail and confidence
Lines of evidence can and should be used to strengthen the assessment and identify any weaknesses
Better information available for the design team and regulator to consider – a fit for use design and faster turnaround…
25. Case Study 2 – Kiln Lane Former clay pit and brick works
Infilled with various waste types between 1930s and 1970s including ash and brick waste, textile, household and inert waste.
Redeveloped for residential housing in the 1980s
Identified as a Part 2A Potential Site of Concern and intrusive investigations undertaken
26. Case Study 2 – Aerial Photo
27. Conceptual Model
28. Spot Monitoring Spot monitoring revealed
Highly variable ground gas concentrations with variable flow rates at the site
Unable to distinguish ground gas regime with confidence
29. Spot Monitoring
30. Spot Monitoring
31. Spot Monitoring
32. Hi Frequency Monitoring Gasclam instruments were installed within different types of landfill waste
Variable ground gas concentrations were recorded as found with the spot sampling
Correlations noted within the data
Data supported the zoning of the site based on waste type and gas concentrations present
33. To The Machines! Open up file Kiln Lane.xls
Plot multi-parameter time series data graphs for BHC
34. Hi Frequency Monitoring
35. Hi Frequency Monitoring
36. Hi Frequency Monitoring
37. Correlations Look for correlations between parameters
Bulk gas concentrations
Atmospheric Pressures
Confidence on reasonable worst case
Think about the site and borehole setting
38. To The Machines! Open up file Kiln Lane.xls
Plot concentration duration curves for Borehole C
Select Concentration Duration Tab for BHC
Create a percentage time column
Create concentration columns and sort descending
Plot a graph of Percent time (x axis) by Concentration (y axis) for all bulk gases
39. Concentration Duration Curves
40. Concentration Duration Curves
41. Concentration Duration Curves
42. Gas Flow Rates Spot sampling method using a flow meter
Consider assumptions and limitations of this monitoring
Ground Gas Recovery Tests
Indicative of ground gas flux
Can be useful for understanding ground gas regime
Use as a check, not as a quantity in the GSV calculation
43. To The Machines! Open up file Kiln Lane.xls
Plot ground gas recovery profiles for both BHA, BHB and BHC
Plot CH4 and CO2 against time in hours
44. Ground Gas Recovery Profiles
45. Ground Gas Recovery Profiles
46. Ground Gas Recovery Profiles
47. Gas Flow Rates Spot sampling method using a flow meter
BHA – limit of detection of instrument
BHB – variable – typically between –2 and 4.3 ltr/hr
BHC – large initial flows with steady state typically between 2 to 6 l/hr
Ground Gas Recovery Tests
BHA – recovery over days
BHB – recovery over hours
BHC – recovery within minutes
48. To The Machines! Open up file Kiln Lane.xls and GSV tab
Work out the GSV values for the data
49. Gas Screening Values
50. Detailed Risk Assessment Estimation of ground gas movement
Pressure or Diffusion
Pecksen Method (flow x conc. / 10)
Darcy’s (Pressure) & Fick’s (Diffusion) laws
Steve Wilson’s Modular Approach
Landsim, VOLASOL, J&E, CLEA?…
51. Lines of Evidence Just as Case Study 1 to the nth Case Study
Always consider the desk study information and conceptual model
Use several tools at your disposal to show the evidence points to the same conclusion
Use sensitivity analysis
52. Contact Details Urban Vision: John Naylor
E: john.naylor@urbanvision.org.uk
T: 0161 604 7650
Simon Talbot
E: simon.talbot@mac.com
T: 0788 444 4272
University of Manchester: Dr Peter Morris
Project Coordinator
E: peter.morris@manchester.ac.uk
T: 0161 275 0183
Salamander: Dr Stephen Boult
E: s.boult@salamander-group.co.uk
T: 0845 053 1234