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Burkhard Schmidt, CERN on behalf of the LHCb Collaboration. LHCb - Physics Summary. Hadron Collider Physics Symposium Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012. LHCb physics results.
Burkhard Schmidt, CERN on behalf of the LHCb Collaboration LHCb - Physics Summary Hadron Collider Physics Symposium Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
LHCb physics results • Search for potential effects of physics beyond the Standard Model in CP violation and rare decays using charm and beauty hadrons • CP violation in B system (B+, B0, Bs) : • Measurement of γ in tree-level processes S. Ricciardi in HF session • Measurement of γ in loop-mediated processes (charmless B decays) • CP violation in Bsmixing, φsphase M. Versterinen in HF session • Charm studies • CP violation and mixing in charmA. Di Canto in HF session • Rare decays • B0d,s μ+μ- , K0s μ+μ- , D0 μ+μ-J. Albrecht in HF session • B0 K*0 μ+μ- , τ μμμ, etc. and T . Blake in SUSY session • The physics programme includes also: • Quarkonium studies • Production and spectroscopy of heavy flavour • Soft QCD physics A. Contu in QCD session • Electroweak physicsK. Rinnert in EW session HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
Selection of LHCb Physics results LHCb obtained many more exciting results not covered in this talk – apologies. 78 papers submitted to journals and >100 conference contributions up to now http://cdsweb.cern.ch/collection/LHCb%20Papers?ln=en Unless otherwise stated, the results are based on 1/fb of data collected in 2011 at 7 TeV center of mass energy. • Outline of this talk: • CP violation in B system (B+, B0, Bs) : • Measurement of γ in tree-level processes Recent result • Charm studies • Observation of D0- Do mixing New result • Rare decays • B0d,s μ+μ- , New result, next talk • K0s μ+μ-, B0 K*0 μ+μ- • Electroweak physics • Z→ ττproductioncross section Recent result • Soft QCD physics • pA test run HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
CP violation in the B system and measurement of γ HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
CP violation phenomenology CP violation in decay (direct) Asymmetry in decay amplitudes for a process and its conjugate: | Af/ Af | ≠ 1 The only possibility for charged mesons CP violation in mixing (indirect) If transitions B0B0are allowed CP violation if | q / p | ≠ 1 Rate of B0B0differs from B0 B0 CP violation in interference between mixing and decay (indirect) Even if | Af/ Af | = 1 and | q / p | = 1 , CP is violated if Can be measured in the time dependent asymmetry: HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
CKM measurements: current status • Area of CKM triangle is proportional to the amount of CP violation in the model. • All CP violation phenomena in SM are the result of a single phase in the CKM matrix. • Precision of some measurements are much worse than the others. Notably, γ, is the least well-measured angle of the Unitarity Triangle. • γ can be measured in tree- and loop-level decays. Tree-level decay: SM benchmark measurement of γ Loop-level decays: Measurement of γ sensitive to NP LHCb can do all of them HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
CP violation in BDK: SM benchmark γ v • Measurement of partial width of B DK decays allows to determine γ • Sensitivity to γ from interference between the 2 diagrams • Only requirement: D0 and D0 decay to the same final states • Decay modes used: • D in CPeigenstates(D0K+K-, π+π-) [PLB 712 (2012) 203] Gronau-London- Wyler (GLW) [PLB 265, 172 (1991)] • Cabibbo allowed (D0 K- π+)and double Cabibbo suppressed states (D0 K+ π- and D0 K+ π-π+π- )New[LHCb-CONF-2012-030] Atwood-Dunietz-Soni (ADS) [PRL 78, 3257 (1997)] • D in 3-body decays (D0 Ksπ+π-) New[PLB 718 (2012) 43] Giri-Grossmann-Soffer-Zupan (GGSZ, Dalitz)[ PRD 68, 054018 (2003] HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
Measurable parameters s Measured ratios and asymmetries for GLW: For ADS modes additional amplitude rD and phase δD enter from D decay: GGSZ analysis: Fits distribution of events in the D K0hh Dalitz plot: K±i– flavour tagged yield in the ith bin, ci, si CLEO inputs Each analysis measures different parameters containing complementary information about γ. HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
CP violation in B DK, Dhh’decays B+ D0K+ and B+ D0K+ followed by D K+K- decay Suppressed B+ D0K+ followed by allowed D0 K-π+ interferes with allowed B+ D0K+ followed by suppressed D0 K-π+ decay [PLB 712 (2012) , 203] 4.5σ 4.0σ HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
CP violation in B DK, D K3π decays [LHCb-CONF-2012-030] ± • Suppressed ADS B± D(π± Kπ+π-) / K± π± mode • First observation of suppressed ADS B± D(π± Kπ+π-) K± mode: 40 candidates (5.1 σ) • First observation of suppressed ADS B± D(π± Kπ+π-) π± mode: 155 candidates (> 10 σ) • Hints of asymmetries in both modes RKADS = (1.24 ± 0.27) % RπADS = (0.369 ± 0.036) % AKADS = (-42 ± 22) % Aπ ADS = (13 ± 10) % pl HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
GGSZ analysis: B DK, D K0hh s s v Model-independent Dalitz plot analysis of DK0h+h- from BDK Divide phase space into bins and work with the number of events in each bin Binning scheme chosen to maximise sensitivity to γ Strong phase variation from correlated D-D pairs measured at CLEO-c [PLB 718 (2012) 43] [PRD 82 (2012) 112006] Candidates after the selection: ~690 D K0sππ~110 D K0sKK HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
GGSZ analysis: B DK, D K0hh • Count number of events in binned plots (separately for B+ and B-) in D K0sπ πand D K0sKK plots. • Asymmetry in the number of events in bins manifests CP-violation Maximum likelihood fit to obtain x± and y± x_ = (0.0 ± 4.3 ± 1.5 ± 0.6) x 10-2 x+= (2.7 ± 5.2 ± 0.8 ± 2.3) x 10-2 y_= (-10.3 ± 4.5 ± 1.8 ± 1.4) x 10-2 y+= (-0.9 ± 3.7 ± 0.8 ± 3.0) x 10-2 x± = rBcos(±γ+δB) y± = rBsin(±γ+δB) HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
γ combination result [LHCb-CONF-2012-032] -15.7 Combination of BDK modes with 1/fb gives: γ = ( 71.1 +16.1 )o [43.9o – 98.8o ] @ 95% C.L. Comparable to individual results of Babar and Belle World average: γ = (66 ±12)o (CKMFitter 2012) Further 2/fb will be in hand by the end of 2012 Additional information will come from the determination of γ in time dependent analyses. HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
Charm studies: D0 – D0mixing HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
Measurement of D0 – D0mixing [arXiv 1211.1230] Subm to PRL ; x= Δm/Γ y=Δ Γ/2Γ • Very interesting because it probes NP which couples to up-quarks. • So far evidence for charm mixing in BaBar, Belle and CDF, but observation greater than 5σ only when results are combined. • This result: Observation of D0 – D0 oscillations with ‘wrong sign’ D*+ D0(K+π-) π+ decays • WS events through either direct DCS decays or mixing followed by CF • RS events dominated by CF • Assuming |x| , |y| << 1 , and negligible CPV: HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
D0 – D0mixing – D*yields ~36k WS ~8.4M RS Time integrated D0πs mass distributions for RS and WS candidates HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
D0 – D0mixing – Analysis details • Count WS and RS events in 13 decay time bins • Fit the ratio of yields as function of the decay time • Fit strategy: • Tight cut on D0 mass • Fit first clean RS sample to determine signal shape • Then fit WS sample with the signal shape fixed by RS sample • Calculate WS/RS ratio R • Systematics: • Relevant sources are those which could bias observed time-dependence on R: • Secondary D-mesons and bkg. from mis-ID charm decays peaking in M(D0πs) HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
D0 – D0mixing – Result First observation of D0 - D0mixing • Mixing parameters: RD = (0.352 ± 0.015)% y’ = (0.72 ± 0.24)% x’2 = -(0.009 ± 0.013)% • p-value = 5.67 x 10-20 • No mixing hypothesis excl. at 9.1σ • Comparison with other experiments: HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
Rare decays HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
Rare Decays – Introduction [arXiv 1208.0934 and arXiv:1204.1737] Flavour physics observables have sensitivity to new particles at high mass scales via their indirect effects in loop diagrams B0s μ+μ- SM: NP: FCNC, helicity suppressed Sensitive to NP contributions SM expectation: (3.54±0.30) x 10-9 MSSM: BR (B0s μ+μ-)~tan6/M4A B0 K*0 μ+μ- SM: NP: FCNC, BR (PDG) = (1.05±0.15)x 10-6 Angular observables sensitive to modification of the helicity structure HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
Update on search for B0(s) μ+μ- • New analysis using 1.1/fbof the 2012 data set plus 1/fb from 2011 • Same analysis strategy as in 2011 [PRL 108 (2012) 231801] with only minimal changes • Improvements: [Subm to arXiv and PRL today] • Refined estimate of the exclusive backgrounds • BDT output calibrated on exclusive B(s) h+h-(instead of inclusive) Analysis will be presented by J. Albrecht HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
Update on search for B0(s) μ+μ- New result First evidence of B0s μ+μ- • New analysis using 1.1/fbof the 2012 data set plus 1/fb from 2011 • Same analysis strategy as in 2011 [PRL 108 (2012) 231801] with only minimal changes • Improvements: [Subm to arXiv and PRL today] • Refined estimate of the exclusive backgrounds • BDT output calibrated on exclusive B(s) h+h-(instead of inclusive) Analysis will be presented by J. Albrecht HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
Search for K0 μ+μ- s [arxiv:1209.4029v2, Subm. JHEP] ππ hypothesis μμ hypothesis K0 π+π s s Yet unobserved FCNC decay with BR (SM) = (5.0±1.5) x 10-12 The current 90% CL experimental limit dates from 1973: BR < 3.2 x 10-7 Peaking background from K0 π+π-decays is shifted due to μ - π mass difference. Good mass resolution helps containing it. Discrimination through a BDT (geometrical and kinematic), trained on data and calibrated on K0 π+π-data HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
Search for K0 μ+μ- s s Normalisation to translate number of signal decays into a branching fraction: Use CLs method to determine an upper limit on the branching fraction BR (K0 μ+μ-) < 9(11) x 10-9 at 90 (95) % CL 35 times better than previous result Summary of all neutral flavoured mesons to μ+μ- decays: HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
Isospinasymmetry in B K(*)μ+μ- [JHEP 07 (2012) 133] [JHEP 01 (2003) 074] The isospin asymmetry in BK(*)μ+μ- is defined as: It is predicted to be very small in the SM Integrated over q2 , over 4σ deviation from zero for B K μ+μ- 2012 data should allow errors to be halved. HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
Analysis of B+→K+μ+μ− • FCNC process, sensitive to modifications of the helicity structure [arxiv:1209.4284, Subm. JHEP] Decay rate can be expressed in terms of the angle θl between the μ- and the K+ in the dimuon rest frame: Event yield 1232 ± 40 of B+→K+μ+μin 1.0 fb-1 Differential branching fraction, using B+J/ψ K+as normalisation channel. Consistently below SM prediction at low q2. Integrating dB/dq2 gives BR(B+→K+μ+μ) = (4.36±0.18) x 10-7 HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
B+→K+μ+μ−angular analysis [arXiv:1209.4284, Subm. JHEP] • AFB expected to be zero in the SM, can be up to 0.15 in NP models • FH also close to zero in the SM, can be up to 0.5 in NP models • AFB and FH are determined from a simultaneous fit to mass and cos(θl) • The results are consistent with the SM HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
Other topics - Electroweak physics • Soft QCD physics • Upgrade potential HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
Z→ ττproductioncross-section • Z-production cross-section is an important verification of SM predictions • Inclusive W, Zμμproduction cross-sections published earlier this year • (from 37/pb data taken in 2010) [JHEP 06 (2012) 058] • New result: inclusive Z ττcross section based on 2011 data set of 1/fb Signal topologies and channels [arXiv 1210.6289, Subm .JHEP] • Observed : 124 • Bkg : 42 • Signal : 82 σppZττ= 71.4 ± 3.5 (stat.) ± 2.8 (syst.) ± 2.5 (lumi.) pb HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
pA collisions in LHCb Test run with pA collisions on September 13 in all 4 LHC experiments Several hours of data taking with L ~ 5 x 1025cm2/s with stable conditions No problem of multiplicities in the detector, similar to pp collisions KS and Λ peaks reconstructed offline Good expectations for the January (pA, Ap) run HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
LHCb sensitivity to key flavour channels • Unique potential Bs / b baryon sector • Charged particle final states far in excess of other facilities [LHCb-PUB-2012-009] HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012
Conclusions -15.7 A measurement of γ from a combination of B Dh± analyses has been presented. The obtained value of γ = (71.1 +16.6)oreaches the precision of the B-factories. Good prospects for precision measurement in the future. LHCb observed D0-D0 mixing. The no mixing hypothesis is excluded with a significance ff 9.1σ. The measurement agrees wit the one of other experiments, but has substantially better precision. LHCb observes an excess of Bs μμcandidates with respect t0 the background expectations. The upper limit on K0shas been improved by 35 times since the previous measurement,entering the region where constraint becomes interesting – though SM is still a long way to go. Measurements presented here use (mainly) the 2011 dataset of 1.0/fb. By the end of 2012, expect to triple the dataset, looking forward to new exciting results next spring. HCP 2012 - Kyoto, November 12-16, 2012