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T h e Di s trict Me m b e r sh ip S e m i n ar D 24 5 1 Se p te m ber 20 1 3. P P M agd a Sa de k RC o f Al e x. C o s m opo l i t a n m agoud55@g m a i l . co m. Sa t e l l i te. Rota r y & Clubs. C l ubs. ●. E-. S a t elli t e R o t ary C l u b:.
The District Membership Seminar D2451 September 2013 PP MagdaSadek RC of Alex. Cosmopolitanmagoud55@gmail.com
Satellite Rotary & Clubs Clubs ● E-
Satellite Rotary Club: What is a satellite club? A satellite club is defined as: “a potentialclub whose members shall also be members of the sponsor club”. "If satellite clubs fail, the members are far more likely to remain Rotarians because they are members of the host club. ● ●
Satellite Rotary Club Satelliteclubs are a new way to start aRotary club.When a Satellite club isready, it may apply to Rotary for regular club status. Howlong can aSatellite club exist? ● Satelliteclubs are intended asatemporary step on the way to becoming afull, independent Rotary club. However,there isno time limit on these clubs. ●
Satellite Rotary Club: Meetings: Members meet when it suits, on the net, on thephone, ata members house, in the pub, at the coffee shop, over lunchor even McDonalds. ● During meetings they promote their interestsbesideshelping their main Club and discussRotary projectsin community business Rotary the ●
Satellite Rotary Club Administration: Is a satelliteclub chartered? No.A satellite club may be thought of as ● an alternate meeting time and place of the host club. The satellite club isnot an official independent Rotaryclub. ●
Satellite Rotary Club Nameof a satellite club? The host club, hasflexibility in the the satelliteclub. naming of ● If the satellite club eventually becomesa separate Rotaryclub and chartered in itsown right,the charter members could change the name if they so desire ●
Satellite Rotary Club Do clubs have to notify RI of their satellite club(s)? Yes. Host clubs are required to notify ● RI ● of their satellite clubs by completing an online form.
Satellite RotaryClub A club mayhave up to 3 satellite clubs. ● The deadline for establishing satellite clubs is 1 July ●
Satellite Rotary Club Officersof the Satellite Club:, The program rules do notrequire officersfor the satelliteclub. A host club may institute officersfor the satellite club, but these satelliteclub officers willnot be officially recognized byRotary International. The host club’s officersare the officially recognized officersfor both the host club and satellite club(s). ● ● ●
Satellite Rotary Club Tomanage the satellite club’s meetings: It isup to the club to determine how best to manage the satellite club’s meetings including taking attendance,etc. Some clubs may appoint a club officer to regularly attend the satellite club meeting, othersmay rotate officersto attend the satellite club,and others may create ad hoc officersor other roles tomanage the satellite club meetings. ●
Satellite Rotary Club Do the host club and the satellite club(s) ever have to meet? Yes, the host club and satellite club(s) must meet in person at least once a quarter ●
Satellite Rotary Club RI dues andsatellite clubs? RI dues are payable for each memberregardless ofwhether the member attends the hostclub’s or satellite club’s meeting. Club dues,club fees ● ● a) Annualclub dues: Recognizing thatallmembers are officially hostclub members. Club duesforthe satellite and hostclub areup to thehost and satellite club to determine. b) Meal/beverage costs and associated meeting location fees: an amount determined by the host club. Thesecosts may varysignificantly between the hostand satellite club(s). ●
Satellite Rotary Club Howmany members are requiredfor a satellite club? Assatellite clubsare not chartered clubs,there areno minimum numbersfor the satellite club. However, you willwant to ensure thatthere are enough membersofthe satellite to have an engaging and productive meeting. Howdo weinduct members into the satellite club? ● The membersare officially membersofthehost club. The induction rulesand membership requirementsfor the host club andsatellite club mustbethe same. ● membersget to vote in hostclubelections. ●
Satellite RotaryClub Attendance requirements There isno difference between attending host club orsatellite club meeting: the ● Attendance at either meeting countsfor the club attendancerequirements. And attendanceat either meeting also counts toward the requirement to attend at least30% of club’s meetings in each half ofthe year. ● ●
Satellite Rotary Club Joining a Rotary Satellite Club: A newconcept encouraging young people to join a Rotary'Satellite Club within a Club'. Alltheadvantages of full Rotary membershipwithout the financial constraints, variable meeting timesand one affordableannualfee ● ●
Satellite Rotary Club Board Members Satellite clubs set up their own board and have their own officers. However, instead of a president, a satellite clubhas a chair. ● ●
Satellite and E-Clubs RESOURCES & REFERENCE WhatYouNeedtoKnowAboutRotaryE ● ● -Clubs OrganizingNewClubs:AGuideforDistr ● ictGovernorsandSpecialRepresentativ es StandardRotaryClubConstitution ● ● RecommendedRotaryClubBylaws
E-CLUBS Definition: “E-club members are online clubs that use webinars, videoconferencing, message boards, instant messaging, ortoolslike Skype andGoogle Hangout to communicate” Some E-club membersalso meet in person at service projects, social activitiesor the RI Convention. ●
E-CLUBS E-CLUBS Rotarye-clubs are a lot like other Rotary clubs: theymeetweekly, carry out service projects, support The RotaryFoundation, and socialize with eachother. What’sdifferent about e-clubs? ● You join your meeting online when it’s convenient foryou, dayornight, anydayof the week. ●
E-CLUBS WHO CANONE JOIN AN E-CLUB? Each e-club is based in a specific district but its members can be from anywhere in the world. Some e-clubsfocus their membership in a particular region or community. ● ●
E-CLUBS An e-club could be rightfor you if you: Have a busyschedule and need a flexible meetingtime Live in different places throughout the year Travel frequently Have limited mobility AnyRotariancan makeup a missed meeting byparticipating in an e-club online meeting ● ● ● ● ●
E-CLUBS HOW TO START ANE-CLUB? Firstcontact yourDGwho willhelp you getstarted ● E-clubs need: Adedicatedwebsite Foundingmemberswho are able to manage the club’s website An onlinemeetingplatformto hostmeetings Private sectionsof the websitethatonlymembers can access to protectmembers’online personaldata Onlinefinancialtransaction systemsthatallowmembers topay dues,make donations,or process payments The ability for visitingRotarians to make up a club meeting ● ● ● ● ● ●
E-CLUBS What is the difference betweenRotaryclubs and Rotarye-clubs? Rotary e-clubs followthesamepolicies as allRotary clubs. The key difference is that ane-club conducts its weekly meeting on the club’s website. The officialmeetingtime is considered to be when the webmaster or club secretary posts material for weekly discussion, butmembers may access the siteattheir convenience atany point during the week. Some e-clubs do meetin person at various times throughout the year at service projects,quarterlyorsemiannual dinners, the RIConvention.(optional) ● ● ● ● or
E-CLUBS Requirements of anE-Club As all Rotary clubs do, Rotary e-clubs: meet weekly, performservice projectsin communities, ● ● local andinternational supportThe RotaryFoundation, and enjoy fellowship among members. ● ● The keysto their effectiveness are also the same:service-minded members, opportunities forfellowship, and strong leadership.
E-CLUBS Membership Requirements: A basicInternet skillsset, including the ability to navigate websiteswith ease. A working knowledge of the principles of protectingprivacy online, sothat no club member compromisesanother’s sensitive personal information. It iscritical that at least one of the founding members of the club behighly proficientin the design and maintenance of the club’s website. ● ● ●
E-CLUBS Policies fore-clubs: The RI Bylawsallow for district. two e-clubsper ● Rotary e-clubsare considered by the RI Board to be worldwide. While each e-club isassigned to a district, memberscan come fromany country orgeographical area where Rotary maintains apresence. ●
E-CLUBS Chartering an e-club? Applyingformembership in RI as a RotaryE-club is essentiallythesameprocess as applying as a Rotary club. Contact yourdistrict governorfirst. The governor isresponsible fororganizing and establishing newclubs and willworkwith the district extension committee to that end. The governor will alsoneed to initiate aNewClub Survey and appointa special representativeand sponsorclub to assist in planning. ● ● ● ●