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Flow charts for comparison of Bronchitis and Emphysema

Flow charts for comparison of Bronchitis and Emphysema. Valencia Community College Nursing II – Summer 2007. Bronchitis Obese Edematous Cyanotic Distended Neck Veins (JVD) Clubbing. Emphysema Thin Cachectic Barrel Chest Increase Accessory Chest Muscles Clubbing. Appearance.

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Flow charts for comparison of Bronchitis and Emphysema

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Flow charts for comparison of Bronchitis and Emphysema Valencia Community College Nursing II – Summer 2007

  2. Bronchitis Obese Edematous Cyanotic Distended Neck Veins (JVD) Clubbing Emphysema Thin Cachectic Barrel Chest Increase Accessory Chest Muscles Clubbing Appearance

  3. Bronchitis After age 35 Recurrent respiratory infections Emphysema After age 50 Insidious Progressive dyspnea Onset

  4. Bronchitis Usually Persistent Productive of copious mucopurulent sputum Emphysema Usually Absent or mild Scant clear sputum if any Smoking/Cough

  5. Bronchitis Rhonci Wheezing Emphysema Distant or diminished Hyperresonant percussion Lung Sounds

  6. Bronchitis Hypercapnia Hypoxemia Respiratory Acidosis Emphysema Normal or mild hypoxemia Normal ph ABG’s

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