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NEJLA İŞEN 2009503081 Industrial Engineering Department Dokuz Eylül University , TURKEY. WHAT IS ERGONOMICS?. Ergonomics is total information that can be used to machines , equipments with maximum comfort , h igh security and equanimity by people . DUTY OF ERGONOMIST.
NEJLA İŞEN 2009503081 Industrial Engineering Department Dokuz Eylül University , TURKEY
WHAT IS ERGONOMICS? Ergonomics is total informationthat can be usedtomachines,equipmentswithmaximumcomfort, highsecurityandequanimitybypeople.
DUTY OF ERGONOMIST Ergonomists are concerned with the complex physical relationships between people, machines, job demands and work methods.
DESCRIPTION OF ERGONOMICS Ergonomics is a well disciplined field that considers the employees’ biological and psychological properties and presentsthe technological and natural laws ofhuman-machine-environment harmony.
HISTORICAL • Ergonomicexperiences have been investigatedsincethe existence of human beingbut F.W. Taylor hasstudied Ergonomics as a disquisition. • Frank and Lilian Gilbert carried out studies on “motion”. • The first book of ergonomics titled as "psychology in industrial activities” was issued by Munsterberg. • The term “Ergonomics” firstly was suggested and accepted atOxford university in 1949 by Murrellwith alot of scientists.
PURPOSE OF ERGONOMICS First purpose of ergonomics is toincrease productivity, job security of human and machine's combination. One of the basic purposes is to optimizetheconnection between persons and their surroundings.
AIMS OF ERGONOMICS Provide job security and employees’ welfare Prevent from missing of labour force Reduction in frazzle and work stress Minimization of industrial accidents and occupational risks Increased productivity and quality Ergonomics is employed to fulfill the two goals of health and productivity
ONE OF THE BASIC PURPOSES One of the basic purposes is to optimize the connection between persons and theirsurroundings.
VARIETIES OF ERGONOMICS 1-) Humanmachinesectiontechonology - accoutrementergonomics 2-) Humanenvironmentsectiontechonology - environmentalergonomics 3-)Human software sectiontechonology - cognitiveergonomics 4-) Humanworksectiontechnology - workdesignergonomics 5-) Humanorganizationsectiontechonology - macroergonomics
OCCUPATION FIELDS OF ERGONOMICS • Anatomy anthropometry industrial engineering • Orthopedy bio-mechanic bio-engineering • Physiology and job physiology system engineering • Medicine industrial hygiene security engineering • Psychology management military engineering • Sociology labor force relations computer supported design
RESULTS OF ERGONOMICS PRACTICES • To understand of done work effects on employees' bodies and their performance's • To estimate effects of long term potential or cumulative on employees • To determine workplace or/and equipments for employee convenience to do any job • Selecting the optimal one way of "adapt staff to duty" or " adapt duty to staff" • To supply improvement of productivity and welfare of employees
ADVANTAGES IN WORKPLACE • Get better quality level • To decide more healthful and solutions will be more correct • Employee creativity will improve with interactioncost will be decreasing, production will be increasing. • Human relations will be getting better and people will tolerate listening and criticising each other • Hierarchical situation will be flexible • Job accidents, discontinuous to work and labor force term will decrease • Directorate qualifications and skills of staff will develop • Staff will realize their values and importances
ERGONOMICS IN TURKEY Ergonomics is a quite new topic in Turkey. Firstly ergonomics has begun as “Sources Of Alive Force In Agriculture” in the faculty ofagriculture at Ankarauniversty.
DO YOU KNOW THIS? In 1980’s, industrial engineering department of Dokuz Eylül University has brought alot of modern laboratory devices from abroad and has added "ergonomics“ class to its curriculum. The department also arranged the first and second Turkish-German ergonomics symposiums and the proceedings of these symposiums were printed as a book which is an important source for ergonomics researchers.