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University of Palestine Dept. of Architecture @ Urban Planning Introduction to Planning ( EAGD 3304 ) M.A. Architect: Tayseer Mushtaha Email: mushtaha_t@yahoomail.com 03/11/2008. THE DISCUSSION FOR TODAY WILL COVER,,, Regional planning definition Regional planning principles
University of Palestine Dept. of Architecture @ Urban Planning Introduction to Planning ( EAGD 3304 ) M.A. Architect: Tayseer Mushtaha Email: mushtaha_t@yahoomail.com 03/11/2008
THE DISCUSSION FOR TODAY WILL COVER,,, • Regional planning definition • Regional planning principles • Importance of regional planning • Divisions of regions • REGIONAL PLANNING
REGIONAL PLANNING • Regional Planning could be defined as the comprehensive use of natural resources through regional production specialization. “Sen Gubia“ الاستغلال الكامل للموارد الطبيعية عن طريق التخصص الإنتاجي الإقليمي بسبب المزايا الطبيعية لكل إقليم . SOURCE: …Dr Nihad Almughany-Int to Planning- 1st s. 2007/8
REGIONAL PLANNING The Region : a geographic part with economic and social attributes that make it different from other parts “ Lineman “. The Regionis a unique area - each region expresses physical and cultural differences “ Renner “ . Each Region hasits unique properties that show the attributes of land, climate, agriculture and human “ Dickenson “. SOURCE: …Dr Nihad Almughany-Int to Planning- 1st s. 2007/8
THE REGION • The planned regions consists of three basic elements : • A homogeneous area of land . • A central nuclear heart. • Road, transport and services networks. SOURCE: …Dr Nihad Almughany-Int to Planning- 1st s. 2007/8
REGIONAL PLANNING - Principles • Regional Planning includes the scientific operations and methods lead to a comprehensive decisions that aim to a sound regional development in order to implement the planned aims in production and investment programs and projects in a specific area and for a defined period of time. “ John Friedman “ • يتضمن التخطيط الإقليمي العمليات والأساليب العلمية التي يتم في ضوئها اتخاذ مجموعة متكاملة من القرارات ، بهدف الإسراع بعجلة التنمية الإقليمية بطريقة سليمة ، بحيث تحقق الأهداف المرسومة في صورة برامج ومشروعات إنتاجية واستثمارية واستهلاكية في منطقة معينه ولفترات زمنية محددة . SOURCE: …Dr Nihad Almughany-Int to Planning- 1st s. 2007/8
REGIONAL PLANNING - Principles • Regional Planning meaning comes from its objectives which are : • Conservation of natural resources and the utilization of it . • Raw materials and products transport control • Development of environment to match the needs of society. “ Benton Mac-Kaye “ • معنى التخطيط الإقليمي يتحدد من أهدافه الرئيسية التي يمكن اختصارها في : • المحافظة على الموارد الطبيعية وتحقيق استغلالها • التحكم في نقل السلع والمواد الخام • تطوير البيئة لكي تتمشى مع مطالب المجتمع SOURCE: …Dr Nihad Almughany-Int to Planning- 1st s. 2007/8
IMPORTANCE OFRegional planning The importance of Regional Planning emerges from the following : • The population trends • Increase rate • Shortness of agricultural land • Accumulation in urban areas • The ideal use of regional resources • Unemployment and emigration • Regional balance • Rapid urbanization • Services in country areas • Link between regional and local society SOURCE: …Dr Nihad Almughany-Int to Planning- 1st s. 2007/8
Division into Regions • Division into Administrative Regions التقسيم إلى أقاليم إدارية • Division into Economic Regions التقسيم إلى أقاليم اقتصادية • Division into Planning Regions التقسيم إلى أقاليم تخطيطية SOURCE: …Dr Nihad Almughany-Int to Planning- 1st s. 2007/8
Division into Regions Types of Planning Regions : أنواع الأقاليم التخطيطية • Urban Regions ( Metropolitan cities ) • Rural Regions ( a number of towns , villages and agricultural areas ) • Natural resources Regions ( mines , Petroleum, stone quarries , …etc ) SOURCE: …Dr Nihad Almughany-Int to Planning- 1st s. 2007/8