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Welcome to Earth and Environmental Science!. Please find an open seat. Please DO NOT touch anything on the desks. Bell Ringer. Most days we will have a bell ringer quiz for about the first 5 minutes. This quiz will cover material we have already had or homework – you MAY use your notes.
Welcome to Earth and Environmental Science! Please find an open seat. Please DO NOT touch anything on the desks.
Bell Ringer • Most days we will have a bell ringer quiz for about the first 5 minutes. • This quiz will cover material we have already had or homework – you MAY use your notes. • Todays bell ringer • Get out materials and something to write with. • Please put your back pack or other materials UNDER the table. • Find where the assignments are located on the board. Write down your homework (I will talk about it in a minute).
Class Norms • Please enter the classroom ready to work. • Get out your materials and please put your back pack UNDER the table. Start your bell ringer, get out any assignments, write down your homework. • This is a good time to ask me to use the bathroom. I prefer you to use the bathroom in passing, but if that is not possible you can come to class and ask me.
Class Norms Cont. • Put your cells phones away!!!!!! They should be off and in your bag! • We are a science classroom-I do not want food in here! You may only have a water bottle out on your desk.
Biggies! • RESPECT • I respect you as a person and student. Please be respectful or me, others, and our classroom! • You give me my time, I try my hardest to give you your time. • RESPONSIBILTY • Be responsible for your actions. Make good choices because actions have consequences. • I am not perfect!
OK…What about THIS class?! • What will we study? • Earth’s role as a body in space. • The processes and forces that affect the lithosphere. • The impact of human influences on the lithosphere. • The structure and processes within the hydrosphere. • Evaluate how humans use water. • The structure, processes, and functions of the atmosphere. • Analyzing global climate change over time. • The biomes and biodiversity of North Carolina. • Evaluating human behaviors and how likely they are to ensure sustainability on Earth.
How will I be Graded? • You will be graded on a total points system. • Each assignment will be worth a certain number of points and your grade/percentage will be calculated by points Earned/ Total Points. • Tests, Labs, and Projects will be worth the most points -on average 100-150, quizzes, class work, and other assessments are on average 70-50, and homework varies from 30-down. • You can easily keep a list of your grades and calculate your average. Divide your total points earned by the total points possible. Earned/Total Points = %
Test Corrections and Make-Ups • Your homework will be posted on the class website bit.ly/wkimball. If you are absent, please check the class website and get your assignment. • Please turn late work in as soon as possible if you have missed a class. • Full credit will not be given for late work. • Late projects and labs will have 10% of the grade deducted each class day, i.e. a letter grade each day late. • Late homework will receive half credit. • Remember, you are responsible for showing me late work. I will not ask you to show me. • You will be allowed to re-take a test and an average of the two tests will become your new grade. • You must have all homework completed in order to correct a test! • You must schedule a time with me to re-take a test. I am at school by 8:00 most mornings.
Materials • Notebook-I suggest a 3 ring binder with dividers. If you like using a 5 subject notebook you may, but you need something to put class handouts in. • Pen/Pencil • Colored pencils, markers, highlighters, etc. • Positive attitude • Donations of tissues, hand sanitizer, paper towels, and colored paper would be greatly appreciated!
How to get in contact with me • Wendyj.kimball@cms.k12.nc.us • Bit.ly/wkimball • Email is the best way to get into contact with me. • If you would like to be on a class email list please email me. If your parents would like to be on an email list as well, please have them email me. • Put YOUR NAME and CLASS (1A) in subject
Mystery Cubes • What questions do you have about the cube in front of you? • What is on the other side? • What is inside? • What is on the bottom? • What is on the bottom? • What evidence do you have to support your idea?
Some thoughts… • Cube 1 • You can see 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 • Even numbers are shaded • Opposite numbers add to 7 • There is a missing number in the sequence
Hmmmm… • Cube 2 • The sides include names and numbers • The sides are colored • Opposite names have the same color • One male name and one female name • Number in the upper right correspond to the number of letters in the name • Numbers in the lower left correspond with the number of letters shared by both names • Numbers in the upper right form a sequence 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 • Upper-right numbers on opposite sides sum to 10
Discuss • List and briefly explain all of the ways that you were acting/thinking like a scientists during the mystery cube? • What are some important aspects if science that you did not encounter during the experience?