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Equal Opportunities & Diversity @ the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies. A Very Short Introduction. Faculty Committees. Research and doctoral committee / ODC Teaching Cell / onderwijscel (OC) Teaching Committee of the International Programme (TCIP)
Equal Opportunities & Diversity @the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies A Very Short Introduction
Faculty Committees Research and doctoral committee / ODC Teaching Cell / onderwijscel (OC) Teaching Committee of the International Programme (TCIP) Permanente Onderwijscommissie (POC) IT committee / Stuurgroep IT Equal Opportunities and Diversity Working Group / Werkgroep Gelijke Kansen en Diversiteit
Where does the Working Group fit in? Faculty Council/ Faculteitsraad Faculty Board/ Faculteitsbestuur • Teaching Cel / Onderwijscel • IT Committee / Stuurgroep IT • Equal opportunity and diversity / (WGKD) • Research & Doctoral council/(ODC) • Permanente OnderwijsCommissie • Teaching Committee International Programme
Who are we? 2 promoters: A. Dillen, M. Lamberigts ABAP representatives: K. Schelkens, M. Moyaert, E. Nathan, J. Binon, J. Lambelin, N. Nonterah, A. Kirk 2 ATP representatives: R. Dehaes, S. Vanneste Faculty Board: J. Leemans Faculty contact person (Students): F. Depoortere We have regular meetings (4 meetings in 2012-2013)
Mission The Working Group on Equal Opportunities and Diversity at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies seekstoactivelycontributetorealizing the goals of the university’s Diversity Policy, as formulatedby the Centre for Equal Opportunities and Diversity of the KU Leuven (http://www.kuleuven.be/diversiteit/). The Working Group wishestopromote policy processes and regulationsthatguaranteeequalopportunities in the academicrealm, whether at the levels of research, teaching, academic service, or administration. The Working Group considersitsroletobeone of promoting awareness, stimulatinginitiatives and maintainingvigilance.
Broader University Framework Diversity Counsil 2012-2013 Leden College van Bestuur Karen Maex Ludo Melis Tine Baelmans Leden van Faculteitsbesturen en Centrale Diensten Katrien Lagrou Patrick Onghena Yolande Berbers Mieck Vos Experten of ervaringsdeskundigen Bart Raymaekers Johan Leman Ruth Stokx (plaatsvervanger Johan Leman) Katlijn Malfliet Maddy Janssens Sam Michiels Ann Dewicke Andere Leden Anya Topolski Sarah Bracke (plaatsvervanger Anya Topolski) Evelyn De Ruyck Stafmedewerkers Diversiteitsbeleid Heidi Mertens Marjan Van Aerschot
A glimpse of the inner dynamics of the Working Group “To date, the initiatives taken by the Faculty regarding Equal Opportunities and Diversity have been on a practical level. Our working group wants to extend this positive way of thinking to a more theoretical level. We want to reflect on diversity theologically. So we would like to set in motion a fascinating process of reflection, which is relevant and challenging to everyone.”
What has been done? Lecture Series 2009-2010 Throughout the academic year of 2009-2010, in collaboration with several research units and research centres, six lectures/seminars were organised. NicolaasStandaert (Leuven), Intercultural Contacts between China and Christianity, Interdisciplinary Centre for Religious Studies and World View, 11 December, 2009. Angela Berlis (Bern), Doing Theology, Doing Gender. Experiences in the Alma Mater and in Church Life, Research Unit History of Church and Theology, 4 February 2010. JaquelineKool (Utrecht), The Other = Like You. Thoughts on Disability, Theology and the Quest for Inclusion, Research Unit Pastoral Theology, 26 February 2010. Fernando Segovia (Vanderbilt), Biblical Interpretation since the 1970s through Today and Beyond: Diversifying Approaches, Critics and Traditions, Research unit Biblical Studies, 10 May 2010. Linda Hogan (Dublin), Gender and Culture as Dimensions of Bodiliness, Research Unit Theological Ethics, 12 May 2010. Esperanza Bautista Parejo (Madrid), Gender Equality in Faculties of Theology and at Work, Centre for Liberation Theologies and the Centre for Women’s Studies, 27 May 2010.
Reflection questions that emerged from the 2009-2010 lecture series How can we as theologians retain our passion for our research? How can we as academic theologians, maintain our alliance with and service to developments in Church and society? In what way are we as theologians caught up in mechanisms of power and authority? How do Church historians perceive the role of women in the history of the Church? How can we critically analyse this particular historical debate? In what way does confidence in academic research and the concrete reality of the Faculty of Theology stand in relationship to each other? What mechanisms of academic clericalism (negative loyalty, obedience) are present in the faculty? Is it possible to sustain a diversity of theological perspectives, or is the “spectrum of thought” determined by the normative boundaries of theology? In what way is our theological speaking subconsiously ideological? Which perspectives are able to make our theology ‘fruitful’? How can we cultivate discussion that does not immediately run up against defence mechanisms (direct confrontation or diplomatic approach)?
Study Day, 27 April 2011 “How Diverse Can Diversity Be?” The Case of the Faculty of Theology, KU Leuven
2012-2013 In searcH of new initiatives geared toward fostering more engagement
Issues of Diversity & Equal Opportunities in… • Teaching • At the faculty • Diversity in course subjects • Methods in dealing with and making use of the potential of diversity in class • Cultural diversity • Religious diversity • Issues of polarization • Issues of (theological) normativity • Equal opportunities in class? • Research • At the faculty • Tension between academic freedom of speech and the connection to the Catholic Church • Diversity in research domains • Is the diversity of the ‘outside world’ integrated in research (content and methods) • How does your research interact with questions of diversity and equal opportunities? • (infra) structure • of the Faculty • Accessible faculty? • Issues related to gender • Combination work and family life • Support for people with a disability • Language issues • Diversity reflected in ZAP?