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PROMOTING EQUALITY, DIVERSITY and INCLUSION. DEFINITION. EQUALITY DIVERSITY INCLUSION. EQUALITY Equality defined basically means equal rights for people regardless of what factors they might have that are different. Equality states that because they are human they must be equal. DIVERITY
EQUALITY • Equality defined basically means equal rights for people regardless of what factors they might have that are different. Equality states that because they are human they must be equal.
DIVERITY • Diversity is a commitment to recognizing and appreciating the variety of characteristics that make individuals unique in an atmosphere that promotes and celebrates individual and collective achievement.
Examples of these characteristics are: age; cognitive style; culture; disability (mental, learning, physical); economic background; education; ethnicity; gender identity; geographic background; language(s) spoken; marital/partnered status; physical appearance; political affiliation; race; religious beliefs; sexual orientation.
INCLUSION • The right for all children to participate fully in the curriculum.
LAW & LEGISLATION • Every Child Matters/Children Act 2004 (SHEEP) • Race Relations • Disability Discrimination Act • Human Rights • UN Convention • Sex Discrimination
EQUALITY ACT 2010 • The Equality Act 2010 harmonises and replaces previous legislation and ensures consistency of application. • The Equality Act 2010 covers the same groups that were covered by the existing legislation: and extends the same protection to characteristics not previously covered. • It strengthens particular aspects of equality law and necessitates a review of some existing polices and procedures.
PROTECTED CHARACTERISTICS • Age • Disability • Race • Religion and Belief • Sex • Sexual Orientation • Marriage and Civil Partnerships • Pregnancy and Maternity
Discrimination Direct.... When somebody is treated les favourably than another person because of a protected characteristic they have or they are thought to have or by association. By Perception.... Because others think that they posses a particular characteristic.
DISCRIMINATION. cont.. Indirect When there is a rule or condition that applies to everyone, but particularly disadvantages someone with a protected characteristic, unless it can be justified as a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.
Harresment • Unwanted conduct related to a relevent protected characteristic, which has a purpose or effect of violating an individuals dignity or creating an intimidatory, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for the individual.
VICTIMISATION • When someone is being treated badly because they have made or supported a complaint or raised a grievance under the Equality Act ( or because they are suspected of doing so) it is no longer the case that you have to compare treatment with someone who has not made or supported a complaint.
OTHER KEY FEATURES • Positive Action – April 2011 • Pre-employment health checks • Extension of Employment Tribunal powers • Pay Secrecy – removed • Flexible working
Activity • Case studies In your groups, discuss and make judgements on the given scenarios. 10 minute activity Discuss findings
This Act received royal consent on 8th April 2010, it will provide a single legal framework wit clearer legislation to effectively tackle disadvantage and discrimination. • The Act came into force in October 2010, a draft code of practice should have been available for schools in May 2011.
The principles and values of equality, diversity and inclusion should underpin all work with children. • All children are special and unique, they all have individual needs because they perceive the world differently. All children, including identical twins have different life experiences which affect their view of the world.
POLOCIES & PROCEDURESIN SCHOOLS The Equality Act would be relevant to policies within the school such as: • Equal opportunities • Inclusion • Special Educational Needs • Bullying • Anti Harassment
Anti-discriminatory practice Definition: • Practice that encourages a positive view of difference, and opposes negative attitudes and practices that leave to unfavourable treatment of people. • Discrimination is not always obvious. • It can result in low self-esteem.
Inclusive practice • Definition: • Organised in a way that enable all to take a full and active part, and meeting the needs of all children. • All children and young people should be included in all types of learning regardless of disabilities, age, gender, religion or learning difficulties. • All children’s individual needs should be met by assessing the child’s needs and provide support systems to suit the child’s needs.
Valuing diversity • Before we can implement anti- discriminatory and anti-bias practice, we firstly need to recognise the diversity of our society and value this diversity as a positive factor.
Non-judgemental • Childcare practitioners need to adopt an approach that is non- judgemental when working with children and their families. • Traditions, beliefs and parenting styles may be different and should not be judged as being better or worse.
Activity • Within your groups discuss how we provide a positive environment that promotes equality and celebrates diversity. • How as Teaching Assistants to we ensure we promote anti-discriminatory practice. • What impact does discrimination have on children
How can practitioners promote anti- discriminatory practice? • Examine their own attitudes and values. • Challenge language and attitudes that are offensive or abusive. • Create a positive environment within the setting. • Increase and cascade knowledge and understanding of people who have different beliefs that ourselves. • Gain access to training to increase ability to provide for the needs of all.
Create a positive environment • Provide resources including: Books, posters, jigsaws and displays. • Encourage all children to participate in full range of activities that avoid stereotyping. • Have an equal opportunities perspective as an integral element of curriculum planning. • Ensure that the environment and activities are accessible to all. • Monitor and evaluate provision to ensure the need of all are met.
Parents/carers • Can contribute to the environment and should have opportunities to share their background, culture, language and other experiences.
Responsibility • Practitioners working with children/young people have a responsibility to lead by example because children/young people learn by copying and imitating what they see around them. • Providing children/young people with a positive environment which is safe, secure and supportive will develop personal skills and attitudes which will value the diversity of people within their community.
Remember • Discrimination is not always obvious. • It is important to recognise we are all individuals. • Never stereotype or label children.
Next week you will work in groups to design a poster or presentation on an area of Equality, Diversity or Inclusion. • This will be presented on the 5th December and assessed against the criteria for this unit.