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Explore the history, objectives, achievements, and future prospects of the Agricultural Consultative Forum (ACF) which aims to engage stakeholders in shaping agriculture policies and promoting sector development in Zambia.

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  2. INTRODUCTION • ACF Existed since 1998 • ACF is now a registered stakeholder Forum

  3. BACKGROUND • Market Liberalisation and Reforms • ASIP introduced in 1996 as main tool • Transition to private sector-driven agricultural sector • Mid-term review of ASIP in 1998 • Noted public sector dominance

  4. BIRTH OF ACF • To re-focus ASIP on fostering Private - Public Sector partnerships • Forum to engage stakeholders in processes of policy formulation • Later transformed from ‘ASIP - CF’ to ‘AGRICULTURAL - CF’ to focus on long-term agricultural development issues

  5. Participation • Need for all sector stakeholders to be involved during all stages of the programme cycle. • This ensures ownership of a demand-driven and sustainable development process • Development not only brought by Govt. but needs active participation of stakeholders

  6. OBJECTIVES OF ACF • To facilitate continuous consultation among stakeholders in agricultural sector • To advise on formulation, updating, designing and operationalisation of Agricultural Policy • To develop and constantly review the principles governing actions of stakeholders affecting the agricultural Sector • To provide a framework for greater understanding and broader commitment to the agricultural sector goals, thus reducing the likelihood of duplication and inconsistency among stakeholders

  7. OUTPUTS OF THE ACF • Expert Issue-based Reports • Institutionalised Consultative Mechanism • Forum Meetings and Seminars • Advisory Notes on specific issues

  8. ACF MEMBERSHIP • Good Diversity of membership • 45 Members • Vibrant membership • Interest Group membership • Each Member plays specific role • ACF is not a lobby group for stakeholders but a Forum for consensus building • Supported by a Full-time Secretariat


  10. ACF SECRETARIAT • ACF supported by a small lean Secretariat • Co-ordinator • Programmes Officer • M&E officer • Support staff • Accountant • Office Orderly • Driver

  11. FINANCING ACF • Basket funding • USAID • Royal Netherlands Embassy • Royal Norwegian Embassy • GTZ • Stakeholder Contributions

  12. EMERGING ISSUES • Complexity and Diversity of the sector stakeholders • Duality of the sector • Institutional vacuum in agro-services • Dependency syndrome • Poverty Alleviation vs. Development • Low competitiveness • Mistrust between private and public sector

  13. ACHIEVEMENTS OF ACF • POLICY DOCUMENTS • Input into National Agricultural policy • Input into Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper - Input into agric marketing plan • Input into input marketing plan • Input into the irrigation plan • Input to The Fifth National Development Plan • STAKEHOLDER PROJECTS • Links to Food Security Research Project • FANRPAN

  14. ACHIEVEMENTS OF ACF • Enhanced continuous consultation amongst agricultural sector stakeholders. • Increased sense of ownership of the agricultural sector policy initiatives and development projects. • Strengthened public/private sector partnerships. • Influenced agricultural policy through Advisory Notes. • Being considered as a model by other sectors in the region, i.e., Environment, Tourism and Natural Resources sector

  15. STAKEHOLDER PERCEPTIONS OF ACF ROLE • Acknowledge importance of ACF • Emphasise the need for ACF to adjust to emerging issues • Extend focus beyond agricultural Production • More stakeholder driven in-depth analysis • Strategic links and alliances with others – FSRP, Millers, other line Ministries. • Participate in MACO taskforces

  16. FUTURE OF ACF • Improve role of private sector • Key role in monitoring of the PRSP/FNDP • Policy advisory even at regional level ie Through COMESA, and NEPAD/CAADP

  17. Conclusion • Stakeholder consultation is a non-negotiable in Zambian agricultural development

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