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台 北 榮 總 肺 癌 診 療 共 識 V.2.0 2008. 台北榮總肺癌團隊 Revised on 2008/02/25 Released on 2008/03/17. 台北榮總肺癌多專科團隊核心人員. 胸腔內科. 彭瑞鹏. 蔡俊明. 李毓芹. 賴信良. 陳育民. 邱昭華. 胸外. 許文虎. 吳玉琮. 放射. 許明輝. 吳美翰. 病理. 周德盈. 李永賢. 放療. 顏上惠. 陳一瑋. Lababede, O. et al. Chest 1999;115:233-235. NSCLC TNM Staging.
台 北 榮 總 肺 癌 診 療 共 識V.2.0 2008 台北榮總肺癌團隊 Revised on 2008/02/25 Released on 2008/03/17
台北榮總肺癌多專科團隊核心人員 胸腔內科 彭瑞鹏 蔡俊明 李毓芹 賴信良 陳育民 邱昭華 胸外 許文虎 吳玉琮 放射 許明輝 吳美翰 病理 周德盈 李永賢 放療 顏上惠 陳一瑋
Lababede, O. et al. Chest 1999;115:233-235 NSCLC TNM Staging
Regional Lymph Node Classification for Lung Cancer Staging How to Approach • - Mediastinoscopy • EUS-FNA • EBUS-TBNA • VATS - Extended mediastinoscopy - Mediastinotomy - VATS - Mediastinoscopy; EUS-FNA, EBUS-TBNA - EUS-FNA - VATS - EBUS-TBNA - VATS (limited to 10 and 11) N1=Ipisilateral hilar nodes N2=Subcarinal, ipisilateral mediastinal nodes N3=Contralateral hilar/ mediastinal, or supraclavicular or scalene nodes EUS: Endoscopic Ultrasound; EBUS: Endobronchoscopic ultrasound; FNA: Fine Needle Aspiration; TBNA: Transbronchoscopic Needle Aspiration; VATS: Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery Clifton F. Mountain, CHEST1997
Summary of Evaluation and Treatment • PFT: Necessary for all operable stages • PET (PET/CT) : recommend for all clinical stages, except • stage IV, disseminate M1 • Mediastinoscopy: recommend for all clinical stages, except • Peripheral T1 • Stage IV, disseminate M1 • Brain MRI: recommend for • Stage II T1-2, N1, non-squamous histology • Stage II T3, N0 • All stage III • Stage IV, solitary M1
or Positive negative Surgical resection Mediastinoscopy Routine PET plus selective Mediastinoscopy- Stage I and II (T1-2 N0-1) lesion Chest CT scan PET Central located tumor or mediastinal nodes > 1cm Mediastinal nodes uptake and Negative
Stage IIIA (T1-3, N2) Stage IIIB (T4, N0-1)
正子掃描(PET/CT SCAN):肺癌clinical stage 的pre-treament workup,至於安排時間點是在胸腔電腦斷層(chest-CT)後。 • 除非Chest CT或PET SCAN都無縱膈腔異常發現且主要病灶在週邊(peripheral IA lesion)可以不做縱膈腔鏡外,否則縱膈腔鏡仍是評估縱膈腔淋巴結的gold standard • Brain MRI取代brain CT建議在clinical stage II nonsquamous cell type及stage III以上的病人安排。 • 術中病理檢查若有R1 (microscopic residual tumor) 或R2(macroscopic residual tumor),應視實際情形考慮reresection /(+chemotherapy)或是chemoradiation /(+ chemotherapy)。
NSCL-1 From NCCN guideline, V.2.2008
NSCL-2 From NCCN guideline, V.2.2008
NSCL-3 From NCCN guideline, V.2.2008
NSCL-4 From NCCN guideline, V.2.2008
NSCL-5 From NCCN guideline, V.2.2008
NSCL-6 From NCCN guideline, V.2.2008
NSCL-7 From NCCN guideline, V.2.2008
NSCL-8 From NCCN guideline, V.2.2008
NSCL-9 From NCCN guideline, V.2.2008
NSCL-10 From NCCN guideline, V.2.2008
NSCL-11 From NCCN guideline, V.2.2008
NSCL-12 From NCCN guideline, V.2.2008
NSCL-13 From NCCN guideline, V.2.2008
NSCL-14 From NCCN guideline, V.2.2008
NSCL-15 From NCCN guideline, V.2.2008
PRINCIPLES OF SURGICAL RESECTION • 非緊急狀況下,術前所需影像學檢查應完備。 • 是否可切除(resectablility)之決定建議應由有經驗之胸腔腫瘤外科醫師來決定。 • 如生理狀況許可(physiologically feasible) ,應採取lobectomy或pneumonectomy。 • 如生理狀況受限制(physiologically compromised) ,應採局部切除(Limited resection-segmentectomy or wedge resection) 。 • 在不違背標準腫瘤手術原則下,可採用VATS (Video- assisted thoracic surgery) 。
PRINCIPLES OF SURGICAL RESECTION • N1&N2 node resection and mapping (minimum of three N2 stations sampled or complete lymph node dissection) • 如內科狀況無法開刀(medically inoperable) ,clinical stage I& II病人應接受potential curative radiotherapy。 • 假如解剖位置適當與邊緣可切除乾淨(anatomically appropriate and margin-negative resection) ,採取肺葉保存術式比全肺切除好( lung sparing anatomic resection-sleeve lobectomy preferred over pneumonectomy) 。
PRINCIPLES OF PATHOLOGICAL REVIEW • Pathological review的目的包括: classify lung cancer; determine the extent of invasion; establish status of cancer involvement of surgical margins; determine molecular abnormalities (EGFR) • 所有手術病理報告都應該有肺癌WHO分類。 • Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC): 越來越多證據顯示EGFR mutation與bronchioloalveolar differentiation相關;Pure BAC應無stroma、pleura與lymphatic spaces之侵犯。 • Nonmucinous BAC: TTF-1 (+) CK7 (+) CK20 (-) Mucinuous BAC: TTF-1 (-) CK7 (+) CK20 (+) TTF-1: Thyroid transcription factor-1
PRINCIPLES OF PATHOLOGICAL REVIEW • TTF-1對區分原發或轉移肺腫瘤很重要。大部分原發肺腫瘤TTF-1為陽性,轉移為陰性反應。 • Primary lung adenocarcinoma: TTF-1(+) CK7(+) CK20(-) Metastatic colorectal carcinoma: TTF-1(-) CK7(-) CK20(+) • EGFR mutation之有無與預後相關;如TKI 對exon19 deletion效果良好。 • K-ras與吸煙相關;K-ras與EGFR mutation為mutually exclusive;亦即有K-ras mutation對TKI治療效果不佳(K-ras with intrinsic resistance to TKI) 。 TKI: Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor EGFR: Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
Radiation Fields for lung cancer 2D technique
按2008年NCCN guideline的精神,其所建議的放射治療已非傳統二次元定位的方式,而是因應放射治療技術的進步,以電腦斷層評估腫瘤的位置、體積和淋巴結引流的三次元定位方式,來決定照射的角度、劑量和範圍。 • 美國NCCN所建議的放射照射劑量並不完全適用於國人,本共識以依國內病人狀況要做適度的調整 。
Recommended Radiation Doses for NSCLC(Modified doses for domestic patients)
Dose Volume Data for Radiation Pneumonitis (Modified for domestic patients) MLD-Mean Lung Dose, LP: percentage of lung that received radiation (Gy)
◎NSCLC Dose: up to 60-66Gy/1.8-2Gy/day ◎Limited SCLC 1.年齡小於等於70歲,PS:0~1,接受CCRT DOSE:50~60 Gy/1.8Gy/day 排程:放療自開始持續做至50~60 Gy,而化學治療自開始先做三個療程後休 息,須重新評估病患治療反應,之後再依實際情形安排接續的治療。 如有CR加做预防性全腦放射治療 (prophylactic cranial irradiation, PCI) DOSE: 30Gy/ 2Gy/ day x15 fractions(一天一次共十五次) 如有PR持續化學治療,但不做PCI 2.年齡大於70歲,PS:0~1,採用接續性化放療(sequential chemoradiotherapy) DOSE:50~60 Gy/1.8Gy/day 排程:連續的三個療程的化學治療後休息,在二週內重新評估 如有CR加做PCI, DOSE: 30Gy/ 2Gy/ day x15 fractions(一天一次共十五次) 如有PR加做胸腔的放療及三個療程的化學治療,但不做PCI 3.如有PD接受第二線化療。 同步化學併放射治療(CCRT)原則
◎第一線 - Gemcitabine (GC-G) G (1000-1250mg/m2) + Cisplatin (60-75mg/m2), Q3-4W. - Vinorelbine (NC-N) Vinorelbine (25-30 mg/m2) + Cisplatin (60-75 mg/m2), Q3-4W. ※Oral Vinorelbine 劑量 = (IV Vinorelbine劑量) x 2.5 - Paclitaxel (TaC or TaC-Ta-Ta) 1.Paclitaxel (160-175 mg/m2)-D1 + Cisplatin (60- 75 mg/m2)-D1, Q3W. 2.Paclitaxel (60-80 mg/m2) -D1,8,15 + Cisplatin (60-75 mg/m2) -D1, Q4W. - Docetaxel (TC or TC-T) 1. Docetaxel (60-75 mg/m2)-D1 + Cisplatin (60-75 mg/m2)-D1, Q3W. 2. Docetaxel (30-35 mg/m2)-D1,8 + Cisplatin (60-75 mg/m2)- D1,Q3W. ※備註: 1. Elderly or poor performance status:cisplatin omited 2. Cisplatin 若改成Carboplatin, 劑量為(CCr+25) x AUC, AUC = 4-6 3. Bevacizumab 7.5 mg/Kgw 可與Gemcitabine/cisplatin或 paclitaxel/carboplatin可並用於第一線化學治療 ◎第二線 - Docetaxel 1. Docetaxel (60 - 75mg/m2)-D1, Q3W. 2. Docetaxel (30 - 35mg/m2)-D1,8, Q3W. - Alimta 1. Alimta (500mg/m2)-D1,Q3W. ◎第三線 - Iressa 250 mg, QD. - Tarceva 150 mg, QD (self pay) 肺癌化學治療用藥準則 – 非小細胞肺癌 ( 臨床試驗病例除外 )
肺癌化學治療用藥準則 – 小細胞肺癌 ( 臨床試驗病例除外 ) ◎ Standard regimens (PVP): 1. Cisplatin (60-75 mg/m2)+ VP-16 (60-80 mg/m2) D1,2,3/ Q3W 2. Carboplatin (AUC=5)D1 + VP-16 (60-80 mg/m2) D1,2,3/ Q3W ◎ Relapsed regimens: 1. Ifosfamide 1000 mg/m2 D1-3 + oral VP16 50 mg D1-10/ Q3W 2. Topotecan 1.5 mg/m2 D1-3 + epirubicin 30 mg/m2 D1/ Q3W
Chemotherapy Regimens for Adjuvant Therapy-Cisplatin base Chemotherapy Regimens for Adjuvant Therapy- Alternative Cisplatin 若改成 Carboplatin, 劑量為 (CCr+25) x AUC, AUC = 4-6
Primary Tracheal Cancer Staging Proposed TNM classification and staging for primary tracheal carcinoma* *Ref: Paolo Macchiarini, Lancet Oncol 2006; 7: 83–91
Primary Tracheal Cancer WORKUP CLINICAL STAGE ADDITIONAL EVALUATION (as clinically indicated) Medical fit for surgery, resectable See Primary Treatment (TRACH-1 ) a Medical unfit for surgery, or unresectable, or surgery not elected and patient medically able to tolerate chemotherapy • Multidisciplinary evaluation is encouraged • PET/CT scan • Consider 3D-CT reconstruction (multi-planar reconstruction, volume rendering technique, minimal intensity projector) b See Primary Treatment (TRACH-2 ) • H&P • CBC, platelet • Chemistry profile • Smoking cessation counseling • PFT • Chest CT scan • Bronchoscopy • Brain MRI Stage I-III, IVA Medical unfit for surgery and patient unable to tolerate chemotherapy See Primary Treatment (TRACH-2 ) Stage IVB Metastatic cancer See Primary Treatment (TRACH-3) a Medically able to tolerate major thoracic surgery b Unresctable tumor: greater than 50% of tracheal length involved by tumor, “frozen”mediastinum, poor general condition of patient, distant metastases in squamous cell carcinoma; Oncologist 1997;2;245-253
Primary Tracheal Cancer PRIMARY TREATMENT ADJUNCTIVE/ADJUVANT TREATMENT Radiation c • Complete resection (R0): • 50Gy over tumor bed and adjacent mediastinum • Incomplete resection with residual margin • R1: • R2: • >60Gy over tumor bed and 50Gy over adjacent • mediastinum Medically fit for surgery, resectable c a Surgery a Medically able to tolerate major thoracic surgery c R0=No cancer at resection margins, R1=Microscopic residual cancer, R2=Macroscopic residual cancer TRACH-1
Primary Tracheal Cancer PRIMARY TREATMENT Medical unfit for surgery, or unresectable, or surgery not elected and patient medically able to tolerate chemotherapy RT, 60Gy + concurrent chemotherapy (Cisplatin-based) (preferred) or Best supportive care b • Best Supportive Care • Obstruction: stent, laser, photodynamic therapy, RT (external 30-50Gy or brachytherapy) • Pain control: RT and/or medications • Nutrition Medical unfit for surgery and patient unable to tolerate chemotherapy RT 60-66Gy or Best supportive care b Unresctable tumor: greater than 50% of tracheal length involved by tumor, “frozen”mediastinum, poor general condition of patient, distant metastases in squamous cell carcinoma; Oncologist 1997;2;245-253 TRACH-2
Primary Tracheal Cancer SALVAGE THERPAY Karnofsky performance score > 60 or ECOG performance score≦2 RT, 60Gy + concurrent chemotherapy (Cisplatin-based) (preferred) or Chemotherapy or Best supportive care Stage IVB Metastatic cancer • Best Supportive Care • Obstruction: stent, laser, photodynamic therapy, RT (external 30-50Gy or brachytherapy) • Pain control: RT and/or medications • Nutrition Karnofsky performance score ≦ 60 or ECOG performance score≧3 Best supportive care TRACH-3
本治療指引將每六個月檢討修訂一次 預定下次修訂日期: 97年9月