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Second meeting rapat kedua

Second meeting rapat kedua. On January 21, 2013. Now re-arrange the following sentences into a good dialogue of bargaining between Mr. Tirta and the shopkeeper. Begin with the bold sentences. TIRTA Great! Now, here is the money But can you make it Rp 120,000? I think it is fair enough.

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Second meeting rapat kedua

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Second meetingrapat kedua On January 21, 2013

  2. Now re-arrange the following sentences into a good dialogue of bargaining between Mr. Tirta and the shopkeeper. Begin with the bold sentences. TIRTA • Great! Now, here is the money • But can you make it Rp 120,000? I think it is fair enough. • How much does it cost? • But I think it doesn’t have to be that expensive • Thank you very much • That’s quite expensive! • Let’s make it Rp 130,000? I can’t go any higher than that.

  3. Shopkeeper • Look at it carefully, sir. It is so special since it is an expert’s hand-made. Moreover, the finest leather will make it durable for years • Hmmm, since I know that you really like those shoes, I’ll let you have it then • All right, I’ll wrap it for you. Here are the shoes and have a pleasant day • That pair of shoes cost Rp 150,000 • Absolutely not, sir. These shoes are made of the finest leather • Sorry, I can’t. well how about Rp 135,000, I’ll give it only for you, sir. And I’ll guarantee you will not be disappointed

  4. Sekarangtentangmenyusunkalimatberikutkedalamsatu dialog bajikdaripenawarandiantara Mr. Tirtadanpengelolatoko. Berawallahdengankalimatberani • TIRTA • Hebat! Sekarang, di sini adalah uang • TapidapatkamubuatRpini 120,000? Akumemikirkaniniadalahcukupadil. • Berapabanyaklakukanbiayaini? • Tapiakumemikirkaninitidakmempunyaiitumahal • Terimakasihbanyak • Itusangatmahal! • BiarperbuataniniRp 130,000? Akutidakdapatpergiapapunlebihtinggidibandingkantersebut.

  5. Pengelola toko • Lihatkepadainidengancermat, tuan. Inijugaistimewasejaknyaadalahsatupakarbuatantangan. Lebihdariitu, barangdarikulitterbaikakanmembuatinitahan lama bertahun-tahun • Hmmm, sejakakumengetahuibahwakamualangkahsukaisepatuitu, Akuakanmembiarkankamu yang punyamaka • Biarlah, Akuakanmembungkusiniuntukkamu. Di siniadalahsepatudanpunyasatuharisenangkan • Yang memasangkandaribiayasepatuRp 150,000 • Sama sekali tidak, tuan. Sepatu ini dibuat dari barang dari kulit terbaik • Sesal, Akutidakdapat. baikbagaimanatentangRp 135,000, Akuakanmemberikaninihanyauntukkamu, tuan. Dan akuakanmenggaransikamutidakakandikecewakan

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