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The Battle of Thermopylae. G o to War. Don’t go to War.
The Battle of Thermopylae Go to War Don’t go to War In 480BCE the Persian Army was invading Greece, leaving the city state of Sparta with two choices. They could either stand and fight the invading Persian force, or stand down and wait for the Battle to come to them. What choice should they make?
Don’t Go to War Go to War King Leonidas decides that he will not lead his army into Battle against the Spartans. The Persians invade Greece. Leonidas now has to choose between standing by and watching the Persian force destroy Greece, or go to war with the Persians and try to defeat them. Stand by and Watch
Go To War Battle At Thermopylae King Leonidas decides that he will lead his army of Spartans into battle with the invading Persian force. Leonidas has two choices, join forces with the Athenians naval battle or to fight at the pass of Thermopylae. What should he do? Join the Athenians
Stand By and Watch The Persian Force invades and destroys many Greek City States and kills many Greeks, tearing apart their society and adding Greece to their Empire. Click the Home Icon to Start Again
Battle At Thermopylae The Spartans arrive at Thermopylae, the Persians have landed their forces here to invade Greece. The Spartans have two choices of how to battle, they can either block off the small passage between cliffs that will prohibit the Persians from flanking them, or they can take the fight to the Persians and have a lower chance of success. Take the fight to the Persians Fight between the Mountains
Join the Athenians The Spartan army joins with the Athenians to wage a war at sea, this is a dangerous move for the Spartans because the Spartans battle tactics work much better on land and their navy isn’t as strong as their ground forces, however if it works, the Persian Army will be severely crippled, what should the Spartans do, change their plans and go to Thermopylae to fight on the land or stick to plan and join the Naval battle. Join the Naval Battle Go to Thermopylae
Take the Fight to the Persians Because of how vulnerable the Spartan forces are in the open fighting the Persians, there is an onslaught as many Spartans and Persians die. The Spartan Army is annihilated. Click the Home Icon to Start Again
Hold Position in the Mountains Retreat There is another way around the mountains the Persians do not know about until a Greek traitor, Ephiltites, tells the Persians of this other passage after three days of fighting and losing. This shifts the tide of the battle Leaving the Spartans with two options, retreat back to Sparta, or to stand and fight. Stand and Fight
Stand and Fight King Leonidas sends back some of his army and remains behind with 300 of his Spartans. As the Persians flank them due to the other passage, the Spartan army fights hard and to the death. Due to their stand over the last three days they have severely crippled the Persian army. This aids the Athenian army in a later battle where the defeat the weakened Persian Army as a direct result of the brave Spartans. Click the Home Icon to Start Again
Retreat The Spartans retreat from Thermopylae, because of this the Persian army continues onwards and becomes the dominate power in Greece after wiping out many Greek city states. Click the Home Icon to Start Again
Retreat The Persians are to strong for the Greek forces to handle, as a result Athens is sieged and nothing is left, with its people being destroyed, this opens up the whole of Greece for the Persians to capture and destroy. Click the Home Icon to Start Again
Naval Battle Continue to Fight The joint Athenian and Spartan army take to the seas against the Persians. The Persian navy greatly outnumbers the Spartans and Athenians. Whilst the battle at sea is happening, the strong Persian invasion force attacks Athens on the ground after a clear passage through Thermopylae. The Spartans and Athenians can retreat or continue to fight. Retreat
Continue to Fight The Spartans and Athenians continue to fight at sea. Athens is burnt to the ground, and the Greek armies are completely wiped out. The Persians become the dominate force in Greece. Click the Home Icon to Start Again
Fight Between the Mountains Continue Onwards The Spartan forces dig in between the mountains, barricading the passage that will allow the Persians to move through towards Athens, Sparta, and many other city states. The Spartans think they have the upper hand after three days of fighting, at this point they can hold their position or continue onwards towards the Persians and take the fight to them, what should they do? Hold Their Position
Continue Onwards The Spartans push forward into the Persians forces, as a result the Spartans are now fighting a battle where they are circled by the Persians. All the Spartans die and fail to weaken the Persian army, resulting in Persian dominance in Greece. Click the Home Icon to Start Again