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Preparation of a Strategic Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) Project-Phase I. CAMBODIA Climate Investment Funds (CIF) Grant No. TF097459 through ADB and World Bank. Workshops on Technical Consultation of the Component 1& 2 and Final Achievement of the Component 3, 4 &5
Preparation of a Strategic Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) Project-Phase I CAMBODIA Climate Investment Funds (CIF) Grant No. TF097459 through ADB and World Bank Http://www.ppcrcambodia.worldpress.com
Workshops on Technical Consultation of the Component 1& 2 and Final Achievement of the Component 3, 4 &5 “Preparation of a Strategic Pilot Program for Climate Resilience”(PPCR) Project Phase I 29-30 January 2013 Phnom Penh Hotel, Phnom Penh Introduction to PPCR and Progress To-date and Workshop Objective and Expected Outcomes Presented by: Mr. MeasSophal, PPCR1 Program Director, MOE
Contents Background Objectives Component Participatory Approach Outputs of Component 1,2,3, 4 & 5 Strategic Programme for Climate Resilience (SPCR) Workshop Objectives and Expected Outcomes
Objective of PPCR The objective of the Project is to mainstream climate resilience into nation and sub-national development policies, plans and projects supported by scaled up financing of adaptation activities in the key development sectors and underpinned by • strengthened participation and coordination among stakeholders, • science-based adaptation planning, and (iii) enhanced links between adaptation and disaster risk reduction measures.
Components of PPCR Science-Based Adaptation Planning CR/DRR mainstreaming in to national development planning CR/DRR mainstreaming in to sub-national development planning PPCR Phase 1 Component 1 & 2 Outreach activities and preparation for SPCR Phase II Component 4 &5 Engaging Rural Private Sector in Adaptation Investment - Strengthening CSOs and Gender Considerations in CC Adaptation Component 3
Participatory Approach of PPCR Next Steps of PPCR and SPCR
(Continued) Strengthening knowledge in steps for Climate Resilience and Adaptation
Progress to Date • All five components of the PPCR Phase 1 have been actively implemented with the support from the high-quality consultant teams in cooperation with line ministries, CSO, PS, DPs, and all stakeholder. • Series of consultation and capacity building/awareness raising have been conducted at national and sub-national levels. • Today workshops are for (1).Technical Consultation of the Component 1 & 2 and (2).Final Achievement of the Component 3, 4 and 5. • Final Achievement workshop of the Component 1&2 is scheduled in late February 2013 ; and • Completion (and launching) workshop in March 2013 9
Expected Outcomes Workshop Objectives and Expected Outcomes Objective To present, provide a consultation platform and review the draft deliverables on mainstreaming Climate Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction into development planning at national and sub-national levels that existed in PPCR’s Component 1 & 2 and; Progress and deliverables from all components presented and discussed, Valuable comments and insights from all participants obtained for further improvement of the PPCR knowledge products 10
Expected Outcomes Workshop Objectives and Expected Outcomes (cont.) Objective To present the deliverables and key climate change adaptation findings of all components (3,4 and 5) and next concrete steps for Strategic Program for Climate Resilience ( SPCR phase II) Awareness about climate resilience and adaptation among key National Agencies and stakeholders raised. Next steps in finalization of PPCR1 and progress and steps for implementation of SPCR discussed. 11
Strategic Programme for Climate Resilience (SPCR) GMS: Flood and Drought Risk Management and Mitigation Project Water Resources Management Sector Development Program Technical Assistance Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Project SPCR 7 Investment Projects & 1 Technical Assistance Agriculture Commercialization and Resource Conservation Provincial Roads Improvement Project GMS: Southern Economic Corridor Towns Development Project Sustainable Small Town Development in the Tonle Sap Basin