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Please take a seat. We will start right away. . Ask yourself this question- “In what ways has alcohol had a positive effect in your life? Negative?. Alcohol. Essential Question Why would YOU choose to abstain from alcohol use? . Facts About Alcohol. Ethanol
Please take a seat. We will start right away. • Ask yourself this question- • “In what ways has alcohol had a positive effect in your life? Negative? Alcohol Essential Question Why would YOUchoose to abstain from alcohol use?
Facts About Alcohol • Ethanol • The type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages • Powerful and addictive drug • Alcohol is a Depressant • Many feel a kind of energy “rush” at first but the drug slows the central nervous system • Slows reaction time • Impairs vision • Clouds clear thinking • Good judgment diminishes
Factors that Influence Alcohol Use • Peer Pressure – the influence that people your age have on you • Some teens believe they will be liked and accepted if they use alcohol • Teens who choose friends who avoid alcohol are more likely to be alcohol free
Factors that Influence Alcohol Use • Family • Parents who discourage and avoid alcohol will more likely have teens who abstain • #1 reason teens choose not to drink is parent disapproval
Factors that Influence Alcohol Use • Media Messages • Media messages often make alcohol use appear exciting, attractive, and fun. Rarely showing the reality • Advertisements • Often target teens and show young, attractive people in problem-free drinking in a party-like atmosphere. • Teens who recognize these ploys are more likely to resist negative influences.
Avoid Alcohol: Avoid Unsafe Situations • Alcohol and the Law • If you are under 21, it is illegal to buy, possess, or consume alcohol • You could be • Arrested • Fined • Sentenced to a youth detention center
Avoid Alcohol: Avoid Unsafe Situations • ETHS Code of Conduct Violations • Use, distribution or possession of alcohol or other mood-altering chemicals, or abuse of prescription or nonprescription drugs, as stated in The Pilot. • Attending a gathering or riding in a vehicle where there is a verified report of drinking or drug use. • ETHS Conduct Violation consequences • suspended for 5 consecutive days of the activity, including practices, rehearsals, contests, and performances • A participant is suspended from competitions/performances for a minimum of 1/3 (one-third) of his/her season • suspended from all activities for one calendar year
Being Alcohol Free • Deciding to be alcohol free helps you commit to • Maintaining a healthy body • Making responsible decisions • Avoid risky behaviors • Avoid illegal activities
Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) • the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream. • It is measured in percentages • Having a BAC of .10 means that a person has 1 drop of alcohol/1,000 drops of blood in the body
Alcohol Affects individuals differently based on BODY SIZE- A small person feels the effect of the same amount of alcohol faster than a large person does
Alcohol Affects individuals differently based on GENDER- generally alcohol moves into the bloodstream of females faster than males
Alcohol Affects individuals differently based on BODY COMPOSITION- The less dense a body is the greater the effect of the same amount of alcohol on a more dense body
Alcohol Affects individuals differently based on FOOD- food in the stomach slows down the passage of alcohol into the bloodstream
Alcohol Affects individuals differently based on • BINGE DRINKING- When a person drinks four to fiveor more alcoholic drinks at one sitting. RATE OF INTAKE- When a person drinks alcohol faster than the liver can break it down, intoxication results.
Alcohol Affects individuals differently based on • MULTIPLIER EFFECT- drug has a greater or different effect than if it were taken alone. OTHER DRUGS- the presence of both alcohol and medication or another drug can be life threateningly dangerous.
One Drink is Equal to 1.25 oz 80 proof liquor 5 oz wine 12 oz beer One Drink
BAC - Feelings and Behaviors • .01-.04= Usually no apparent changes in behavior noted Relaxation with minor impairment of judgment and memory • .05 - .08 = Walking, talking and hand movements become clumsier. Slows the person's ability to react
BAC Feelings and Behaviors • .08 - .10 = Speech, judgment and balance are affected. Blurred vision. Slower reaction time • .10 - .15 = Judgment, memory and self-control are further affected. Irresponsible behavior is evident
BAC Feelings and Behaviors • .15 - .20 = Behavior greatly affected. Lack of Motor control: mental confusion • .20 - .30 = Unable to perform tasks. Confused and dazed state. Unconsciousness may occur. All physical and mental abilities are severely impaired
BAC Feelings and Behaviors • Above .30 = Unconscious. Coma or death possible • .40 - .50 = Breathing stops. Irreversible brain damage occurs. Death is likely