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CONTRIBUTIONS OF NACLIN PROCEEDINGS: A CITATION ANALYSIS. M. JANAKIRAMAIAH Librarian & Ph.D Research Scholar (Part time) Mohammadiya Institute of Management Arrempula, Khammam -507 163, A.P. E-mail: mjrkmm@gmail.com Dr. M. DORASWAMY University Librarian I/c Central Library
CONTRIBUTIONS OF NACLIN PROCEEDINGS: A CITATION ANALYSIS M. JANAKIRAMAIAH Librarian & Ph.D Research Scholar (Part time) Mohammadiya Institute of Management Arrempula, Khammam -507 163, A.P. E-mail: mjrkmm@gmail.com Dr. M. DORASWAMY University Librarian I/c Central Library (Bishop Caldwell E-resources Centre) DRAVIDIAN UNIVERSITY Srininvasavanam, KUPPAM – 517425. A.P. E-mail: doraswamy_msd@yahoo.com Mr. M .Janakiramaiah & Dr.M.Doraswamy
INTRODUCTION Citation analysis, which is one of the areas of biliometrics, can be used for identifying the core journals and for knowing the characteristic features of the discipline such as authorship pattern, scatter of literature in different bibliographic forms and in different subjects, etc. Gross and Gross (1927) used for the first time this citation analysis as a tool for identifying the core journals in a subject based on counting the citations given at the end of the each article from a group of primary journals. After wards, a number of such studies were carried out on citations in dissertations/theses, books, primary and reviewing journals. Such studies can help in selection of documents saving millions of rupees of the organizations. It helps in planning and organization of resource sharing, networking and consortia. The institutions may eliminate rarely cited titles form their subscription lists and also weed out unused material to save costly stocking space and reduce maintenance cost. Mr. M .Janakiramaiah & Dr.M.Doraswamy
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY • To identify the different types of bibliographic forms; • To examine the authorship pattern of contributions; • To examine the authorship pattern of books cited; • To examine the domain wise use of websites; • To identify the core journals; and • To prepare ranking list of cited journals Mr. M .Janakiramaiah & Dr.M.Doraswamy
SCOPE OF THE STUDY • The NACLIN is the official convention of Developing Library Network (DELNET), New Delhi. It is well known network in India in the field of Library and Information Science. It is a annual convention of DELNET and it has now completed 13 conventions. The present investigation is mainly intended to describe the characteristic features of Library and Information Science literature based on the analysis of 1757 citations, which have been cited in the 188 contributions of National Convention on Library and Information Networking (NACLIN) proceedings organized by Developing Library Network (DELNET), New Delhi during the years 2001-2005 at different places. Mr. M .Janakiramaiah & Dr.M.Doraswamy
METHODOLOGY • There are 1757 citations in these conference proceedings. All these citations were noted down such as books, journals, conference proceedings, websites, reports, theses/dissertations on slips which are cited in the proceedings. They are analyzed according to the objectives. Mr. M .Janakiramaiah & Dr.M.Doraswamy
Results and analysis: Bibliographic forms Distribution of citations in different bibliographic forms • This study confirms the importance of web citations. One of the most compelling results of this • study is that web citations are relatively more popular in conference proceedings. Websites • appear to be the most preferred source of information for research scholars in Library and • Information Sciences. Since they contributed the highest number of citations (44.11% of total • citations). • Journals also appear to be the most preferred source of information for research scholars in • Library and Information Sciences, since they also contributed the second highest number of • citations (19.18% of total citations). . Mr. M .Janakiramaiah & Dr.M.Doraswamy
AVERAGE NUMBER OF CITATIONS Average number of citations per contribution The average number of citations per contribution is 9.35 Mr. M .Janakiramaiah & Dr.M.Doraswamy
AUTHORSHIP PATTERN OF CONTRIBUTIONS Distribution of contributions according to number of authors • The analysis of authorship pattern in NACLIN conference • proceedings reveals that out of the 188 contributions, 107 • (56.91%) have been contributed by single authors, 54 • (28.72%) by two authors, 21 (11.17%) by three authors, • and the remaining 6 (3.19%) by more than three authors. Mr. M .Janakiramaiah & Dr.M.Doraswamy
Different website domains Distribution of citations according to website domain The analysis of the website domains in NACLIN proceedings reveals that 28.77 percent of the citations are contributed mainly in organizational websites compared to other websites followed by .edu (18.84%), .com (18.71%), .ac (9.29%), .in (8%), and 16.39 percent of websites are no URL. Mr. M .Janakiramaiah & Dr.M.Doraswamy
AUTHORSHIP PATTERN OF BOOKS The analysis of the authorship pattern of citations in books in five conference volumes according to the number of authors. It indicates that out of 337 citations, 234 (69.44%) have been contributed by single authors, 71 (21.07%) by two authors, 18 (5.34%) by more than three authors, and 14 (4.15%) by three authors Mr. M .Janakiramaiah & Dr.M.Doraswamy
GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF CONTRIBUTIONS • The analysis of the state wise distributions of contributions in five NACLIN proceedings reveals that Out of 188 contributions, the highest number i.e. 32 (17.02%) are contributed from New Delhi, is followed by 30 (15.96%) are from Maharashtra, 22 (11.70%) are from Tamil Nadu, 21 (11.17%) are from Andhra Pradesh, 20 (10.64%) are from Karnataka etc. Mr. M .Janakiramaiah & Dr.M.Doraswamy
RANK LIST OF CITED JOURNALS • The rank list of journals based on the analysis of citations reveals that the NACLIN conference proceedings has scattered in 399 different journals. The periodical “University News” gets first rank for being cited more number of times, is followed by “Library Trends”, “Journal of Academic Librarianship”, “Journal of Documentation”, and “Online Information Review” are gets 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th ranks respectively. Mr. M .Janakiramaiah & Dr.M.Doraswamy
THANK 'Q' Mr. M .Janakiramaiah & Dr.M.Doraswamy