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WP 3 Introduction VRS. Stuttgart Region. 179 municipalities 2.68 million inhabitants from 170 countries 3654 square kilometres 735 inhabitants / square kilometer (2011) 93000 billion Euro GDP (2009). Official Tasks VRS. Regional land use planning Planning of technical services
Stuttgart Region • 179 municipalities • 2.68 millioninhabitantsfrom 170 countries • 3654 squarekilometres • 735 inhabitants/squarekilometer (2011) • 93000 billion Euro GDP (2009)
Official Tasks VRS Regional landuseplanning Planningoftechnicalservices Regional Landscape Park • Infrastructure • Transportation Regional transportationplanning Suburban railwaysandbusses Promotion ofeconomicdevelopment Fundingof Stuttgart international trade fair Tourismmarketing • Economy • Environment Landscapeplanning / environmental planning SEAGarbagedisposal (partial) Fundingoftradefairsandconventions Promotion ofculture, sports, congresses • Optionaltasks ->VRS is not a local but a regional authoritywhichhasnotasksandresponsibilities in socialaspectsor in developmentoflocalsites (besidespartsofgreeninfrastructure) -> but: VRS is in closecontacttothe 179 municipalitiesandhasbroadexperience in spatialplanning -> and: VRS hasknowledge in thefieldofclimatechange
Contribution VRS to WP 3 Tasks in WP3 with VRS asassociateaccordingtoworkprogramme 3.4 Inventoryofsiteswiththe potential fordrawing on communitycapitaltoenhancesocialresiliencestructures ->contrubitionof VRS tobediscussed 3.8 Assessandexpand upon thethenovelconceptof „urban comfortzones“ anddevelopstrategiesfortheirincorporationintoexistingplanningprocesses -> support Stuttgart University withspecial Data andpracticalplanningexperience-> supportimplementationof„Green Wall“ -> supportpilot City Ludwigsburg toimplementthe „Urban comfortzoneconcept“ in theirPreparatory Land Use Plan andotherplans Pilot testcombinedstrategies in selectedneighbourhoods. ->contrubitionof VRS tobediscussed(isgreen wall pilottest?)
VRS Special Data ExampleClimate Atlas Hints for local Preparatory Land Use Plan -> for all 179 municipalities in the Region Forcast Climate Change: dramatical increase of „Heat Island Effect“ in the Region until 2100 -> rising need for „urban comfort zones, especially in densely populated areas-> green wall as one possible component of an „urban comfort zone“
The possible Green Wall Site City of Ludwigsburg • thirdbiggestcity in theconurbationof Stuttgart Region • 87.000 inhabitants • denselybuilt-upareas in thecitycenter • suffersalreadyheatislandeffect