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WP 3

WP 3. WP 3 – Quantum Repeaters Č aslav Brukner Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) Vienna & University of Vienna. Relation to other WP‘s within QAP. Workpackages. WP3.1 Quantum Channels OEAW,UNIGE,LMU,UG. Milestones:

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WP 3

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  1. WP 3 WP 3 – Quantum Repeaters Časlav Brukner Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) Vienna & University of Vienna

  2. Relation to other WP‘s within QAP

  3. Workpackages

  4. WP3.1 Quantum Channels OEAW,UNIGE,LMU,UG Milestones: M3.1.1 See two-photon interference signal after transmission of photons through >500m fibre (month 12) M3.1.2 Successful transmission of entanglement over >5km free-space link (month 9) Deliverables: D3.1.1 Comparison of fiber and free-space transmission of qubits (month 12) UNIGE part of 3.3

  5. Entanglement over 144km free-space In collaboration with: Free-Space distribution of entanglement and single photons over 144 km, R. Ursin, F. Tiefenbacher, T. Schmitt-Manderbach, H. Weier, T. Scheidl, M. Lindenthal, B. Blauensteiner, T. Jennewein, J. Perdigues, P. Trojek, B. Ömer, M. Fürst, M. Meyenburg, J. Rarity, Z. Sodnik, C. Barbieri, H. Weinfurter, A. Zeilinger, submitted

  6. La Palma - Tenerife Results Link performance: Bell S-Value: S=2,508+-0,037 in 221 sec. QKD Results: QBER 4,8% 178 secret bits in 75 sec.

  7. WP3.2 Advanced sources of entangled photon pairsCNRSGRE OEAW UNIGE UBRISTOL Elsag KTH IDQUAN ULB Milestones: M3.2.1 Demonstration of narrow band bright time-bin entangled photon source (month 6) M3.2.2 Demonstration of polarization entanglement from ps-pulsed lasers (month 12) Deliverables: D3.2.1 Narrowband, bright entangled photon pair sources (12 month)

  8. Time-bin entangled sources UNIGE: Demonstration of a narrow-band bright time-bin entangled source based on PDC in periodically poled Lithium niobate waveguides and fibre bragg grating filters for the PDC photons at 10pm. CNRSGRE Two-photon excitation of an excitonic transition in a single CdSe/ZnSe quantum dot. Current problems: the excitation is not resonant.

  9. Advanced sources parameters: • ~ 25 mW violet laser diode • ~ 20000 detected pairs/sec @ 805 nm • ~ 94% visibility of quantum correlations • ~ 30% coincidence/single count ratio • used in advanced undegraduate lab • courses at LMU • course schedule: • theory of parametric down-conversion • basics of state analysis • preparation of distinct Bell states • measurement of correlation function in complementary bases (visibility) • violation of Bell inequality • measurement of density matrix (fidelity of quantum state, entanglement witness, Peres-Horodecki criterium)

  10. Photonic Crystal Fibre Source Coincidences~3.105 s-1 Spectra Experiment

  11. HOM experiment using bright fibre sources 80 four-fold coincidences per sec.

  12. Bright entangled pair source in microstructured fibre 6000 pairs per sec Fidelity 89% with pure entangled state Tomography

  13. Further developments UB • Periodically poled twin hole fiber as source of photon pairs. Based on • fiber optic source producing pairs at telecom wavelengths based on parametric down conversion. collaboration with Southampton University Preliminary results: coincidences KTH • Asynchronous sources of heralded single photons at 1550nm

  14. WP3.3 Long distance fiber-optic quantum relays and purification OEAW,UNIGE,UBRISTOL,KTH,UG Milestones: M3.3.1 Remote Bell-state analysis achieved (month 9) M3.3.2 Two remote sources of entanglement operating synchronously (month 12) Deliverables: D3.3.1 Locking of remote lasers (month 12)

  15. BSM QM qubit EPR Analysis QM Real World Q Teleportation 1: EPR 2: Distribute 3: Create Qubit 4: Prepare BSM 5: BSM 6: Send result 7: Store photon 8: Wait for BSM 9: Analysis Distance: 550 m Fibre: 800m O. Landry et al., quant-ph/0605010

  16. & n n+1 PC LBO n n+1 Laser fs Heralded Photon Q Teleportation 200 m 200 m LBO Vraw=0.87+/-0.07 Fraw=0.93+/-0.04 Only those events that are coincident with the 4th photon are considered O. Landry et al., quant-ph/0605010

  17. 3- Bell-State Measurement teleportation • Detect 3 of 4 Bell states • Only requires two detectors and • No auxiliary photons • Compatible with polarisation encoding Teleportation F = 76% J. A. W. van Houwelingen et al., Phys. Rev. A, 74, 022303 (2006)

  18. Locking independent & remote lasers ? Quantum Memory first successes (Lukin, Kimble) Entanglement Purification fidelity F > 0.9 from 2 pairs of F = 0.75 purification above local realism threshold Pan et al., al, Nature 423, 417 (2003) Walther et al., PRL 94, 040504 (2005) Entanglement swapping teleportation of entanglement fidelity F > 0.9 (sufficient to violate Bell‘s inequality) Jennewein et al. PRL 88, 017903 (2002), quant/ph 0409008 de Riedmatten et al., quant/ph 0409093  

  19. Electronic synchronization of lasers UG fs Laser I Electronic synchronization 80 MHz loop gain 720 MHz loop gain fs Laser II electronic signal 1 km 2,5 m

  20. HOM with independent lasters UG • independent, spatially separated single-photon sources • electronically synchronized fs mode locked lasers with a timing jitter of 260 fs • prototype technology for quantum networking and quantum computing V~83% Visibility R. Kaltenbaek, B. Blauensteiner, M. Zukowski, M. Aspelmeyer, A. Zeilinger, PRL 96, 240502 (2006)

  21. WP3.3 Terrestrial and satellite free-space quantum communication OEAW,LMU,UBRISTOL Milestones: M3.4.1 Single link Bell-state analysis (month 6) (correlations are measured at Tenerifa – move to next period?) M3.4.2 Measurement of single photons reflected off a ranging satellite (month 12) Deliverables: D3.4.1 Specification of requirements of entanglement sources on satellites (month 9)

  22. 5860 km Laser- Ranging Station Single photons from a Satellite 700-ps pulse 17 kHz repetition rate 0.1 photon P. Villoresi et al.: Space-to-ground quantum-communication, quant-ph/0408067; P. Villoresi et al.: Experimental demonstration of a quantum communication channel from a LEO satellite to Earth, to be published

  23. WP3.5 Creation of entangled states of single atoms and photons by interference USTUTT Milestones: M3.5.1 Evaluation of production yield for different ion implantation strategy (month 6) APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 88 (2), 023113 (2006) M3.5.2 Evaluate the defect positioning accuracy (month 8) APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 83 (2) 321-327 (2006) Deliverables: D3.4.1 Writing NV defect patterns in type IIa diamond (month 9) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-COND MAT 18 (21), 807-S824 (2006), PRL 97 (8) 083002 (2006)

  24. Center B Center A voltage 0 3 Laser Detuning, GHz Fault-tolerant repeater scheme with 2 Qbits per node: MD Lukin et al. PRL 96 (7): 070504 (2006) A Entangling paramagnetic solid state systems B 2 2 1 1 0 A B Create,e.g. |0>A |1>B+|1>A |0>B by raman transitions. Solids: inhomogeneous broadening detunes A and B external compensation field. P. Tamarat, PRL 97 (8): Art. 083002 (2006)

  25. Electron nuclear spin entanglement Coop. with MD Lukin (Harvard) * * * • Entanglement between electron and nuclear spins. L. Childress et al. Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1131871 • Robustness of nuclear coherence during measurement on electron spin After measurement on electron spin Ramsey fringes of single nuclear spin coupled to electron spin: Free evolution time /s

  26. Future ? WP 3.1 Quantum Channels Demonstration of a mobile polarization entangled photon source (Vienna) WP3.2Advanced sources of entangled photon pairs Polarisation entangled photon source operating at telecom wavelengths (Vienna) Demonstration of a colinear, wavelength non-degenerate polarization entangled photon source (Vienna) WP 3.3 Long distance fiber-optic quantum relays and purification M: Demonstration of the robustness of polarisation entanglement over long distance fiber transmission (>50 km) (Vienna) M: Locking of independent lasers separated by > 100 m (Vienna, 24 month) M: Synchronisation of ps lasers. (Geneva, 18 month) D: HOM dip between independent ps pumped entanglement sources. (Geneva, 24 month) WP 3.4 Terrestrial and satellite free-space quantum communication M Single link Bell-state analyses (old one!) (Vienna) Analyze the influence of tracking on quantum communication in a satellite-ground link (Vienna) WP 3.5 Creation of entangled states of single atoms and photons by interference M1Evaluate optimum method to generate electron-nuclear spin coherence. (Stutt, Period1+6) M2Evaluate robustness of nuclear spin coherence during measurement on electron spin. (Stutt, Period1+9) DSwap of electron spin coherence and entanglement to nuclear spins. (Stutt, Period1+12)

  27. WP 3.5 Deliverables + Milestones • M3.5.1 • Evaluation of production yield for different ion implantation strategy (due: month 6) • APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 88 (2): Art. No. 023113 (2006) • M3.5.2 • Evaluate the defect positioning accuracy (due: month 8) • APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 83 (2): 321-327 (2006) • D3.5.1 • Writing NV defect patterns in type IIa diamond(due: month 9) • JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-COND MAT 18 (21): S807-S824 (2006) • PRL 97 (8): Art. 083002 (2006)

  28. ULB contribution to WP3.2 • We have demonstrated a source of photon pairs based on parametric fluorescence in periodically poled twin hole fibers NBH1-06. As far as we know this is the only kind of fiber optics source of photon pairs that uses a chi_2 non linearity. If the source can be made more narrow band, it would be particularly useful for fiber optics quantum communication systems. Work on improving the source is under way. (This is a collaboration with Southampton University, where the samples are manufactured). • No need to report the following: • We have studied the possibility of using vector modulational instability in photonic crystal fibers as bright tunable fiber optics source of photon pairs. During preliminary work, we noticed some unexpected non linear effects that were reported in NHB2-06. Their relevance for such sources is under study.

  29. Entangled photons for relays M 3.2.2 Demonstration of polarization entanglement from ps-pulsed lasers Achieved:Fulconis et al, Nature Photonics submitted D 3.2.1 Narrowband, bright entangled photon pair sources In preparation:due m12

  30. ISS (International Space Station) ~400km from ground WP 3.1 Space Quest Columbus Module (ESA) 1400km distance Calar Alto - Spain OGS (ESA) Tenerife - Spain

  31. Time-bin entanglement sources Two-photon excitation of an excitonic transition in a single CdSe/ZnSe quantum dot. The green line is the frequency doubled laser frequency. In the middle trace the excitation is on resonance. In the top (bottom) trace the excitation is above (below) resonance and the second harmonic generation by the bulk crystal can be seen. This set of traces shows that this excitation is not resonant.

  32. Entanglement in Space WP 3.1 Space-QUEST Schedule: EM/EQM: 2010 Lunch: 2011 Experiment: 2012

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