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City of Prijedor

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA CITY OF PRIJEDOR. City of Prijedor. Geographical location. Prijedor is located in northwest part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Traffic connection. Banja Luka 56 km Sarajevo 250 km Zagreb 173 km Belgrade 336 km Vienna 547 km

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City of Prijedor

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  2. Geographical location Prijedor is located in northwest part of Bosnia and Herzegovina Traffic connection Banja Luka 56 km Sarajevo 250 km Zagreb 173 km Belgrade 336 km Vienna 547 km Trieste 412 km Budapest 474 km München 710 km Zagreb – Belgrade 58 km Sarajevo 260 km Zagreb 180 km Banja Luka 66 km Ploce (Croatia) 389 km Split (Croatia) 261 km

  3. Prijedor today City administration building Museum Pedestrian zone Monument dr MladenStojanovic Sana river

  4. Basic information ● The thirdtown in accordance with size in Republic of Srpska and sixth in the Bosnia and Herzegovina ● City area of 834 km2 ● Inhabitants: cca. 110.000, 50 % of inhabitants are occupy with agriculture ● Multinational environment where are living together: Serbs, Croats, Muslims, Slovenian, Czech, Ukrainian, Gypsies ● Population density 126/km2 ● Climate: moderately – continental with average annual temperature of 11 oC Min. temperature: - 20 oC Max. temperature: + 40 oC Average annual rainfall 979 l/m2 90 days 125 days 150 days

  5. Mountain Kozara Natural resources of Prijedor Land Rivers Forest Lakes Springs Mineral resources Caves

  6. Human resources ● Available labor force characterized by high qualification, strong motivation and lower costs in compare to surrounded countries ● Average NET salary in Republic of Srpska in December 2011 was 815 KM ~ 418 €

  7. Promotion of entrepreneurs Proactive administration All services at one place Trainig and support to SME Certified procedure Foundation for developing Improvement of the economic situation Program of activated measure for employing Stimulation measures Departments of local administration ONE STOP SHOP for entrepreneurs - CLUSTER “DRVO” - METAL-PD - PD-TEX - HORECA-PD - ASSOCIATION OF GRAIN PROCESSORS Entrepreneurial incubator “Prijedor” Agency for Economic Development “PREDA-PD” Supportfor unemployed, start-up and entrepreneurs Business associations, Cluster and Chamber of Commerce CITY OF PRIJEDOR Offer for investors: Greenfield Brownfield Industrial zones, investment locations Tourism organization Agricultural consultingand breeding service Promoting of innovation and certification Marketingand promotion of territory ofPrijedor Promotion of tourism offer Consulting,Transfer of knowledge, instructions and practical skills to agricultural producers creation of business plans, support to associations and cooperators, support to developing of rural developing Identification of new tourism potentials Support to developing of new capacities Support to standardization ISO 9001; ISO 14001ISO 22000; CE, FSC Improvement of quality of tourism offer Info centre for investors

  8. Partners of Prijedor • Local communities (49)- Business associations- NGO sector fordevelopment of civil society Local level International level CITY OF PRIJEDOR • State institutions and competent ministries of Government of Republic of Srpska • FIPA – Foreign investmentpromotion agency- RARS and development agencies in Republic of Srpska- Chamber of Commerce of Republic of Srpska - Office in Prijedor- University of Banja Luka- Chamber of Commerce of foreign embassies in BiH: countries of EU- Commercial departments of foreign embassies in BiH • International organizations in BiH: SDC, GIZ, LDA, SNV, EURED, UNDP, ICE, BIGMEV, OXFAM, SIDA, USAID, DORCAS, etc - Region Tuscany, municipality Prato- Region Friuli – Venezia - Giulia- Region Emilia Romagna - Autonomous province Trento- Municipalities Trento from Italy and Sund from Norway - Province of Manisa, Turkey- Regional development centre in Serbia and Slovenia - Municipalities Bovec and Novo Mestofrom Slovenia- Municipalities Pancevo and Kikinda from Serbia - Embassies of BiH in abroad National level

  9. Why to invest in the City of Prijedor • Existing foreign investors • Geostrategic position of Prijedor • Closeness to foreign markets • Developed transport network • Modern telecommunication network • Quality of life • Natural resources; land, forest, minerals, water, etc. • Availability of qualified workforce and competitive cost of the same • Cooperation with local institutions • “Info centre for investors”, as service for investors • Consumer market of more than 25 million people through the Agreement of free trade zone between 6 South-East European countries; • Agreement of free trade zone with Turkey (more than 70 milion consumers); • Signed Stabilization and Association Agreement between B&H and EU; • Preferential export regime with EU, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Norway, Russia, Japan, Canada; • Favorable legislative treatment for foreign investments on the state level; • Political risk insurance: • MIGA (Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency); OPIC - US Overseas Private Investment Corporation Agreements on Promotion and Protection of Investments.

  10. Who Invest in Prijedor...



  13. Investment location in Prijedor

  14. Investment location inPrijedor – Industrial zone “CELPAK” Faza I • INDUSTRIAL ZONE “CELPAK” • ● Total area is 102.453 m2 • ● Partially completed infrastructure • ● Ownership: City of Prijedor • ● Existing Regulation plan • ● Possibilities for construction of producing facilities • ● Incentives for investors • Phase I (10 spaces) • Phase II (11 spaces) • Phase III (5 spaces) • Total • 26 spaces Faza II

  15. Investment location inPrijedor – Industrial zone “SVALE” INDUSTRIAL ZONE “SVALE” (in preparation) ● Total area is cca. 22 ha ● Partially completed infrastructure ● Existing regulation plan ● Possibilities for construction of producing facilities ● HEWA d.o.o. – owner of 5,9 ha of land IN PREPARATION

  16. Investment location inPrijedor – “Autotransport Prijedor”

  17. INDUSTRIAL ZONE “PALJUGE” (in preparation) ● Total area is cca 77 ha ● Without infrastructure ● Agricultural land ● Possibilities for construction of producing facilities

  18. Investment offers Investment offers • ● Offer of light sector: wood, metal, textile, food processing industry- Joint venture variants, • Products, • Wares and services. • ● Offer of non private enterprises • ● Offer of tourism potentials of Prijedor • ● Possibilities for investment in brownfield and greenfield Former factory for ceramic products “Selena” EKK Prijedor Javor Real Estate Prijedor-brownfield offer - AD “Tomeks”- Ljubija Factory for metal-processing by Explosion Joint Stock company

  19. Investment offers Investment offers “LASTA KOMPANI” d.o.o. PRIJEDOR Private company “Lasta Kompani” Ltd. - greenfield and brownfield area - “Fadis” Joint stock - Ljubija -parts and sub-assemblies factory - “Vatrostalna” Joint stock - Prijedor - brownfield and greenfield area-

  20. Thanks for your attention We are expecting you... CITY OF PRIJEDOR Trg Oslobodjenja 1 79101 Prijedor, RS Bosnia and Herzegovina T::+387 52 24 51 01 F::+387 52 24 51 04 E::gradonacelnik@prijedorgrad.org W::www.prijedorgrad.org Agency PREDA-PD Aleja Kozarskog odreda bb 79101 Prijedor, RS, BiH T::+387 52 24 16 00 F::+387 52 24 16 01 E::office@preda.rs.ba infocentar@preda.rs.ba W::www.preda.rs.ba

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