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CURRENT RESEARCH DIRECTIONS THE CENTRE FOR EVIDENCE BASED EARLY INTERVENTION (CEBEI), Bangor University Co-Directors: Judy Hutchings, Helen Baker-Henningham Poster designed by Margiad Elen Williams, Research Project Support Officer, CEBEI. KiVa Anti-bullying Programme in Wales.
CURRENT RESEARCH DIRECTIONS THE CENTRE FOR EVIDENCE BASED EARLY INTERVENTION (CEBEI), Bangor University Co-Directors: Judy Hutchings, Helen Baker-Henningham Poster designed by Margiad Elen Williams, Research Project Support Officer, CEBEI KiVa Anti-bullying Programme in Wales • Developed and researched by Prof Christina Salmivalli, University of Turku, Finland • Aims to end ongoing bullying and prevent the development of new bullying incidents, as well as support victims • A whole-school approach that includes materials, a computer game for pupils, and a web site for parents • Significant reductions in bullying and victimisation found in a large RCT in Finnish primary schools and then rolled out across Finland in an effectiveness trial • Currently pilot study being run in 14 Welsh and 3 Cheshire primary schools funded from the Welsh Government plus European and CEIT *Trust funding for the research • Funding has also been obtained from the BIG Lottery Innovation Grant to conduct a RCT in Wales in 20 schools over two years • Grant held by Dartington Social Research Unit in partnership with CEBEI and CEIT Work in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) • Sinovuyo Caring Families Project • Parenting trial with Oxford and Cape Town Universities • Developing and evaluating an affordable parent programme for high risk communities in Southern Africa based on core components of effective programmes • Incorporates African values, culture, stories, songs; Recognises challenges facing families e.g. HIV, intimate partner violence, bereavement, etc. • Early Stimulation Project • Trial run by the Child Development Research Group at the University of West Indies, Jamaica (Dr Helen Baker-Henningham is a collaborator) • Evaluation of an early stimulation programme using RCT design • Conducted in three Caribbean countries (Jamaica, St. Lucia, Antigua) • Comparing the effects of a home visiting intervention programme and a health centre based intervention programme • WHO Violence Prevention Alliance – Parenting Project Sub-Group • Professor Hutchings is a member • Aim: to reduce violence against children through increasing effective parenting by increasing evidence-base for parenting programmes applicable to LMIC • Develop guidance document on conducting outcome evaluations of parent programmes to prevent violence in LMIC • Links with Lesotho • Supporting teachers • Teaching alternative discipline strategies to caning • Developing a research proposal Other current projects • PREPARE project • Newly funded by former Bangor University student • Develop a web-based parent programme using evidence based principles to help parents to support their children’s school readiness • PREPARE: Play, Read, Encourage, Praise, Attend, Reward, Educate • Waterloo Foundation Grant • To deliver training to 75 staff across Wales to work one-to-one with families of children with developmental problems • Deal with common problems/behaviours that may be amenable to change • Based on earlier IT programme and Enhancing Parenting Skills Health Visitor programmes • Supported by Children in Wales and CEIT • Collaboration with Gwynedd Council • Completed literature review on the evidence for parent programmes for families of adolescents • Completed small evaluation of the ESCAPE Parent programme • Currently developing a ‘Distance Travelled Toolkit’ to be used by Gwynedd Team Around the Family to measure/ monitor the impact of its work on improving outcomes for families • The Children’s Early Intervention Trust was established to support the development, evaluation and dissemination of evidence based programmes to support children and families and has contributed funds to support many of the above projects • For more information about any of the above projects, please contact Dilys Williams, Administrator, Centre for Evidence Based Early Intervention, Nantlle Building, Normal Site, Bangor University, LL57 2PZ; tel: 01248 383758; email: d.williams@bangor.ac.uk or see • http://www.centreforearlyinterventionwales.co.uk