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Group 3: Coordination. Preparedness: Constraints. Lack of coordination among key sectors and partners Nutrition not considered a priority in most countries, hence IYCF not a priority Absence of policies IYCF Code Lack of proper guidelines for policy implementation
Preparedness: Constraints • Lack of coordination among key sectors and partners • Nutrition not considered a priority in most countries, hence IYCF not a priority • Absence of policies • IYCF • Code • Lack of proper guidelines for policy implementation • Lack of mechanisms for coordination with the military in emergencies • Lack of coordinated and harmonised capacity development (IYCF trainers, counselors, motivators, BCC, etc.) • Misguided reporting by the MEDIA • Lack of baseline data on IFE
Preparedness: Solutions • Appropriately implement the cluster approach with clearly defined TORs (e.g, food vis-a-vis nutrition) • Govt leadership and involvement from the beginning • Advocacy and technical support for Govt commitment to IYCF • Advocacy for placing nutrition and IFE high on Govt agenda • Technical and managerial support to ensure effective implementation of IYCF actions • Media briefing and press conferences on key issues on IYCF • Develop standardized messages for the Media • Ensure availability of IFE baseline data before emergency strikes • Ensure harmonised and coordinated training of health workers and breastfeeding counsellors • Adoption of Operational Guidance on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies
Early Response: Constraints • IFE not included in initial rapid assessments • IFE not considered as priority in emergency responses – (absent in Joint Appeals) • IFE often not included in Joint Appeals • Lack of sectoral coordination in humanitarian responses • Lack of registration/identification of U5 children in emergencies, hence appropriate responses not identified • Regular food basket lacks age specific food items, especially for complementary feeding
Early Response: Solutions • IFE to be included in initial assessments • IFE to be included in joint appeals • Registration of U5 children to identify separated/orphaned children • Coordinated decision making on the food basket for emergencies • Provision of multiple micronutrients for pregnant and lactating women and children 6-59 months • Coordination with WASH to ensure secure access to safe water and sanitation facilities • Coordination with the military and other sectors to ensure appropriate IFE responses • Coordination in support to non-breastfed infants • Coordination in monitoring of use of BMS and infant formula