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GEOGRAPHICAL AND AGRO CLIMATIC DATA AND LAND AVAILABLE UNDER VARIOUS CROPS • A) Geographical Data • Physiography - Rolling with hilly & flat land • Total Geographical Area - 8249 sq.km. • Agro climatic Zone - 1 Area………………………………………….. • Under Agriculture - 50,000 ha. (Approxi.) Location……………………………………… Bay of Bengal • Longitude - 930 to 940 E • Latitude - 60 to 140 N B) Agro Climate………………………………………. • Climate - Tropical Humid • Rainfall (Average) per annum - 3000 mm • Maximum Temperature (Average) - 31.70C • Minimum Temperature (Average) - 22.10C • Relative Humidity - 85%
AGRICULTURE IN ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS • Andaman and Nicobar Islands is situated in the tropical rainfall belt, agricultural operation in these islands are carried out under rainfed conditions. • Out of the total geographical area of 8249 sq.km of the Islands, about 90% of land is still covered under forest including deemed forest. • The area under agriculture accounts to 6% of the total area. • Due to Tsunami which occurred on 26th Dec’2004 extensive damage was caused to Agriculture land. About 4370 ha. of Agriculture land is under permanent submergence. • Irrigation facilities is limited, paddy cultivation has its own limitations. • Proper utilization of the hilly lands available with the farmers is the main thrust area for the improvement of the economy of the farmers.
STATUS OF PREPAREDNESS FOR LAUNCHING KHARIF CAMPAIGN 2007 • Campaigns conducted through out the territory to educate and motivate the farmers on the use of Hybrid Yielding varieties of seeds, machineries and other agriculture implements. • Supply of inputs like, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides etc. on subsidized rates. • Tractorization programme provided for transplanting. • Extension service provided free of cost. • During Kharif’07 it is targeted to produced 27,500 MT rice by bringing 9000 ha. under paddy.
MEASURES UNDERTAKEN TO IMPROVE PRODUCTION AND ACHIEVE 4% GROWTH RATE. • High Value Agriculture Programme introduced in these Islands to improve production and productivity of food grains. Farmers motivated to take up High Value Agriculture as a step towards crop diversification. • An Integrated Action Plan involving Agriculture and Allied Services, have been chalked out and are being implemented to promote Integrated Farming System. • IPM & INM programmes in paddy, vegetable crops and horticulture crops implemented. • Promotion of Organic Farming.
STRATEGY TO STRENGTHEN EXTENSION WORK- ATMA • ATMA Governing body registered. • Under the extension reform programme of GOI an Autonomouis Institution ATMA under the Chairmanship of Development Commissioner constituted. • Institutional arrangement like IDWG,GB, Management Committee and ZTT formed to monitor and implement the programme • The UT comprises of eight Agricultural zones and two Islands zones based on the Agro-eco-situation (AES) accordingly ten Zonal Level Technology Team/ AES team constituted. • Number of awareness generating activities such as Farmers training, Kishan Ghosti, Farmers- Scientists interaction, training of Master trainers, Crop Seminars are conducted. • Narrow casting by Doordarshan weekly on five days from 6.00 pm to 6.30 pm exclusively on Agriculture and allied sectors are telecasted. • 10 Rural Knowledge Centres were established during 2006-07, one in each Agriculture Extension Zone with an hub centre at Directorate of Agriculture, Port Blair
NATIONAL HORTICULTURE MISSION • Launched during 2006-07 of 10th Plan to promote Horticulture sector through area based regionally differentiated strategies, fully funded by GOI. • To enhance Horticulture production, to assure nutritional security, income support to farm households, to establish convergence and synergy among on-going and planned programme for horticulture development. • To promote, develop and disseminate technologies. • To generate employment for skilled and unskilled persons, especially unemployed youth.
This UT is implementing schemes under National Horticulture Mission under which flexibility have been given to prioritize their activities as per the felt needs. • Assistance to farmers under this scheme is limited to 50-75% of the total project cost. • Operational guidelines received in Oct.2005. • 78 cases amounting to Rs. 2,18,708/- (Rupees Two lakhs eighteen thousand seven hundred only) recommended by the technical committee and paid. • Fund of Rs. 85.0 lakhs have been received for the components of National Horticulture Mission.
ESTABLISHMENT OF QUALITY CONTROL MECHANISM FOR AGRICULTURE INPUTS • Micro nutrient testing facilities are made available under soil testing programme. • Under 11th Five Year Plan it is proposed to upgrade existing laboratory by developing infrastructural facilities for Micro Nutrient Analysis. • Soil Health Enhancement through Insitu application of green manure and organic manure. • 921 Nos. of Soil Health distributed. • Seeds and Pesticides are being procured from NSC and other reputed firms of mainland and are distributed after proper testing and analysis.
WASTE LAND DEVELOPMENT AND SALINE RECLAMATION Construction of dykes, bunds, drainage canals as well as gabion spurs protection barriers and retaining wall in progress. STRENGTHENING OF ISOPOM Andaman and Nicobar Islands is not congenial for seed production. However paddy seeds are produced locally but no vegetable seeds. As no certified seeds are produce in this UT, the scheme ISOPOM is not implemented till date. STATUS OF IMPLEMENTED OF THE DANGEROUS MACHINES (REGULATION) ACT, 1983. No dangerous machineries have been introduced for farming in this UT hence no feedback in this regard.
SUGGESTION FOR IMPROVING KHARIF PRODUCTION • Timely availability of seeds of Paddy, vegetables and pulses. • Availability of particular varieties of Kharif crops to be ensured. • High tech interventions for vegetable cultivation. • Post harvest technology and Post harvest infrastructure including transportation and storage facilities to be made available. • Mobile infrastructure for post harvest operations. • One permanent consultant( for horticulture crops) may be allowed for Andaman and Nicobar Islands under National Horticulture Mission for preparation of all project proposal befitting to Andaman and Nicobar Islands and to some extent to supervise the farmers work with latest modern technology. • Processing unit with value addition including mobile van.
Island Paddy and other field crops Plantation Crops Submerged /P. Damaged Area (in ha.) Reclaimable area (in ha.) Total Damaged Area (in ha.) Submerged Area (in ha.) Reclaimable area (in ha.) Total Damaged Area (inha.) S/Andaman 1148.00 319.00 1467.00 131.00 69.00 200.00 L/Andaman 00 43.00 43.00 00 74.00 74.00 Rangat 11.00 73.00 84.00 00 00 00 Mayabunder 5.00 39.00 44.00 7.00 7.00 14.00 Diglipur 00 27.20 27.20 00 00 00 Car Nicobar 00 00 00 213.12 756.23 969.35 Kamorta 00 00 00 527.27 110.13 637.40 Nancowrie 00 00 00 244.02 12.55 256.57 Trinket 00 00 00 288.50 40.00 328.50 Teressa 00 00 00 342.52 401.44 743.96 Chowra 00 00 00 57.80 172.60 230.40 Bambooka 00 00 00 20.00 9.55 29.55 Katchal 00 00 00 331.25 1297.25 1628.50 C/ Bay 211.30 301.20 512.50 668.86 109.92 778.78 Total 1375.30 802.40 2177.70 2831.34 3059.67 5891.01 ISLANDWISE DAMAGE DUE TO TSUNAMI
LONG TERM ACTION PLAN (2006-07) • Govt. of India have approved Additional Central Assistance for Rs. 404.73Crores which includes 239.54 Crores of Short Term Package of Agriculture including Animal Husbandry to be implemented within a period of 4 years starting from 2005-06 for sustainable development of Agriculture. This has been revised to Rs.216.74 crore as per actual requirement. • To prevent the Island from further salinity development and sustenance of agriculture activities following long-term programmes are proposed during 2006-07
SHORT TERM PACKAGE (2006-07) Financial Projection for Rehabilitation of Agriculture during 2006-07
ACHIEVEMENT OF RGRP TILL DATE • Debris cleared from 2195 ha of land. • 2008 ha of land brought under cultivation during 2005-06, and during 2006-07, 2062 ha brought under paddy, vegetable, plantation, cashew ,fruits & spices. • 550 Power Tillers and 2300 Pumpsets distributed to tsunami affected farmers. 6500 sets of farm implements distributed to the affected farmers. • 4678 MT of Neem cake and 8167 MT of Organic Manure procured and being applied for restoring and improving physical condition of soil. • 392 nos of ponds and 512 ring well constructed . • Planting materials worth Rs 57.52 lakhs purchased from farmers under buy back arrangement, thereby generating income for them. • 439047 mandays generated during 2005-06 and 285259 man days generated during 2006-07. • Rs. 25.23 crores spent during 2005-06 and 28.50 crores kept for 2006-07
NEW INITIATIVES • Introduction of vegetable cultivation in Nicobar and Nancowry group of Islands under Rajiv Gandhi Rehabilitation package for Agriculture. • Cashew cultivation in Kamorta and Teressa. • Introduction of mixed Cropping pattern in the Coconut plantation with root & fruit crops. • Creation of Water harvesting structures by constructing ponds & wells in all the Tsunami affected areas under RGRP.
FUTURE PLAN • Gradual introduction of organic farming in Andaman District. • Naandi foundation, a NGO working in Diglipur for introducing organic farming. • Detailed study on change in Cropping pattern to be carried out by CARI so as to recommend specific crop under High Value Agriculture. • Creation of Cold Storage in Diglipur, Little Andaman & Neil Island. • Establishing State of Art Market Complex Terminal at Port Blair for Agriculture produce. • Establishment of hi-tech nurseries for planting materials. • Commercial cultivation High Value Crops. • Commercial cultivation of indigenous medicinal and aromatic plants and extraction of essential oils. • Strengthening market information system and marketing infrastructure facilities . • Cashew plantation in 2000 ha additional area in Kamorta and Teressa. • Establishment of Farmers Estate at Selected places.