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CHAPTER 8 JACKSONIAN AMERICA. Section 1 Jacksonian America. Many states dropped Property Ownership as a requirement to vote & also Church membership. This increased the number of white, males eligible to vote. The power of the US government no longer rested with the just the wealthy.
Section 1 Jacksonian America • Many states dropped Property Ownership as a requirement to vote & also Church membership. This increased the number of white, males eligible to vote. • The power of the US government no longer rested with the just the wealthy. • Andrew Jackson (1828-1836) used this new group of voters to win the White House- (especially in the west and south) He was a common man, war hero, tough “westerner”----- Old Hickory • He rewarded his loyal supporters with easy government jobs (Spoils System) • Early North vs South Crisis---- South Carolina thought US tariffs were too high and they wanted to leave the Union (Secede)----- • Force Bill---Congress gave Jackson the power to use the military to enforce laws-
Removal of Native Americans • Jackson supported the removal of the Native Americans from the east to the Great Plains– Congress passed the Indian Removal Act--- 1830 • The Cherokee even sued the US in the Supreme Court---- • Most tribes agreed except the Cherokee---- They were sent on a forced march under Army guard- The Trail of Tears over 5,000 Cherokee dies of starvation, disease and exposure. All NA were resettled to reservations on the plains. • The struggle between whites and Native Americans would continue for the next 50 years • All tribes were shifted west except for the Seminoles in Florida. • Most Americans supported the removal and reservation system.
Post Jackson America • Jackson’s goal for his second term was to destroy the 2nd Bank of the US. • He disliked the Northern elite, “big government”, and industrialization. • New party the Whigs started to defeat Jackson’s Democrats in the election of 1836 • Martin Van Buren (Dem) wins election b/c he was Jackson’s VP. • He was only a one term President b/c of the Panic of 1837- Banks were forced to close, high unemployment and failed businesses. • William Henry Harrison (Old Tippecanoe) a war hero, won the election for the Whigs. • His term only lasted 1 month. He caught pneumonia and dies in office. John Tyler his VP, finished his term with no VP. His only known presidential act was firming the border between US and Canada.
Chapter 8 Section 2 HW • Read pages 273-277 • Reading Checks- page 275, 276, 277 (both) • Section 2 Assessment: #3, #4, #5 • Section 2 HW should be completed Thursday/Friday
Section 2- A Changing Culture • In the mid 1800’s over 5 million immigrants came to the United States— • The two largest groups were Irish (2 million) and German (1.5 million) • The Irish came very poor with no labor skills- most settled in the Northeast and worked in factories----- Spoke English but were Catholic--- came b/c of the Great Potato Famine • The Germans were wealthier and settled in the Midwest- became farmers or business owners– major language barrier and mix b/w Protestant and Catholic---- came b/c of political oppression • Nativism---- Hostility towards foreigners------- Strong Anti-Catholic feelings, not allowed to hold office • Political parties like the American Party (Know-Nothings) were secret organizations opposed to immigrants & Catholic
Section 2- Religious Awakening • Organized religion started seeing a decrease in involvement • Churches started encouraging people to attend church • Some new groups also formed: Unitarians & Universalists • Mormons (Church of Latter Day Saints)– started by Joseph Smith- moved from NY to Illinois--- he was murdered by an angry mob. Brigham Young led the Mormons to Utah where they settled permanently (Salt Lake City----- BYU) • Catholics still being persecuted in several states, but grew as immigrants came--- • St. Patrick’s Day- actually an Irish-American holiday started here by Irish Immigrants to celebrate their heritage here in America. • Even some “fringe” groups formed believing in a Utopian Society & the Shakers were a communal living group that didn’t believe in marriage or procreating.
Section 3- Reform Movements • With the growing religious movements, citizens saw a great need to reform certain segments of American Society • Reform Movements: • 1. Education reform- establishment of free, public schools- also start of teachers colleges ( Horace Mann) • 2. Prison/Mental Illness reform- provide better environments for prisoners, and treat the mentally ill in hospitals (also the mentally disabled) Dorothea Dix • 3. Temperance Movement- wide spread alcohol abuse across the US- many states passed anti-alcohol laws with backing from churches (many states still have dry laws) • 4.Women Movement- beliefs were divided many conservatives believed woman’s role was to stay home and be good wives and mothers----- others thought that as women began to work outside the home, they should be given more rights. • Seneca Falls Convention- first meeting for women’s rights
Section 4- Abolition • Abolition of American slavery divided North and South, would later lead to several major disputes in the US (including the Civil War) • Types of Abolition views: 1. Gradualism- gradually end slavery over time- Stop importation then move North to South. This would allow slave owners to make money as they reduced slavery. 2. Colonization- Send African slaves back to Africa- land was purchased in West Africa- would become the country of Liberia--- most Africans wanted to stay in the US. Too expensive. 3. Abolitionists- wanted an immediate end to slavery- religious groups like the Quakers and some Baptists said slavery was a sin. • William Lloyd Garrison- abolitionist newspaper publisher- The Liberator • Frederick Douglass- escaped slave who gave several abolitionist speeches • Sojourner Truth- freed slave (female) who gave speeches
Chapter 8- Section 3 & 4 HW • Read Pages 278- 282----- Section 3 • Reading Checks Page 281, 282 • Section 3 Assessment # 3,4,5 • Read Pages 284-288----- Section 4 • Reading Checks 285, 287, 288 • Geography Skills page 287 #1 & 2 • Section 4 Assessment # 3,4,5 ++Chapter 8 Review Page 290 # 16-20, #29 A & B ----- Write the Question and Answer. • YOU WILL BE ABLE TO USE THIS ON YOUR CHPT 8 TEST------ This Thursday and Friday