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ESSIR 2007 Glasgow

European Summer School in Information Retrieval 27—31 August 2007, Glasgow, Scotland. ESSIR 2007 Glasgow. http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/essir2007/. Presented at KEG seminar on September 13th 2007. Jan Nemrava, KIZI VŠE nemrava @vse.cz. IR Group at GU.

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ESSIR 2007 Glasgow

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Presentation Transcript

  1. European Summer School in Information Retrieval 27—31 August 2007, Glasgow, Scotland ESSIR 2007 Glasgow http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/essir2007/ Presented at KEG seminar on September 13th 2007 Jan Nemrava, KIZI VŠE nemrava@vse.cz

  2. IR Group at GU • Lead by Professor C.J. 'Keith' van Rijsbergen • Dr Joemon Josein charge of K-Space • Cca 20 students and researches • 3? Working on K-Space • Research areas from Theoretical models for IR Quantum Logics to Relance Feedback • Reede Ren • Frank Hopfgartner • Nicholas J Gildea

  3. ESSIR in numbers • ESSIR 2007 was the 6th summer school of the series • 214 delegates (twice as many as in 2005) from over 30 countries • 25 lecturers • 15 lectures • 2 talks from industry • 1 panel session on what makes a good IR PhD

  4. Lectures overview • Introduction to Information Retrieval (by Keith van Rijsbergen) • Evaluation in IR & TREC (by Stephen Robertson) • Structure/XML Retrieval (by Mounia Lalmas) • Information Retrieval and Context (by Ian Ruthven) • Question Answering, Information Extraction & NLP (by Maarten de Rijke) • Multimedia Information Retrieval (by Alan Smeaton) • Web Usage and Data Mining (by Bettina Berendt) • Web Information Retrieval (by David Hawking)

  5. Providing Effective Web searcha “Google-y” Perspective • Trystan Upstill • “We’re about 5% done” – Larry Page • Historical context for Web search • IR for Web search • How to make your own Web search engine • The next generation of Web search engines

  6. Information Retrieval & Business • Theo Huibers • Web 1.0 information network • Web 2.0 information social network • Web 3.0 information intelligent network • Finding information will become refined to domain specific,context-limited, user-experience-friendly, meaningaware,document synthesis retrieval. • IR from business point of view

  7. Information Retrieval and Context • Ian Ruthven • why context is important • views of context and contextualsearching • examples of contextual systems evaluation in (of) context

  8. Panel Discussion • What makes a good IR PhD? (by Maristella Agosti, Fidel Cacheda, Yves Chiaramella, Theo Huibers, Vassilis Plachouras, Alan Smeaton and Keith van Rijsbergen ) • Duration of PhD studies in various countries • Internships in industry • Relation with an adviser

  9. Social Events • Reception at the Hunterian Museum sponsored by Google • Football Game: Lecturers/organisers vsparticipants. • Social Dinner: The Trades Hall, Glasgowcity Centre • And many others :)

  10. Hunterian Museum

  11. Football game

  12. The Trades Hall

  13. ACL Prague • held in Prague, Czech Republic, June 23rd–30th 2007 • Tutorial: From Web Content Mining to Natural Language Processing by Bing Liu • http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/acl2007/tutorials/index.php/t4/ • Mining data from heterogeneous sources, using NLP for better IE. • Automatic Acquisition of Ranked Qualia Structures from theWeb • Philipp Cimiano • Quale (plural Qualia) - “vnímaná vlastnost braná jako nezávislá na svém původu” - the ways things seem to us

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