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Classical Natural Deduction & Control Operators: Curry-Howard Correspondence Extension

Explore the Curry-Howard Correspondence in classical logics, how control operators influence programming calculus, and their relation to natural deduction. Learn through informal, intuitive discussion with examples and exercises.

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Classical Natural Deduction & Control Operators: Curry-Howard Correspondence Extension

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  1. Natural Delimited ControlA Curry-Howard Correspondence for a Canonical Classical Natural Deduction Alexander J Summers Department of Computing Imperial College London

  2. Overview • Interested in the extension of the Curry-Howard Correspondence to Classical Logics • Talk roughly in three parts... • 1. Brief introduction to Control Operators • 2. Definition of a programming calculus based on classical natural deduction • 3. How are the two related? • Talk is semi-informal: focus on intuition/explanation • Feel free to ask questions..

  3. Multiplying lists of numbers.. • Exercise: write a recursive function / functional program to calculate the product of a list of numbers • Lists are defined by: l ::= [] | n:l (Fix f. λy.match y with [] --> 1 n:rest --> n*(f rest))

  4. Multiplying lists of numbers.. • Exercise: write a recursive function / functional program to calculate the product of a list of numbers • Lists are defined by: l ::= [] | n:l (Fix f. λy.match y with [] --> 1 n:rest --> n*(f rest))

  5. Multiplying lists of numbers.. • Exercise: write a recursive function / functional program to calculate the product of a list of numbers • Lists are defined by: l ::= [] | n:l (Fix f. λy.match y with [] --> 1 n:rest --> n*(f rest))

  6. Multiplying lists of numbers.. • Exercise: write a recursive function / functional program to calculate the product of a list of numbers • Lists are defined by: l ::= [] | n:l (Fix f. λy.match y with [] --> 1 n:rest --> n*(f rest)) 

  7. Multiplying lists of numbers.. • Exercise: write a recursive function / functional program to calculate the product of a list of numbers • Lists are defined by: l ::= [] | n:l (Fix f. λy.match y with [] --> 1 n:rest -->if n=0 then0 else n*(f rest)) 

  8. Multiplying lists of numbers.. • Exercise: write a recursive function / functional program to calculate the product of a list of numbers • Lists are defined by: l ::= [] | n:l (Fix f. λy.match y with [] --> 1 n:rest -->if n=0 then0 else n*(f rest)) 

  9. Multiplying lists of numbers.. • Exercise: write a recursive function / functional program to calculate the product of a list of numbers • Lists are defined by: l ::= [] | n:l (Fix f. λy.match y with [] --> 1 n:rest --> if n=0 then 0 else n*(f rest))

  10. Multiplying lists of numbers.. • Exercise: write a recursive function / functional program to calculate the product of a list of numbers • Lists are defined by: l ::= [] | n:l (Fix f. λy.match y with [] --> 1 n:rest --> if n=0 then 0 else n*(f rest)) 

  11. Multiplying lists of numbers.. • Exercise: write a recursive function / functional program to calculate the product of a list of numbers • Lists are defined by: l ::= [] | n:l (Fix f. λy.match y with [] --> 1 n:rest --> if n=0 then 0 else n*(f rest)) 

  12. Multiplying lists of numbers.. • Exercise: write a recursive function / functional program to calculate the product of a list of numbers • Lists are defined by: l ::= [] | n:l (Fix f. λy.match y with [] --> 1 n:rest --> if n=0 then 0 else n*(f rest)) 

  13. Multiplying lists of numbers.. • Exercise: write a recursive function / functional program to calculate the product of a list of numbers • Lists are defined by: l ::= [] | n:l (Fix f. λy.match y with [] --> 1 n:rest --> if n=0 then 0 else n*(f rest)) 

  14. Multiplying lists of numbers.. • Exercise: write a recursive function / functional program to calculate the product of a list of numbers • Lists are defined by: l ::= [] | n:l (Fix f. λy.match y with [] --> 1 n:rest --> if n=0 then 0 else n*(f rest)) ? 

  15. Contexts and Continuations • Control operators give control over the context in which an execution takes place termcontext

  16. Contexts and Continuations • Control operators give control over the context in which an execution takes place print (1 * (2 * (3 * 4)))termcontext

  17. Contexts and Continuations • Control operators give control over the context in which an execution takes place print (1 * (2 * (3 * 4)))term context

  18. Contexts and Continuations • Control operators give control over the context in which an execution takes place print (1 * (2 * (3 * 4)))term context

  19. Contexts and Continuations • Control operators give control over the context in which an execution takes place print (1 * (2 * (3 * 4)))term context • We write contexts as E{●} where ● is the “hole”

  20. Contexts and Continuations • Control operators give control over the context in which an execution takes place print (1 * (2 * (3 * 4)))term context • We write contexts as E{●} where ● is the “hole” E{●}= print (1 * (2 * (●)))

  21. Contexts and Continuations • Control operators give control over the context in which an execution takes place print (1 * (2 * (3 * 4)))term context • We write contexts as E{●} where ● is the “hole” E{●}= print (1 * (2 * (●))) E{3 * 4}= print (1 * (2 * (3 * 4)))

  22. Contexts and Continuations • Control operators give control over the context in which an execution takes place print (1 * (2 * (3 * 4)))term context • We write contexts as E{●} where ● is the “hole” E{●}= print (1 * (2 * (●))) E{3 * 4}= print (1 * (2 * (3 * 4))) • A continuation is a term representation of a context • A term with a ‘hole’ for another term

  23. Contexts and Continuations • Control operators give control over the context in which an execution takes place print (1 * (2 * (3 * 4)))term context • We write contexts as E{●} where ● is the “hole” E{●}= print (1 * (2 * (●))) E{3 * 4}= print (1 * (2 * (3 * 4))) • A continuation is a term representation of a context • A term with a ‘hole’ for another term • We represent this with a binder νover the ‘hole’

  24. Contexts and Continuations • Control operators give control over the context in which an execution takes place print (1 * (2 * (3 * 4)))term context • We write contexts as E{●} where ● is the “hole” E{●}= print (1 * (2 * (●))) E{3 * 4}= print (1 * (2 * (3 * 4))) • A continuation is a term representation of a context • A term with a ‘hole’ for another term • We represent this with a binder νover the ‘hole’ νx.print (1 * (2 * (●)))

  25. Contexts and Continuations • Control operators give control over the context in which an execution takes place print (1 * (2 * (3 * 4)))term context • We write contexts as E{●} where ● is the “hole” E{●}= print (1 * (2 * (●))) E{3 * 4}= print (1 * (2 * (3 * 4))) • A continuation is a term representation of a context • A term with a ‘hole’ for another term • We represent this with a binder νover the ‘hole’ νx.print (1 * (2 * (x)))

  26. Contexts and Continuations • Control operators give control over the context in which an execution takes place print (1 * (2 * (3 * 4)))term context • We write contexts as E{●} where ● is the “hole” E{●}= print (1 * (2 * (●))) E{3 * 4}= print (1 * (2 * (3 * 4))) • A continuation is a term representation of a context • A term with a ‘hole’ for another term • We represent this with a binder νover the ‘hole’ νx.print (1 * (2 * (x)))

  27. Control Operators • Programming constructs for functional languages • Allow the expression of “non-functional” behaviour • e.g., jumps, exceptions, loops, ... • Simplest example: A (“abort”) • Defined by: E{A M}→M • Completely discards the surrounding context print (1 * (2 * (A (3 * 4))))

  28. Control Operators • Programming constructs for functional languages • Allow the expression of “non-functional” behaviour • e.g., jumps, exceptions, loops, ... • Simplest example: A (“abort”) • Defined by: E{A M}→M • Completely discards the surrounding context print (1 * (2 * (A (3 * 4)))) → print (1 * (2 * (A 12)))

  29. Control Operators • Programming constructs for functional languages • Allow the expression of “non-functional” behaviour • e.g., jumps, exceptions, loops, ... • Simplest example: A (“abort”) • Defined by: E{A M}→M • Completely discards the surrounding context print (1 * (2 * (A (3 * 4)))) → print (1 * (2 * (A 12))) → print (1 * (2 * (A12)))

  30. Control Operators • More interesting example: C (“control”) • CM gives M explicit control over the context • Stores the context in an “escape procedure” E{CM}→Mλx.(AE{x}) • The escape procedure is passed to M • If M calls procedure with argument N, resulting term AE{N}aborts current execution and restores the context E{N} • In this way, M can “throw” values back to the context

  31. Multiplying lists of numbers.. • Exercise: write a recursive function / functional program to calculate the product of a list of numbers • Lists are defined by: l ::= [] | n:l Cλk.k(Fix f. λy.match y with [] --> 1 n:rest --> if n=0 then 0 else n*(f rest)) ? 

  32. Multiplying lists of numbers.. • Exercise: write a recursive function / functional program to calculate the product of a list of numbers • Lists are defined by: l ::= [] | n:l Cλk.k(Fix f. λy.match y with [] --> 1 n:rest --> if n=0 then 0 else n*(f rest)) ? 

  33. Multiplying lists of numbers.. • Exercise: write a recursive function / functional program to calculate the product of a list of numbers • Lists are defined by: l ::= [] | n:l Cλk.k(Fix f. λy.match y with [] --> 1 n:rest --> if n=0 then 0 else n*(f rest)) ? 

  34. Multiplying lists of numbers.. • Exercise: write a recursive function / functional program to calculate the product of a list of numbers • Lists are defined by: l ::= [] | n:l Cλk.k(Fix f. λy.match y with [] --> 1 n:rest --> if n=0 then 0 else n*(f rest)) ? 

  35. Multiplying lists of numbers.. • Exercise: write a recursive function / functional program to calculate the product of a list of numbers • Lists are defined by: l ::= [] | n:l Cλk.k(Fix f. λy.match y with [] --> 1 n:rest --> if n=0 then k 0 else n*(f rest)) ? 

  36. Multiplying lists of numbers.. • Exercise: write a recursive function / functional program to calculate the product of a list of numbers • Lists are defined by: l ::= [] | n:l Cλk.k(Fix f. λy.match y with [] --> 1 n:rest --> if n=0 then k 0 else n*(f rest)) 

  37. Types for Control Operators • What about types for these operators? e.g., abort • Consider the reduction rule: E{A M}→M • (A M)should have the type of the “hole” in E • M can have any type? • But, for the rule to be sound, Mmust have the type of E{A M} • Griffin (‘90): introduce special  type for “top-level” • The type of “finished computation” - M must have it Γ⊢M : B (A) Γ⊢(AM) : C

  38. Types for Control Operators • What about types for these operators? e.g., abort • Consider the reduction rule: E{A M}→M • (A M)should have the type of the “hole” in E • M can have any type? • But, for the rule to be sound, Mmust have the type of E{A M} • Griffin (‘90): introduce special  type for “top-level” • The type of “finished computation” - M must have it • Now A makes logical sense in terms of types too • corresponds with -elimination from intuitionistic logic Γ⊢M :  (A) Γ⊢(AM) : C

  39. Types for Control Operators • What about types for these operators? e.g., abort • Consider the reduction rule: E{A M}→M • (A M)should have the type of the “hole” in E • M can have any type? • But, for the rule to be sound, Mmust have the type of E{A M} • Griffin (‘90): introduce special  type for “top-level” • The type of “finished computation” - M must have it • Now A makes logical sense in terms of types too • corresponds with -elimination from intuitionistic logic Γ⊢M :  (A) Γ⊢(A M) : C

  40. Control Operators - types • What about the more powerful C control operator? • Recall the reduction rule: E{C M}→M λx.(AE{x})

  41. Control Operators - types • What about the more powerful C control operator? • Recall the reduction rule: E{C M}→M λx.(AE{x}) 

  42. Control Operators - types • What about the more powerful C control operator? • Recall the reduction rule: E{C M}→M λx.(AE{x}) A 

  43. Control Operators - types • What about the more powerful C control operator? • Recall the reduction rule: E{C M}→M λx.(AE{x}) A  B

  44. Control Operators - types • What about the more powerful C control operator? • Recall the reduction rule: E{C M}→M λx.(AE{x}) A  B

  45. Control Operators - types • What about the more powerful C control operator? • Recall the reduction rule: E{C M}→M λx.(AE{x}) A  B A→B

  46. Control Operators - types • What about the more powerful C control operator? • Recall the reduction rule: E{C M}→Mλx.(AE{x}) A  B A→B

  47. Control Operators - types • What about the more powerful C control operator? • Recall the reduction rule: E{C M}→Mλx.(AE{x}) A  B (A→B)→ A→B

  48. Control Operators - types • What about the more powerful C control operator? • Recall the reduction rule: E{C M}→Mλx.(AE{x}) A  B (A→B)→ A→B

  49. Control Operators - types • What about the more powerful C control operator? • Recall the reduction rule: E{C M}→Mλx.(AE{x}) • Observation (Griffin): if we set B= then C can be typed as double-negation-elimination:((A→)→)→A ≡¬ ¬ A→A • Led to research into computational interpretations of classical logics.. including this talk! A  B ((A→B)→)→A (A→B)→ A→B

  50. Delimited Control Operators • So far, control operators capture entire context • A refinement to the previous ideas: delimited control • “markers” # can be placed around any subterm: # M • Only capture the context up to the enclosing # • Refines reduction behaviours:

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