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Portafolio Text-types 3 Agustín Contreras Tomás Figari Vicente Ahumada. ISE 1. The names of these text types are:. Story Diary Description. Story. The story must have an introducton a full climax and a good end . It can be a long narration or short narration. Diary.
Portafolio Text-types 3 Agustín Contreras Tomás Figari Vicente Ahumada ISE 1
Thenames of thesetexttypes are: • Story • Diary • Description
Story Thestorymusthaveanintroducton a full climax and a goodend. It can be a longnarrationor short narration.
Diary Thediaryisaboutthebestday of yourlife, youexplainwhathappened and explainwhyis so special. Itmusthave 110-130 words
Description • In thedescriptionthenarratorputthemostimportantthings of story. • Itmusthavethetitle of thestory and thebiggestaconteciments of it.
True or false activity 1. Thestorymustbe a letteror email. 2. Theportfolio haveonlythecorrespondence. 3. Thestorymusthaveanintroduction a climax and anend. 4. Thestorymusthave 200 words. 5. Thediarymustbeabout a day of yourlife. 6. Thediarymusthave 300 words