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Portfolio ISE 1. BY: Rodolfo Riquelme Marcelo Madariaga Juan Pablo Vera. Section 1.
PortfolioISE 1 BY: Rodolfo Riquelme Marcelo Madariaga Juan Pablo Vera
Section 1 These are examples of personal correspondenceconducted in English.Theexam looks fortheability to produce suchcorrespondenceusingthelanguage styles and conversation appropriate to eachtypes of writing. • TheISE 1 section1 includes: Correspondence, Memo, Note, Postcard, Letter and email • Thesectionhas to havein the ISE 1 exam 70 to 80 words(70-80)
Section 2 • Thetaskrequirescandidates to conveyinformation and/or ideas clearly. At higherlevels , thismayincludewritingtexts of thetypethatmightappear in a Englishlanguagenewspaperor magazine. • Thesection 2 in the ISE 1 includes: factual writing , e.g.instructions , directions , report, article and review. Thesectionhas to havein the ISE 1 exam: 110 to 130(110-130).
Section 3 • Theexam ISE 1 section 3 includes: creative/descriptivewriting, e.gstory, diary, description . • Thetasksrequirescandidates to use languageimaginatively. • Thesection 3 has to havethe ISE 1 exam: 110-130 words(110 to 130)
True or False • ____ The portfolio has 4 Sections. • ____ Thesection 2 has 110-130 wordsin ISE 1. • ____ In thesection 3 thetasksrequirecandidates to use languageimaginatively. ____ Thesection 1 has 70-90 words. ____ Thesection3 has 110-150 words in ISE 1.