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New Developments in VISUM

2008 PTV America Users Group Meeting. New Developments in VISUM. Klaus Nökel, PTV AG, Karlsruhe. What‘s new ?. Procedures ( EVA demand model, PrT assignment ) Data model User Interface (network editor, graphics, listings) Scripting Interfaces ( VISUM / VISSIM integration )

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New Developments in VISUM

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  1. 2008 PTV America Users Group Meeting New Developments in VISUM Klaus Nökel, PTV AG, Karlsruhe

  2. What‘s new ? • Procedures (EVA demand model,PrT assignment) • Data model • User Interface (network editor, graphics, listings) • Scripting • Interfaces (VISUM / VISSIM integration) • System Issues (64-bit support) • Perspectives

  3. All highway assignments • Improved performance due to: • Results stored as double precision numbers  better convergence • more intelligent smoothing • faster calculation of commonality factor in stochastic assignment (PS-Logit as an alternative to C-Logit) • faster shortest-path search in very large networks • more intelligent control over inner iterations • Also useful: • Trace of net objects / OD pairs which violate termination criteria • Assignment can be terminated interactively without losing results • HCM intersection capacity analysis re-implemented from scratch, replaces TRAFFIX !!

  4. User-defined volume-delay functions • Why? • Specific functional forms required in some projects • separate functions for transport systems • include network attributes like gradient, hgv share, … • How? • Fast evaluation requires compiled, not interpreted approach • VISUM comes with C++ source code template for DLL • Users can fill in their formulae • Compile the source code to a DLL, name it VISUMVDFxxx.DLL • Drop DLL into VISUM project directory • VISUM scans for DLLs on start-up and lists user-defined functional forms along with others

  5. EVA Demand Model in VISUM • What is EVA? • Demand model covering first three steps • Traditional trip generation using cross-classification • Simultaneous trip distribution and mode choice • Trip balancing conserves flow across trip purposes • More sophisticated utility functions than in VISUM‘s trip-interchange model • Is EVA new? • No, developed since the 1990s at TU Dresden, Germany • Has existed for many years as VISEVA companion product to VISUM. • Now fully integrated into VISUM: • structural + demographic data are zone attributes • all matrix objects (skims + OD) live directly in VISUM • all editing + visualisation capabilities apply to VISEVA data, too

  6. Multi-Edit Intersect available as an operation

  7. MainNodes, MainTurns … finally! • were added to the data model (only) in VISUM 9.5 • from VISUM 10 they are fully functional in: • all assignments and skimming operations ; • assignment path listings ; • flow bundles; • shortest-path search ; • isochrones; • NEMA signal control; • HCM node impedance calculation; • signal optimization; • difference network; • route import; • multi-user editing 4 leg main node

  8. COM scripting • Skim matrices: create and associate with demand segment • Read/write access to interactive marking • Display attribute selection dialog • All container objects: GetAll optionally returns active objects only • Read access to the file name of currently loaded .ver or .net file • Read/write access to all properties of user-defined attributes

  9. Interfaces • VISUM  VISSIM • Interface completely redesigned • Intelligently merges VISUM changes into previously exported VISSIM networks ! • Shapefile import / export • Read also: PolyLineM/Z, PointM/Z • Read/write network file • pre-set options for typical use cases (surfaces, timetable, …) • Demand file • now possible to read in additive mode (useful for complex demand model structures)

  10. File I/O • Project directories • Security tightening in recent Windows releases  no longer allowed to write to EXE directory  several VISUM standard files need to relocate • Windows Vista (where USER is your personal user account): • Projections: C:\Program Data\Visum100\Projections • UserVDF-DLLs: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Visum\100\UserVDF-DLLs • Log-Dateien: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Visum\log • Windows XP: • Projections: C:\Documents and Settings\Visuminst\ApplicationData\Visum100\Projections • UserVDF-DLLs: C:\Documents and Settings\AllUsers\ApplicationData\Visum\100\UserVDF-DLLs • Log-Dateien: C:\Documents and Settings\AllUsers\ApplicationData\Visum\log • New menu shortcut brings up ERROR and TRACE files

  11. System Issues • 64-bit support • VISUM can use more than 3GB of memory • requires Windows Vista 64-bit • bigger models possible • OS compatibility • Unicode and 64-bit features require new Microsoft libraries • Compatible with all current Windows releases • Support discontinued for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT <= 4.0

  12. Ongoing Improvements in VISUM 10 • Many finishing touches improve robustness and ease of use: • ICA released after extended testing phase • Improved turn type assignment: no more „multiple through movements“  • Nested mode choice: automatically adapt logsum scaling parameter • COM: Retrieve long list contents chunk by chunk – no more „out of memory“ • Drawing order within link layer if you turn this on and re-assign standard turn types, ICA will run fine

  13. Ongoing Improvements in VISUM 10 • Many finishing touches improve robustness and ease of use: • Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE): capacity for out-flow from a link now independent from capacity on in-flow • Legend items for bars, pies, columns display scale  • VISUM Viewer • Service frequency available as skim value in frequency-based assignment • Ctrl-click extends, shrinks MainNodes, MainZones

  14. VISUM 11 Sneak Preview: Smart Map • Floating overview window • displays instantly where you are in the network • zoom and pan directly in smart map • graphics parameters optionally independent from main view  better display at small scale • reflects our trend to make VISUM more GIS-like

  15. VISUM 11 Sneak Preview: Multi-threading • Computationally intense operations speeded up • assignment • skimming • demand model operations • Supports all modern multi-core processors • Examples • Lohse equilibrium assignment on two cores ~ 60% of sequential runtime • Timetable-based assignment on eight cores 4 – 6 times faster (see right for KA.ver performance)

  16. VISUM 11 Sneak Preview: New node editor • Replaces Edit Node and Edit Turn dialogs • Schematic graphical representation of node, optimized for different aspects of junction model • In-place editing (in schematic) of many properties • Graphical signal timing editor (for signal-group based and phase-based controls)

  17. VISUM 11 Sneak Preview: More Perspectives • VISUM for Traffic Engineering: • Better Node dialog with all intersection data • Signal Optimization (incl. offset coordination in networks) • Versatile PrT path object • Editable PrT assignment results • Node impedance model for roundabouts • Integrated activity/tour-based demand model VISEM • Improved Matrix Estimation (TFlowFuzzy) • Improved PuT Line Blocking (Vehicle Scheduling) • More import filters for foreign data formats, including Cube, TransCAD, Google Transit

  18. ANM REF INP VER ANM + + ... edit ... ANM REF INP ... edit ... + + ANM DIFF VER ANM MERGE ANM REF INP + + VISUM  VISSIM: a new division of labour

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