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Continuing Professional Development. #1 HPC standards for CPD #2 What you have to do #3 Frequently aired gripes #4 Frequently asked questions #5 CPD in Practice #6 Assessment of HPC standards for CPD. Continuing Professional Development. #1 HPC standards for CPD.
Continuing Professional Development #1 HPC standards for CPD #2 What you have to do #3 Frequently aired gripes #4 Frequently asked questions #5 CPD in Practice #6 Assessment of HPC standards for CPD
Continuing Professional Development #1 HPC standards for CPD
HPC standards for CPD #1 • 1. maintain a continuous, up-to-date and accurate record of their CPD activities (portfolio); • Binder or folder of papers, or on computer – ensure you have backup!!!. • Continuous. You should regularly add to your record. • Up-to-date. Concentrate on the CPD in the previous two years – you can mention long term projects. • True reflection of the activities that you have undertaken. • Your own personal and complete record of your activities.
HPC standards for CPD #1 • 1. maintain a continuous, up-to-date and accurate record of their CPD activities (portfolio); An example:
HPC standards for CPD #1 From http://www.hpc-uk.org To meet standard 1 – Registrants must maintain a continuous up-to-date and accurate record of their CPD activities Main question: Does your evidence include a summary sheet of all your CPD activities? Extra questions: How have you kept an up-to-date and accurate record of your CPD activities? How did you record your CPD activities? Who (if anyone) approved your plan for undertaking CPD activities?
HPC standards for CPD #2 • 2. demonstrate that their CPD activities are a mixture of learning activities relevant to current or future practice • You do not need to undertake a certain amount of CPD (hours, days or points). • A mixture of learning activities – include different types of learning activity in your CPD portfolio. Certificates of talks Reflections e-learning Professional Portfolio Evidence of teaching / tutoring
HPC standards for CPD #2 • 2. demonstrate that their CPD activities are a mixture of learning activities relevant to current or future practice; Your CPD should be relevant to the way you work. This means that your CPD may be very different from that which your colleagues undertake, even though you are from the same profession. If you are recently qualified, your CPD may be based around your progress in honing your skills If you have recently acquired new lab equipment, your CPD may well revolve around that instrument. If you plan to change the direction of your career, your CPD may be based around your future plans
HPC standards for CPD #2 From http://www.hpc-uk.org To meet standard 2 – Registrants must demonstrate that their CPD activities are a mixture of learning activities relevant to current or future practice Main questions: What different types of learning activity have you undertaken? How is your CPD relevant to your work? What parts of your role are affected by your CPD?
HPC standards for CPD #2 From http://www.hpc-uk.org To meet standard 2 – Registrants must demonstrate that their CPD activities are a mixture of learning activities relevant to current or future practice Extra questions: How did you identify your learning needs? How did you decide on what CPD activities to undertake? How did you make sure your mix of CPD activities is appropriate to meet your needs? How has the mixture of learning activities been relevant to your current or future work?
HPC standards for CPD #3 • 3. seek to ensure that their CPD has contributed to the quality of their practice and service delivery • CPD should improve the way you work. • Your learning activities should lead to you making changes to how you work • which improves the way you provide your service. • Alternatively, your learning activities may mean that you continue to work as you did before, but you are more confident that you are working effectively. • In meeting this standard, you should be able to show that your CPD activities are part of your work, contribute to your work, and are not separate from it.
HPC standards for CPD #3 • 3. seek to ensure that their CPD has contributed to the quality of their practice and service delivery You may find • Making your CPD contribute to the quality of your work may be outside your control. • You are thwarted by management • Your great scheme wasn’t that great. But • Reflect on mistakes. • By doing this you will still meet this standard because you have tried to make your CPD contribute to the quality of your work.
HPC standards for CPD #3 3. seek to ensure that their CPD has contributed to the quality of their practice and service delivery For Example Audits: haematology workload audit with reference to auto-authorisation haematology workload audit with reference to reagent ordering Training: haematology morphology training with reference to competence Numbering: Urgents first Show you’ve improved what you do
HPC standards for CPD #4 • 4. seek to ensure that their CPD benefits the service user • You will meet this standard if you have tried to make your CPD benefit service users.. • Who are your service users? - Anyone who is affected by your work. • It can be difficult to provide evidence that your CPD has benefited service users. Try to address this criterion specifically with examples such as: Case studies: - Patients who have “survived” Result of audit – Turnaround time improvement Teaching – someone who learns from you is a “service user”
HPC standards for CPD #3 & 4 From http://www.hpc-uk.org To meet Standards 3 and 4 –Registrants must seek to ensure that their CPD has contributed to the quality of their practice and service delivery and seek to ensure that their CPD benefits the service user Main questions: How have you updated your knowledge and skills over the past two years? How has this learning affected how you work? How has your learning benefited your service users?
HPC standards for CPD #3 & 4 From http://www.hpc-uk.org To meet Standards 3 and 4 –Registrants must seek to ensure that their CPD has contributed to the quality of their practice and service delivery and seek to ensure that their CPD benefits the service user Extra questions: How does your learning relate to your ability to work safely, effectively and legally? How does your professional development relate to your changing work? What aspects of your work have changed as a result of your CPD?
HPC standards for CPD #5 • 5. Present a written profile containing evidence of their CPD upon request. • The main parts of your CPD profile will be: • a summary of your practice history for the last two years (up to 500 words); • a statement of how you have met the standards of CPD (up to 1500 words) • evidence to support your statement.
HPC standards for CPD #5 • 5. Present a written profile containing evidence of their CPD upon request. • The main parts of your CPD profile will be: • 1: a summary of your practice history for the last two years (up to 500 words); • Shows the CPD assessors how your CPD activities are linked to your work.
HPC standards for CPD #5 • 5. Present a written profile containing evidence of their CPD upon request. • The main parts of your CPD profile will be: • 2: a statement of how you have met the standards of CPD (up to 1500 words) • This should clearly show how you believe you meet each of the standards, and should refer to • the CPD activities you have undertaken • the evidence you are sending in to support your statement.
HPC standards for CPD #5 • 5. Present a written profile containing evidence of their CPD upon request. • The main parts of your CPD profile will be: • 3: evidence to support your statement It should show • You have undertaken the CPD activities you have referred to, • You have improved the quality of your work and benefited service users. • Your evidence should include a summary of all your CPD activities. • The CPD assessors should also be able to see how your CPD activities are a mixture of learning activities and are relevant to your work
HPC standards for CPD #5 • 5. Present a written profile containing evidence of their CPD upon request. • The main parts of your CPD profile will be: • 3: evidence to support your statement What is this evidence?
Continuing Professional Development #2 What you have to do
HPC standards for CPD - summary You must keep a record of your CPD Different kinds of activities that is relevant to your work. (It could be relevant to your current role or to a planned future role) Intended to improve the quality of your work. (It may not actually improve your work, due to factors beyond your control, but when you choose your CPD activities you should intend for them to improve your work) Intended to benefit service users. (As above, you may not be able to make sure that this happens, but you should have the intention of benefiting service users) Service users might include patients, clients, your team, or students. You must produce a written profile when asked to do so
HPC standards for CPD - summary • You decide what kinds of CPD activity that are relevant to your role and your work. • You may decide that you could meet the standards by only taking part in a scheme run by your professional body or your employer. You would be wrong to do so. • You might take part in such a scheme and supplement this with other activities, or you could structure your own CPD activities around your personal development plan. That’s the way to do it !
Continuing Professional Development #3 Frequently aired gripes
Statutory Order 2002 No 254 – The Health Professions Order 2001 http://www.hpc-uk.org/assets/documents/1000061DThe_Health_Professions_Order.pdf
The legal position • Under legislation, (The Health Professions Order 2001 article 19, 4), a registrant must have undertaken Continuing Professional Development (CPD) • and has maintained a record, including any supporting evidence of that CPD. • “CPD is an important part of continuing your registration and your continuing ability to use your professional title.”
What if I don’t !!!!! • Under article 10(2)(b) of the Health Professions Order, 2001: • The Education and Training Committee (which is a statutory committee of Council, has the responsibility for registration and re-registration) “has the right to refuse to renew a registrant’s registration or may direct the Registrar to remove the registrant’s name from the Register.”
You can’t make me do it !!!!! • The HPC cannot force you to do CPD • However the HPC can remove you from the state register
A warning ! • “If your actions in relation to CPD amount to misconduct (for example making a false declaration or falsifying CPD records) this will lead to your fitness to practise being investigated.“ • “If, as a result, you are struck off the Register, you cannot apply to be registered again for at least five years.“
Continuing Professional Development #3 Frequently aired gripes – a summary
Siddown • Shaddap • Get on with it
Continuing Professional Development #4 Frequently asked questions (from http://www.hpc-uk.org/)
What do I have to sign up to? When you renew your registration, you: • declare that you continue to practice • declare that you have undertaken CPD, maintained a record of that CPD and have met the CPD standards.
What if I don’t meet the standards? • You will have a further opportunity to meet them within a prescribed time limit • If you fail to meet those standards within the set time, you may be removed from the Register (although you have a right of appeal).
I only work part-time • All registrants irrespective of whether they work full-time, part-time, on a permanent or locum basis are required to meet the Standards • The onus being on the individual to select which CPD activities best suit them and will allow them to meet the standards.
I will be going on maternity leave. Will I still have to do CPD while not at work?
I will be going on maternity leave. Will I still have to do CPD while not at work? • You can take a break of up to two years and remain on the Register. • If you are out of practice for more than two years, then the HPC recommends that you should come off the Register, • Reapply for registration when you wish to practise again.
What type of activities will be acceptable for CPD? • Basically everything and anything (!) • “Assessors will be looking for a range of activities and evidence of how the learning outcomes achieved from those activities have been utilized in your service delivery and/or clinical practice.” • “No one activity carries a greater weighting factor than another and the primary focus for you is to ensure that you complete a range of activities. “