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prosinec 2013 VY_32_INOVACE_AGJ_140301. the Czech Republic basic facts. Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Soňa Quisová. Střední škola hotelnictví a služeb a Vyšší odborná škola, Opava, příspěvková organizace.
prosinec 2013 VY_32_INOVACE_AGJ_140301 theCzech Republicbasic facts Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Soňa Quisová. Střední škola hotelnictví a služeb a Vyšší odborná škola, Opava, příspěvková organizace. Materiál byl vytvořen v rámci projektu OP VK 1.5 – EU peníze středním školám, registrační číslo CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0879.
The Czech Republicis situated in Central Europe and borders on Poland in the north Germany in the west Slovakia in the east Austria in the south obr. 1
the Czech Republic • came into existence on January 1, 1993 • has a nickname: the heart of Europe • has a population of about 10 m inhabitants • covers an area of 78,864 sq km • is a member of NATO (12 March, 1999)and the European Union (1 May, 2004) • the currency: the Czech crown
the Czech Republic the political system • the head of state is the president – he is elected directly by the citizens for five years • the CR is governed by the Government formed by the Prime Minister and other ministers – it´s the executive power of our state • the Parliament is a law-making body and has two houses: – the House of Deputies (200 MPs) and the Senate (81 senators) – it is elected by the citizens (older than 18) for four years (to become the member of the House of Deputies one must be over 21; to become the member of the Senate over 40)
the Prague Castle – the seat of the president when the flag is on the president is present guarded by the Castle Guard obr. 3
the Chamber of Deputies obr. 5 obr. 4 the Senate obr. 6 obr. 7
the Czech symbols • flag of the president of the Czech Republic with the inscription „the truth wins“ added by the former president Václav Havel • the coat of arms formed by the historical sign of Bohemia– a silver,two-tailed lion, the sign of Moravia – a chequered eagle and the sign of Silesia– a black eagle obr. 8 . obr. 9
the Czech symbols • the state seal formed by the coat of arms with lime leaves on both sides and the inscription „the Czech Republic“ • the state flag formed by three colours obr. 10 obr. 11
the Czech symbols • the Czech national anthem called „Where my homeland is“ written by F. Škroup • the lime tree – the unofficial symbol obr. 12 obr. 13
the Czech Republic – geography • there are a lot of mountain ranges that form the natural border of the state • fertilelowlands can be found along big rivers, such as the Elbe and the Morava • the highest peak is Sněžka (1.603 m) • the most important rivers are the Elbe (shipping), the Vltava (with many dams, the longest Czech river), the Morava and the Odra • South Bohemia is famous for numerous ponds (used for carp breeding) – the biggest called Rožmberk • the best-known lakes are Macha´s Lake, Black Lake and Devil´s Lake (glacial origin)
the Jizerské Mountains the Eagle Mountains the Giant Mountains the Ore Mountains the Jeseníky the Beskydy the Bohemian Forest the Bohemian-Moravian Highland the Šumava the White Carpathians obr. 14
Sněžka Black Lake obr. 16 obr. 15 Rožmberk pond obr. 17
the Czech Republic – industry • traditionally an industrial country • the main industries are: chemical, food, metallurgy, heavyand light engineering, car (Škoda in Mladá Boleslav hasa long tradition and plays significant importance) • as for raw materials, black and brown coal is mined here • there are also minor deposits of iron ore, uranium, oil, etc. • porcelaine, glass and jewelleries industries represent an important part of the Czech economy, too (Karlovy Vary, Jablonec nad Nisou) • our country is world-famous for beer production – the best breweries are in Plzeň, České Budějovice
steelworks in Ostrava Barbora mine in Karviná obr. 19 obr. 18 obr. 21 brewery in Plzeň logo of Škoda cars – a flying arrow obr. 20
the Czech Republic – agriculture • about 40% of the land in the Czech Republic is cultivated • the crops grown in our country are: barley, wheat, corn, rye, sugar beet, potatoes, flax and hops (around Žatec) • Southern Moravia is best known for vineyards (Mikulov, Znojmo, Velké Pavlovice, Mělník, etc.) • the animal production is represented mainly by cattle, pigs and poultry breeding, beekeeping and also fish breeding (ponds in South Bohemia)
grapes in Pálava hop field near Přerov obr. 22 obr. 23 pond fishing traditional beehives in Walachia obr. 24 obr. 25
CITACE ZDROJŮ • obr. 1: LENCER. File:Czech Republic location map.svg - Wikimedia Commons [online]. 2008. vyd. [cit. 2013-12-22]. Dostupné z: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Czech_Republic_location_map.svg?uselang=farad • obr. 2: KIRK. File:Czech Rep. - Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia I.png – Wikimedia Commons [online]. 2011. vyd.[cit. 2013-12-22]. Dostupné z: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Czech_Rep._-_Bohemia,_Moravia_and_Silesia_I.png?uselang=cs • obr. 3: COLLIS, Steve. File:Prague Castle (8347996081).jpg - Wikimedia Commons [online]. 2012. vyd.[cit. 2013-12-22]. Dostupné z: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Prague_Castle_%288347996081%29.jpg?uselang=Farad • obr. 4: ERVINPOSPISIL. File:Zasedací sál Poslanecké sněmovny.jpg – Wikimedia Commons [online]. 2006. vyd. [cit. 2013-12-22]. Dostupné z: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Zasedac%C3%AD_s%C3%A1l_Poslaneck%C3%A9_sn%C4%9Bmovny.jpg?uselang=cs • obr. 5: STEINHOFEL, Jonas. File:Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Logo.svg – Wikimedia Commons [online]. 2012. vyd. [cit. 2013-12-22]. Dostupné z: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chamber_of_Deputies_of_the_Parliament_of_the_Czech_Republic_Logo.svg?uselang=cs • obr. 6: STEINHOFEL, Jonas. File:Senate of the Czech Republic Logo.svg – Wikimedia Commons [online]. 2012. vyd. [cit. 2013-12-22]. Dostupné z: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Senate_of_the_Czech_Republic_Logo.svg?uselang=cs • obr. 7: KROKODYL. File:Senat 2833.jpg – Wikimedia Commons [online]. 2011. vyd. [cit. 2013-12-22].Dostupné z: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Senat_2833.jpg?uselang=cs • obr. 8: FRY1989. File:Flag of the president of the Czech Republic.svg – Wikimedia Commons [online]. 2012. vyd. [cit. 2013-12-22]. Dostupné z: http://generator.citace.com/dokument/7y695Ws1MHiI67o0 • obr. 9: ZSCOUT370. File:Coat of arms of the Czech Republic.svg – Wikimedia Commons [online]. 2012. vyd.[cit. 2013-12-22]. Dostupné z: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Coat_of_arms_of_the_Czech_Republic.svg?uselang=cs
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