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This article provides an overview of the European Commission's approach to social innovation, including its recent activities and policies. It explores the different perspectives and initiatives taken by various departments to foster social innovation and achieve EU policy goals. The article also highlights the current employment and social situation in the EU, as well as the main policy packages and frameworks that support social innovation. Additionally, it discusses the lessons learnt from previous initiatives and the importance of partnerships for addressing social challenges and improving social outcomes.
"EAPN Taskforce on Social Innovation Meeting December 3rd"Social Innovation: A European Commission perspective and recent activities "Aurelio FernándezDG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Unit Social Policies, Innovation and Governance
Social innovation in EU activities Different perspectives have been considered in EC approaches to social innovation • From Innovation Union to the Social Investment Package considerable amount of actions were taken since 2010 by different DGs to foster and/or used social innovation to reach EU policy goals • Employment, Social affairs and Inclusion • Research and Innovation • Grow • Connect • Structural and Investment Programs and Plans
EU Policy Frameworks (rooting social innovation) • Europe 2020 • Seven EU flagship initiatives • (in particular, Innovation Unionand the European Platform Against Poverty). • Complementing funding programmes • (such as FP7, Progress, EaSI, Horizon2020, COSME) Main policy packages Social Business Initiative, Employment Package, Social Investment Package The new multiannual financial framework for the Structural and Investment Funds 2014 -2020
The EU Employment and Social Situation High level Unemployment: 9.5 % (10.9% euro area). • Higher youth unemployment:20,4% (21,9 % euro area) • High number of NEETS(around 15,9% in 2013) • Small declining of Long-term and very long-term unemployment (LTUR 4.9% -VLTU 3%). • Involuntary part-time work & underemployment increasing. • Households financial distress fell but remains higher than in 2007, in particular in the low income quartile. • Poverty and social exclusion has increased during the crisis. 24,5% of all Europeans in 2013 • Inequalities within MS and social divergences among MS also growing.
Inequality: Income quintile ratio (S80/S20), Income quintile ratio (S80/S20), evolution 2008-2013evolution 2008-2013 Source: Eurostat (EU-SILC)
Lack of progress on the EU 2020 headline target on poverty and social exclusion Source: Eurostat (EU-SILC)
New European Commission • Rebalancing economic policy, employment and social affairs A model of economic growth where efficiency and social fairness feed each other • Breaking policy silos (integrated approaches) • A new economic governance package: Investment, Structural reforms, fiscal responsibility Job creation and modernisation of social protection systems at the heart of the agenda
The Social Investment Package (SIP): A strategic social investment approach to modernisation • Social protection systems that prevent against risks, respond as early as possible and respond to people's needsthroughout their lives • Join up adequate benefits with activating and enabling benefits to support people's inclusion in society and the labour market • More effective and efficient social spending to ensure adequate and sustainable social protection
"Social Policy Innovation" • SIP brought a specific perspective for social innovation that emphasizes the importance of • - connecting social innovation to strategic policy packages and EU priorities. • - mainstreaming social innovation in the implementation of Member States reforms supporting social investment and the modernisation of social protection systems. • - taking into account the added value of innovation as a key tool for achieving improved social outcomes. • http://ec.europa.eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=13691&langId=en
Refocussing social innovation Lessons learnt • Greater involvement of public authorities is needed for effective follow-up and sustainability. • Innovations supporting social investment and policy-making would be better connected (Focus on a more systemic level). Develop broader partnerships (civil society organisations, service providers, private sector,…) is essential for addressing social challenges and pursuing better social outcomes Need to adjust methodologies for measuring social outcomes
Conference on Social Policy Innovation (Brussels, 19th – 20th May). How social policy innovation can contribute to implement efficient and effective reforms in social protection systems based on a social investment perspective? Around 400 participants 25 show-casing sessions on policy experiences The outcomes of the Conference provided inputs to the new Commission on the way forward in this of policy area. http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?langId=en&catId=88&eventsId=981&furtherEvents=yes • http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?langId=en&catId=88&eventsId=981&furtherEvents=yes
Innovative social policy investments TCP- Nationaltelecaredevelopmentprogramme (Scotland). Long-termcareintegratedservicesreform (Slovenia) Barcelona (ES – innovativemodelorganisation of social services) South Karelia (SI – integrated social and healthservices) Leap Project (MT – familyresource centers)
Innovative social policy investments (II) Partnerships involving the business community (Wallet of the Poor initiatives –BE, FR, PT). Innovation by social entrepreneurs (Ashoka, Oksigen). Innovations by Civil Society Organizations: Caritas, Diakonie, Local organizations ESF multiregional program against discrimination (ES – 2006 -2011).
Funding instruments: Employment and Social Innovation Program (EaSI - 2014-2020) • Stronger connection to Europe 2020 and the integrated policy guidelines • Funding allocated in the new programme for social innovation has increased in relation to PROGRESS (10 to 14 million euros a year). • Further synergies with ESF activities on social innovation will be built http://ec.europa.eu/social/easi
EaSI: First Call for Proposals (2014) Social policy innovations supporting reforms in social services €9.2 million. Maximum EU co-financing (80%) More that 100 innovation initiatives from 20 Member States Focus areas: • One-stop-shop approaches • Personalised approaches to social services • Innovative partnerships 2015 Call http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?langId=en&catId=629
EaSI: Grants Awarded in 2014 Call for proposals on social innovation • Vouchers for the provision of child minders service to workers with nonstandard work schedules (LV) New subsidized flexible form of child-care services. • Regional Single Social Record (Andalusia/ES). One-stop-shop approach boosting coordination between regional and local level of government. • Family STAR (IT) Use of the "Family Group Conference " model in a preventive way in lower primary schools. • Entry for Empowered Working & Living (NL–Dutch Walcheren Region) integrated front office offering a one stop shop for integrated social services( personalised approach, innovative partnerships).
EaSI: Grants Awarded in 2014 Call for proposals on social innovation • INNOV-CARE – Innovative Patient-Centred approach for Social Care Provision to Complex Conditions- (ES). A holistic, personalised social pathways for persons facing rare diseases involving public, private and civil society organisations. • INSPIRE (IT-Rome). A "fragility care" system reform, aims to renew the current social services system in the city. • PACT ProActive Case-based targeted model for social inclusion - (ES-Castilla y Leon) based on renewed partnerships, and proactive and preventive care provision.
2015 EaSI Call for Proposals for Social Policy Innovations supporting reforms of Social Services (VP/2015/011) • Purpose of this call is "to foster policy innovation in the organisation and delivery of social services aiming at the integration of service users in the labour market. Policy innovation should focus on the integrated delivery of this type of social services". • Budget: 10.800.000€ (Grant requests between 750.000€ minimum and 2.000.000€). • Co-financing rate 80% of total eligible costs of the action. • Eligibility criteria: Consortium of stakeholders involving public, private or not-for profit entities • Deadline for submitting applications: 16/11/2015 http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=629&langId=en&callId=462&furtherCalls=yes
ESF and Social Innovation With the new programming period, there is much more scope to use the ESF in support of social policy innovation(ESF shall promote social innovation). Member States are required to identify the themes for social innovation corresponding to their specific needs in their Operational Programmes and/or during implementation (art 9 ESF regulation). Possibilities of a priority axis devoted to social innovation and of an increasing of 10% in the co-financing rate. Relevant examples: New ESF operational programmes (CZ, AT, ES), Sachsen Ansalt (DE), Friuli Venetia (IT), Flanders (BE)
The way forward: Further steps Making sure social policy innovation play a role in reforms made by Member states for modernizing social protection systems. Pursuing the promotion of social innovation in ESF implementation activities Support Member states through guidance, evidence-based knowledge, capacity building and the use of funds for social policy innovation Pursue broad partnerships between public authorities, the private sector and civil society to deliver better social outcomes