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Transformational Government Enabled By New Technology. What I plan to cover... Newham Where is it & what’s it like? What is “Transformational Government”? What does it mean in Newham? What is the technology? How does it work in Newham? Partnership Working. 2012 Opportunities.
Transformational Government Enabled By New Technology • What I plan to cover... • Newham • Where is it & what’s it like? • What is “Transformational Government”? • What does it mean in Newham? • What is the technology? • How does it work in Newham? • Partnership Working. • 2012 Opportunities.
Where is Newham? In the heart of the East End of London, England Here
What’s it Like in Newham? • Strong & Stable Leadership • Sir Robin Wales - elected Mayor since 2002, • previously leader of the Council. • Dave Burbage CE • Challenging, Vibrant & Exciting • Poor - 11th most deprived borough in England & Wales (3rd in ‘98) • Diverse - highest level of ethnic diversity in UK, 60 BME groups, • large number of communities • Translation services provided for over 130 languages • Young - nearly 40% of the 245k population are under the age of 25, and highest birth rate in UK • Council culture supportive of innovation, particularly though ICT • Massive regeneration programme underway • Complex • 250k population, 800 services, increasingly joined up with partners • £700M+ Annual expenditure - Outer London borough!!!
What Is Transformational Government? The Transformational Government strategy was commissioned by Tony Blair and published in November 2005. It outlined three main themes aimed at: making services citizen and business centred; delivering a step change in the professionalism with which technology is delivered to government departments and encouraging a shared service approach to release efficiencies across the system and support delivery more focussed on customer needs. Quote from “Vision” Twenty First Century Government is enabled by technology – policy is inspired by it, business change is delivered by it, customer and corporate services are dependent on it, and democratic engagement is exploring it. Moreover modern governments with serious transformational intent see technology as a strategic asset and not just a tactical tool. Technology alone does not transform government, but government cannot transform to meet modern citizens’ expectations without it.
What Are the Expected Outcomes? To meet increasing public expectations & keep up with private sector developments. To help make front line public servants more efficient and effective. Reduce back-office staff & move to the front line. To reduce costs – Gershon, CSR07 etc. To provide personalisation and choice. Not just to “transform” now but to create the capacity to innovate & change in future. Annual government ICT spend estimated at £14Bn including 50,000 staff. Rationalised and integrated infrastructure: technology, agencies & data. Legacy of IEG? Directgov & Business Link reflecting both customer centric services and rationalisation activities. Primarily focussed on Central Gov?
So what has this meant in Newham? Services designed around the Citizen (and in future business) rather than the needs of the organisation. One Council Approach, with access through 1 Corporate Call Centre 8 Local Service Centres (10 minutes travel) MS CMS based Web Site + MOSS Professionalism CIO, Leadership, Portfolio Management, Programme Management, Project Management and no technology projects! (People, Process & Change) Shared Services Means many things to many people. To us it’s firstly joining up the internal silos. Then reshapng end-to-end service delivery proceses with local delivery partners such as Health Also Sharing opportunities regionally and thematically (aggregated procurement, trading services with each-other and also shared development). (SLG & SSN) Example: Newham Language Services (as is now)
Where Does The Technology Fit In? Industry at a 10 year inflexion point, last time saw the web and before that it was the PC. Now it’s about web 2.0: collaboration, “always on” & “on demand” supporting mobility and new ways of working more generally. So we need... Joined up networks, with Authenticated access and Trust arrangements based on Standards and Data sharing protocols. Enabling... Partnership working, Shared services and Access anytime, place, where. & make it Cheaper too!
The Problem With Integration and Silos How it used to look! Technical, complexand hard to manage
Newham Information Systems Architecture Customer Access Channels (Citizen & Business) Self-Service Customer Relationship Management (Customer Tracking) Business Logic & Corporate Technology Components Mediated Presentation Layer Internet Layer Master Data Sets Royal Mail Face to Face (LSC’s) e-mail Telephone (Contact Centre) Telephone (automated) Internet Kiosks Digital TV Wireless People Corporate Services MultiVue Entity Synchronisation Enterprise Systems FMS / MP3 (Masterpiece) Anite IMS (Debtors) Property (NLPG) HRP (Trent) Corporate Debt Information Governance/FoI Line of Business (Service) Core Systems (via adapters) Technology Components e-Payments (PARIS) Business (SBA) Intranet SharePoint/Content Management DIP / EDRMS Data Exploitation Tools Enterprise Workflow Staff SMS Text Gateway Data Warehouse IVR Authentication e-mail & Calendar e-forms External Links Mobility & Flexible Working Government Gateway Performance Indicators N. I. M.S NLPG Hub Web GIS LASC P.I.M.S Health Service Housing Mgmt Repairs& Stores Revs & Bens Housing applications Electoral Register Births, Deaths & Marriages Integrated Children’s System / Social Care Property & Asset Mgmt Parking Mgmt Highways Regen, Enforcement & Public Protection Pupil Services Business Rates Public Realm Educational Admin & Management Sports & Leisure Crime & ASB Schools Admin & Management LSP Partners GEAC - Performance M.S Registrar General DWP DVLA Private Sector Partners LPSN / LGfL iSYS (iWorld) TASK Pericles Choice-Based Lettings ELREG/Strand RSS/Registrar CareFirst Estateman Cinergic Symology InSite UNIform Impulse NNDR MayRise EMS Do More Flare SIMS Joining up the information Joining up the services Integration Hub For Systems & Data using BizTalk & Web Services Geoff Connell & Shane B Mills 31 January 2007
Partnership Working: SLG & SSN Shared Learning Group Flexible Working Integration Collaboration Identity Management, etc Solution Sharing Network Info Governance & Standards Assistive Technology CRM, etc
The 2012 Opportunity Newham plan to supply: Primary Converged Network Infrastructure (extended dark fibre) Wireless (utilising primary infrastructure) Primary & secondary data centres CCTV (over converged digital network) Digital Signage & Outdoor Media Planning and ICT for ODA – use Newham’s Network, Hardware, Applications and support services – done! Language shop 2012? Enabling Newham to maximise the technological legacy from the games. Could make a real difference to local people and businesses.