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IMG INTRODUCTION. International Management Group (IMG) is an inter-governmental organization, with the same privileges and immunities being granted to the Special Agencies pursuant to the Convention of the Privileges and Immunities of the Special Agencies.
IMGINTRODUCTION International Management Group (IMG) is an inter-governmental organization, with the same privileges and immunities being granted to the Special Agencies pursuant to the Convention of the Privileges and Immunities of the Special Agencies. IMG provides monitoring-, advisory-, control-, and training services, throughout project implementation processes. It is engaged in single and multi-sector projects, covering: Governance and judicial reform and support: judiciary, law enforcement, social welfare, education Economic/Admin: finance, accounting, procurement Infrastructure progress and reconstruction: civil, water, power, IT, agriculture More on IMG: www.img-int.org
Examples of Judicial Reform Projects Implemented by IMG Belgrade January 2009
OVERVIEW Donors: Norway / Spain Recipients: Municipal and District courts in Serbia; Montenegrin Ministry of Justice, Montenegrin Ministry of Finance Cooperation Partners: Ministry of Justice, Supreme Court of Serbia, Association of Judges, Strategy Implementation Secretariat, Judicial Training Centre; High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Directorate for Anti Corruption Initiatives (MNE) Total number of projects: 7 Number of ongoing projects: 4 Total value: €3.6 million
IMPROVING THE DELIVERY OF JUSTICE IN THE COURTS IN SERBIA – PHASE I Donor: Norway Value: €1,112,000 Recipient: Twenty municipal courts in Serbia Implementation period: August 2007 – November 2008 The project addressed three priority challenges identified in the National Judicial Reform Strategy that was adopted by the National Assembly in May 2006: • Improving the efficiency of courts and fair and speedy completion of cases; • Improving co-ordination between the courts and other institutions (such as the prosecutors, the prisons, the police, the municipality); and • Improving transparency through access to information and fair and equal treatment. The project included several different training modules linked to the three prioritized improvements areas. The project further comprised an investment component, designed to strengthen and introduce important tools for improving the service and efficiency in the courts. Approximately 200 sub-projects have been selected by the beneficiary courts and approved under the project.
IMPROVING THE DELIVERY OF JUSTICE IN THE COURTS IN SERBIA – PHASE II Donor: Norway Value: €1,500,000 Recipient: Up to 20 municipal and district courts in Serbia Implementation period: October 2008 – October 2010 By means of this project, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to support the Serbian judiciary and the Serbian Government through 2009 and 2010 in their efforts to implement some of the goals designated in the National Judicial Reform Strategy, improve the performance of the courts in Serbia and improve the confidence of citizens and other stakeholders in the courts. The project seeks to address the priority challenges which have been identified in the National Judicial Reform Strategy: • Improving the efficiency of courts and fair and speedy completion of cases; • Improving co-ordination between the courts and other institutions (such as the prosecutors, correctional facilities, the police, the local governments); • Improving transparency through access to information and fair and equal treatment; • Contribution to the Serbian Government efforts to combat corruption in the justice sector; • Supporting the Serbian Government program for creation of independent judicial budget.
REGIONAL COOPERATION IN SUPPORT OF AN INDEPENDENT AND EFFICIENTJUDICIARY IN MONTENEGRO Donor: Norway Value: €370,000 Beneficiary: Ministry of Justice, Judicial Council Implementation period: January 2008 – January 2009 The project addresses 2 main priorities in the Strategy for Reform of judiciary in Montenegro adopted in July 2007; 1) Reform of the misdemeanour system and 2) Support to the Judicial Council. The judicial reform project is based on a cooperative arrangement between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. The idea of the project is to transfer lessons learned in BiH in the area of judicial reform to Montenegro and to strengthen cooperation between two countries in the judicial arena. The project provides for experts from HJPC and from the judiciary at large in BiH to participate in project activities together with Montenegrin experts in the judiciary to achieve the project objectives and for study visits to the HJPC.
REGIONAL COOPERATION IN SUPPORT OF AN INDEPENDENT AND EFFICIENT JUDICIARY IN MONTENEGRO – PHASE II Donor: Norway Value: €420,00 Beneficiary: Judicial Council Implementation period: August 2008 – July 2009 A second judicial reform project that focused primarily on the Judicial Council commenced in August. The aim of the project was to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Judicial Council. This project also was based on a cooperative arrangement between Montenegro and BiH and included an exchange of experts from both countries. Project activities include procurement of equipment and furniture for the Judicial Council, preparation of a design for permanent premises of the Judicial Council and a study visit to Norway for key persons within the Ministry of Justice and the Judicial Council. Project activities from the first project were also expanded and given an additional 6 months in which to be completed.
SUPPORT TO IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERNATIONAL ANTI-CORRUPTION STANDARDS AND INSTRUMENTS IN MONTENEGRO Donor: Norway Value: €195,000 Recipient: Directorate for Anti-Corruption Initiative (DACI) Implementation period: January 2009 - January 2010 The project represents support in efficient incorporation and implementation of international anticorruption conventions into national legislative and institutional framework, in accordance with the measures set by the Action Plan for implementation of Programme of Combating Corruption and Organized Crime, as well as by the Action Plan for implementation of European Partnership for Montenegro. Activities to be carried out comprise expert assistance for appropriate authorities (police, prosecution, courts, etc.) in order to provide efficient implementation of provisions of the UN Convention against corruption, related to the recovery of assets.
SUPPORT TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE HIGH COURT COUNCIL OF SERBIA Donor: Spain Value: 170,000 € Implementation period: April 2007 – April 2009 Objective To contribute to the establishment of the High Court Council of Serbia as the organ responsible for the independence of the judges The project provides technical assistance for the organizational development of the to-be-established High Court Council. This technical assistance comprises training and equipment for the Council. A part of the training foresees study visits to Spain. International Management Group
SUPPORT TO CREATION OF JUDICIAL DOCUMENTATION CENTRE OF BIH Donor: Spain Value: 175,000 € Implementation period: February 2006 – November 2008 Main objectives: to offer support to the consolidation of the Rule of Law through the strengthening of the judicial power, supporting and efficient administration of Justice. Results: the Centre for Judicial Documentation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was refurbished and equipped Developed different areas of work and services of the Centre for Judicial Documentation of Bosnia and Herzegovina The judicial community of Bosnia and Herzegovina is made aware of the services offered by the Centre for Judicial Documentation International Management Group
Projects in the Field of Law Enforcement Implemented by IMG Belgrade Belgrade January 2009
OVERVIEW Principal Donor: Kingdom of Norway Other Donors: Republic of Italy, Principality of Liechtenstein, United Kingdom, Spain Main beneficiaries: Ministries of the Interior of Serbia, Montenegro, and Macedonia Implementing Partners: OSCE, Norwegian National Police Directorate Total number of projects: 26 Number of ongoing projects: 6 Total value: € 8.3 million
NORWEGIAN POLICE DIRECTORATE ASSISTANCE TO IMPROVEMENT OF BACKA PALANKA POLICE DISTRICT INFRASTRUCTURE - JuNo I • Donor: Norway through Norwegian Police Directorate • Value: €507,000 • Implementation period: January 2002 – July 2004 This pilot project, comprising equipping the Police District to meet functional European standards and the necessary training, was launched in response to a comprehensive police reform process, initiated by the Yugoslav and Serbian authorities in late 2000. Main objectives: • Enhance the ability of the Republic Ministry of the Interior to fight against crime and to raise the level of overall service to public by providing it with the necessary equipment; • Provide a higher level of public and traffic safety; • Improve working conditions of employees of the Republic Ministry of the Interior; • Improve the capacity of the Ministry to plan, finance and implement similar projects in a transparent, accountable and efficient manner.
POLICE COLLEGE REFURBISHMENT PROJECT – STUDENT ACCOMMODATION PHASE • Donor: Norway through OSCE – Law Enforcement Department • Value: €128,000 • Implementation period: November 2003 – January 2005 Main objectives: • Increasing accommodation capacities at the Police College by converting the upper attic of the building into four large dormitories with sanitary facilities; • Development and modernization of the police education facilities to suit the needs of the entire student body, including those attending courses at the OSCE Advanced Police Training Center.
ENHANCING THE CAPACITY OF THE SERBIAN MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR TO DEAL WITH HUMAN TRAFFICKING Equipment Start-up package • Donor: Norway through OSCE – Law Enforcement Department • Value: €70,000 • Implementation period: November 2003 – June 2004 Main objectives: The project was designed to assist the Republic Ministry of the Interior in developing modern police methods and procedures aimed at enhancing the capacity of the Republic Ministry of the Interior to deal with anti-trafficking issues, victims of trafficking in particular, by assisting the Ministry in developing a specialized training program and improving the police response to demands with regards to human trafficking. This was accomplished through procurement of equipment needed for daily operations of the Republic Ministry of the Interior, including vehicles, communication and telecommunication facilities, specialized equipment for prevention and fight against crime, etc.
NORWEGIAN POLICEDIRECTORATE ASSISTANCE TO IMPROVEMENT OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE OF NOVI SAD SECRETARIAT OF THE INTERIOR - JuNo II • Donor: Norway through Norwegian Police Directorate • Value: €460,000 • Implementation period: August 2003 – April 2006 Main objectives: The aim of the JuNo II Project was procurement of equipment for updating the infrastructure of Novi Sad Secretariat of the Interior in order to increase effectiveness in preventing and fighting crime, promoting better service and protection to the general public, and improving the working conditions of its employees.
CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT OF THE BORDER POLICE SERVICE • Donor: Italy through OSCE Mission to Serbia and Montenegro • Value: €81,000 • Implementation period: October 2004 – June 2005 Main objectives: • Supporting the Border Police Service in taking over the jurisdiction of border protection from the Army; • Increasing the capacity of the Border Police Service and overall protection of state borders in accordance with international standards. • Identifying and purchasing the most urgentpieces of equipment for the selected seven border crossing points.
BASIC HOSTAGE NEGOTIATION EQUIPMENT • Donor: Principality of Liechtenstein through OSCE • Value: €21,000 • Implementation period: May 2005 – January 2006 Main objectives: The aim of this project was to equip the National Hostage Negotiation Service of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia with basic negotiation tools and equipment, with the main purpose to enable them to apply previously acquired negotiation skills and successfully handle potential hostage and siege situations.
PROCUREMENT OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT FOR THE MINISTRY OF DEFENSE, SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO • Donor: Norway • Value: €10,000 • Implementation period: March 2004 – May 2004 The project targeted procurement of the latest equipment for the Verification Center of the Ministry of Defense. The main goal was to facilitate execution of daily tasks and consequently contribute to raising the overall level of efficiency, thus in the long run expediting development of modern methods and procedures within the Ministry.
CONSTRUCTION OF A POLICE STATION IN FORMER 2001 CRISIS AREA IN TEARCE MUNICIPALITY, REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA • Donor: Norway • Value: €385,000 • Implementation period: April 2005 – October 2005 The construction of the police stations was a part of the overall plan of the Macedonian Government to improve the security situation in the former 2001 crisis regions. Furthermore, this project put emphasis on the respect for democratic principles and fundamental human rights - as set out in particular in the Helsinki final Act, the Paris Charter for a New Europe and the European Convention on Human Rights.
STRENGTHENINING OF LABORATORY EXAMINATIONS AND CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATIONS IN THE SERBIAN MINISTRY OF INTERIOR’S CRIMINAL TECHNICAL CENTRE IN NIS • Donor: Norway through OSCE – Law Enforcement Department • Value: €541,000 • Implementation period: January 2005 – January 2006 The laboratory and crime scene equipment procured through this project upgraded the capacity of the Criminal Technical Center in Nis so that their experts may conduct examinations relevant for the entire region of South Serbia. This resulted in a greater autonomy and a significant increase of efficiency. In addition, due to the complementary approach aimed at enhancing the whole forensic area from the crime scene to the laboratory work, the Center is now fully enabled to start producing credible evidence to the courts.
MIIP1 (MANAGEMENT INFORMATION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT) – FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE SYSTEM • Donor: Norway • Consultant: ATOS Consulting Limited • Value: 1,688,630 € • Implementation period: January 2005 – December 2006 Main objectives: • Improvement of cost control; • Improvement of resources allocation; • Improvement of management information and reporting processes and systems; • Delivery of services in a more efficient and effective manner; • Meeting the requirements (for budget preparation) of the Ministry of Finance and other external stakeholders, such as the World Bank and EU.
ENHANCING THE WAR CRIME INVESTIGATION CAPACITIES OF THE SERBIAN MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR • Donor: Norway through OSCE – Law Enforcement Department • Value: €26,000 • Implementation period: February 2005 – June 2005 Main objectives: • Equipping the Ministry’s War Crime Investigation Department so as to improve the police response to demands related to a number of open issues; • Developing modern police methods and procedures aimed at enhancing the overall capacity of the War Crime Investigation Department.
DEVELOPMENT OF CRIMINAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS FOR THE BORDER POLICE SERVICE IN SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO • Donor: United Kingdom through OSCE – Law Enforcement Department • Value: €92,000 • Implementation period: March 2005 – June 2005 Main objectives: • Equipping the Serbian and Montenegrin Ministries of the Interior so as to enable better incorporation with their newly created Border Police Directorates; • Creating opportunities for exchange of information among border police services (inter-service cooperation) and the Ministries; • Developing national-level training courses in the usage of the delivered software package and techniques of criminal intelligence analyses; • Offering possibilities for exchange of information with other countries (international cooperation) in an effort to prevent and combat trans-national crime.
CAPACITY BUILDING ON PROBLEM-ORIENTED POLICING, STRATEGIC ANALYSES AND PLANNING OF THE POLICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA IN THE AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE OF VOJVODINA - JuNo III • Donor: Norway through Norwegian Police Directorate • Value: €150,000 • Implementation period: October 2005 – March 2006 Main objectives: • Provide modern equipment for the Republic Ministry of the Interior as support to its efforts in preventing and combating crime in Serbia; • Strengthen the public trust and confidence in the police and enhance cooperation between the police and the public; • Develop the capacities of the Serbian police with regard to community policing in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, as a part of the Serbian police reform.
CAPACITY BUILDING ON PROBLEM-ORIENTED POLICING, STRATEGIC ANALYSES AND PLANNING IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA - JuNo IV • Donor: Norway through Norwegian National Police Directorate • Value: €223,000 • Implementation period: December 2007 – November 2008 Main objectives: The project bore considerable similarities to JuNo III project implemented in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, with a scope covering the remaining police departments in Serbia. The newly procured equipment should lead to advancement of the capacities of the Serbian police with regard to community policing, in line with the ongoing transformation of the Serbian policing system.
CAPACITY BUILDING OF THE FORENSIC LABORATORY IN THE REPUBLIC OF MONTENEGRO • Donor: Norway through OSCE – Law Enforcement Department • Value: €376,000 • Implementation period: August 2005 – February 2006 Main objectives: • Providing high standard equipment and introducing professional methods in the Criminal Technical Centre in Podgorica. • Making available all possible technical means for conducting effective and accurate investigation as a part of the overall effort to combat crime in Montenegro. Since high quality technical evidence provided by professional crime scene investigations and laboratory examinations is a crucial element in the fight against all types of crime, the project is expected to have substantial indirect benefits for the overall Montenegrin police force.
SOUTH SERBIA COMMUNITY POLICING PHASE I – Construction part of the Project • Donor: Norway through OSCE Mission to Serbia and Montenegro • Value: €404,000 • Implementation period: January 2006 – March 2007 Main objectives: • Reformation of the police service in South Serbia, transforming it from a police “force” to a police “service” through full integration of the former multi-ethnic police element, via a comprehensive training package; • Construction of classrooms and offices in the three participating police stations, providing optimum learning environment and conditions for professional development for police officers.
ASSESSMENT OF NEEDS FOR THE REFURBISHMENT AND TRANSITION OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND EQUIPMENT AT THE SERBIAN POLICE HIGH SCHOOL AT SREMSKA KAMENICA • Donor: Norway through Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade • Value: €10,000 • Implementation period: June 2005 – July 2005 Upon request endorsed by OSCE Belgrade, IMG was entrusted with preparation of a comprehensive feasibility study for a proposed transformation of the Police High School buildings and facilities located in Sremska Kamenica, into a modern and functional Basic Police Training Centre. This project was designed to support the Serbian Ministry of the Interior in its effort to create a modern police service by strengthening the ongoing reform through the pending Police Law, and helping further the country in its progress towards EU integration.
ESTABLISHMENT OF BASIC POLICE TRAINING CENTRE AT SREMSKA KAMENICA • Donor: Norway through OSCE Mission to Serbia and Montenegro • Value: €720,000 • Implementation period: January 2006 – December 2007 Main objectives: • Major reconstruction of the dormitories and the school building; • Procurement of new basic furniture for the dormitories and supporting facilities; • Procurement of new classroom furniture and teaching tools. Based on the comprehensive Feasibility Study prepared by IMG, the project was designed to ensure fulfillment of the basic infrastructure requirements essential for transformation of the school into a basic entry-level Police Training Centre, in line with accepted international police practices.
SOUTH SERBIA COMMUNITY POLICING PHASE I – Procurement part of the Project • Donor: Norway through OSCE Mission to Serbia and Montenegro • Value: €64,000 • Implementation period: March 2007 – May 2007 Main objectives: Once construction of facilities was completed, this project focus shifted to procurement of equipment for a total of six classrooms (two in each of the Police Departments) and three offices (one per Department). This was seen as a major step toward meeting the international standards to provide the optimum learning environment for short, medium and long-term professional development of all police officers, and potentially the public in this region.
MIIP 2 (MANAGEMENT INFORMATION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT) – VEHICLES AND IMMOVABLE PROPERTY ASSET MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE • Donor: Norway • Consultant: ATOS Consulting Limited • Value: 1,365,968 € • Implementation period: December 2006 – June 2009 Main objectives: • Design, procure and implement new processes and systems in the areas of vehicle management and building management • Review and design an overall IT architecture • Improvement of the MoI capacity to identify policy priorities and plan and budget at strategic and operational levels for the implementation of these priorities Phase 2 consists of the following steps: • Set up and strategy (finished) • Identification of needs and design (finished) • Tendering and procurement of goods (ongoing) • Build, test and pilot (to be done) • Rollout and ensuring of sustainability (to be done)
STRENGTHENING THE CAPACITY OF THE NATIONAL CRIMINAL TECHNICAL CENTRE IN BELGRADE TO CONDUCT CRIME SCENE AND FORENSIC INVESTIGATIONS • Donor: Norway through OSCE Mission to Serbia • Value: €700,000 • Implementation period: November 2007 – July 2009 Main objectives: The main objective of the project is to provide high standard equipment and introduce professional methods in the Criminal Technical Centre, in order to make available all possible technical means for effective and accurate investigation as a part of the overall effort to enhance the fight against crime.
DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNITY POLICING THROUGH IMPROVEMENT OF TRAINING AND PROBLEM-ORIENTED POLICING IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA - JuNo V • Donor: Norway through Norwegian National Police Directorate • Value: €250,000 • Implementation period: December 2008 – April 2009 The project is being implemented as a continuance of JuNo III and JuNo IV projects, targeting a new number of police stations and districts. On a larger scale, JuNo projects will have a clear impact on inhabitants and civil society as a whole, as the general population and the international community will benefit from the standpoint of presence of another professional and competent police service in the region. Mutual co-operation between police forces of Serbia and other European Countries will aid EU integration and fight against corruption, organized crime, human trafficking and terrorism.
SUPPORT TO THE SCIENTIFIC POLICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA THROUGH CAPACITY BUILDING OF THE TOXICOLOGY LABORATORY Donor: Spain Value: 180,000 € Implementation period: February 2009 – August 2010 Main objectives: enhancing capacities of Serbian authorities in fight against crime. Support to the Scientific Police of the Republic of Serbia through capacity building of the Toxicology Laboratory. Expected results: Providing the necessary equipment for the proper functioning of the Toxicology Laboratory within the National Criminalistics Technical Centre of the Serbian Police. Training of the staff working in the laboratory with the purchased equipment, used for forensic investigations. International Management Group
SUPPORT TO THE POLICE AND JUDICIAL STRUCTURES OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA IN FIGHTING THE ORGANIZED CRIME Donor: Spain Value: 190,000 € Implementation period: January 2009 – January 2010 Main objectives: Strengthening the Police and Judicial Structures of Bosnia and Herzegovina in fighting organized crime. To increase the capacity of surveillance and control of the border crossings of Bosnia Herzegovina, as well as to increase capacities of Prosecutors and Police Inspectors to fight organized crime through an effective use of new technologies of interception of telecommunications. Expected Results: Prosecutors and Detectives are trained and equipped to make the best use of technological tools, recently approved in B&H, for “lawful interception and monitoring of telecommunications” in police investigations and in gathering and preparation of evidence for the courts. Instructors and field staff of the Border Police of B&H are trained and equipped for teaching and on-site detection of indicators of illegal traffic and smuggling across the border points. International Management Group
STRENGTHENING OF THE CRIMINALISTICS CENTRES OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Donor: Spain Value: 136,000 € Implementation period: February 2008 – February 2010 Main objectives: Objective and activities. The abovementioned subvention aims to strenghten the Criminalistics Centres of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Expected results: The equipment necessary for the improvement of functions of the Criminalistics Centres of Bosnia Herzegovina will be provided The experts of the Criminalistics Centres will be trained in order to optimize the use of the material resources available. International Management Group
SUPPORT TO THE ESTABLISHMENT AND STRENGTHENING OF THE FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE DEPARTMENT (FID) OF SIPA IN BIH / PHASE II Donor: Spain Value: 190,000 € Implementation period: March 2006 – March 2008 Main objectives: The main project objective was to support the strengthening of police and judicial institutions at the state level in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the objective of strengthening the rule of Law and the fight against organized crime. This was to be achieved, through the consolidation of the Financial Intelligence Department. Results: The Financial Intelligence Department (FID) is fully equipped with the necessary resources for preventing money laundering and financing of terrorism in Bosnia and Herzegovina The FID counts on a computer application for the analytical management of information The FID is trained to cope with the international pledges which it has as a financial intelligence unit International Management Group
IMG CONTACT DATA • Common • E-mail: office@img-int.org • Web: www.img-int.org • Operation Headquarters • Address: Vladimira Popovića 6, 11070 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia • Tel: +381 11 311 87 82 • Fax: +381 11 311 87 81