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Perjalanan ke candi borobudur

Perjalanan ke candi borobudur. Ramai sekali di sana . Di sana banyak candi. Uuueeeenak sekali bro disana kwe tau drung ? Neng kono akeh candi seng uuuuaaapik tenan pokoke muuantap ning kono (du du pokoke joget lho ). Istirahat 30 menit.

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Perjalanan ke candi borobudur

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Perjalanankecandiborobudur Ramaisekalidisana

  2. Di sanabanyakcandi • Uuueeeenaksekali bro disanakwe tau drung? • Nengkonoakehcandisenguuuuaaapiktenanpokokemuuantapningkono (du dupokokejogetlho)

  3. Istirahat 30 menit • Sekyotakistirahatsek. Makansiangningsekolahseknganggoleletok.

  4. Mari kitalanjutkan • Di sanasangatramaisampaiakulelahdanakutertidur

  5. Dadah • Sekiandarisayaakumautidurlagi good bye semunya. 

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