1. 1 Welcome! Enterprise Management Education Series
Module 4
Fiscal Planning EMES Module II: Understanding Balanced Scorecard & Enterprise Strategic Planning" will be offered. (You only need to attend one of these sessions.)
EMES Module II: Understanding Balanced Scorecard & Enterprise Strategic Planning" will be offered. (You only need to attend one of these sessions.)
2. 2 During Module #3, we: Summarized the key components of each core service business plan.
Reviewed cascading scorecards.
Explored methods to apply the cascading process.
Determined how to select appropriate business plan objectives, measures and actions.
Gained familiarity with business planning tools, resources and contacts available to core service teams.
Welcome – continuation of Enterprise Mgmt Education Series
Builds on Module 1 – Overview
Expandable envelop provided at Module 1, add Module 2 packet to it
Today we are discussing the components that make up Strategic planning efforts
A graphic representation of our overall Strategy for the Community and the Enterprise will be provided
A discussion on the components and how they were arrived at for our Community and Enterprise Balanced Scorecard.Welcome – continuation of Enterprise Mgmt Education Series
Builds on Module 1 – Overview
Expandable envelop provided at Module 1, add Module 2 packet to it
Today we are discussing the components that make up Strategic planning efforts
A graphic representation of our overall Strategy for the Community and the Enterprise will be provided
A discussion on the components and how they were arrived at for our Community and Enterprise Balanced Scorecard.
3. 3 Today’s Learning Objectives Review land use and growth patterns.
Explore economic and demographic indicators.
Review our managed competition process.
Identify the link between Strategic/Business Planning and the Fiscal Planning process.
Review FY06 Fiscal Planning Guides.
4. 4 “Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.”
- Alan Lakein A statement very relevant to our organization’s journey.
Hard work has been already done in many areas, with continued hard work we will reach the level of success as we have defined in a high performance organization.A statement very relevant to our organization’s journey.
Hard work has been already done in many areas, with continued hard work we will reach the level of success as we have defined in a high performance organization.
5. 5 TerminologyWhat terms must I understand to successfully navigate through this module? 2050 Plan
Budget Calendar
Budget Guideline Message
Comprehensive Plan
COP Teams Economic Indicators
Managed Competition
Net Budget
Target Budget
Transfers In/Out
Urban Service Area
6. 6 Fiscal PlanWhat drives a fiscal plan? A checklist for success:
Community Needs
BCC & Admin Strategies
Fed.& State Mandates
Comprehensive plan
Economic and demographic influences
Business plan
Infrastructure needs
Revenue Forecasting
Debt Management
Total Employee costs*
Fund Balances
7. 7 Apoxsee: Blazing a Trail toward Sarasota County’s Future
8. 8 Apoxsee: Blazing a Trail toward Sarasota County’s Future Past Efforts: WHERE of growth
Urban Service Area boundary
Future Urban Area
Sarasota 2050: WHERE and HOW of growth
Walkable, mixed-use communities of place
Mixed use centers connected to neighborhoods
Networks of permanently protected open space
9. 9 Apoxsee: Blazing a Trail toward Sarasota County’s Future The Question…How can Sarasota continue to grow yet balance economic development, the preservation / conservation of environmentally sensitive land, maintain sound county fiscal policy, and maintain or improve its quality of life?
10. 10 Overlay to the current plan
- Six Resource Management Areas
Long Range: 50+ Years
Livable communities
Preserved open space/environmental resources
Village form allows commercial centers not usually in the rural area
Villages can transfer development rights
Hamlets can transfer development rights
11. 11 Affordable housing
Coordinating Infrastructure with Land Use
Economic Development
Infill and Redevelopment
Integration of School Facilities Planning and Land Use Planning
Neighborhood Preservation and Revitalization
Smart Growth
Urban Greenspace
Urban Capacity
Water Resources and their Management
Apoxsee: Evaluation and Appraisal Report - (EAR) Top Ten
12. 12 Surveying the Navigational Conditions for the Journey
13. 13 Surveying the Navigational Conditions for the Journey
14. 14 Surveying the Navigational Conditions for the Journey
17. 17 MANAGED COMPETITION “We will look at all of our services, seeking to deliver the highest quality at the lowest cost through competition, both internally and externally.”
- Jim Ley, 2003
18. 18
19. 19
20. 20
21. 21
22. 22
23. 23 Charting our Course! Translating strategic planning
into a financial plan.
24. 24 Charting our Course!
25. 25
26. 26 Navigational Tools to help us Reach our Destination Financial Planning Guidelines Message
Maintain a flat rate of taxes & assessments
Reduce net operating 3%
Increase General Fund Reserves to $16.8m
Reduce 77 positions
Implement a Smart Hiring Process
Encourage employees to develop and expand skills
Seek to competitively bid services
27. 27 Navigational Tools to help us Reach our Destination Target Budget (Net Operating)
Removes Transfers, Elected/Appointed Officials, Capital, Debt, Internal Service Funds, and Aids to Other Governments and Private Agencies
Budget -3% Target Current Gap
FY05 - $280.2m
FY06 - $285.2m $271.8m ($13.4m)
28. 28 Navigational Tools to help us Reach our Destination
Calendar of Significant events
Jan. - GovMax–the Lab training
Feb. & Mar.– Input Financial Plan in GovMax
Mar. 31 – Budgets Submitted
April – Review Process
May – Final Proposed Plan delivered to
June 7 – Proposed Plan delivered to BCC
29. 29 Navigational Tools to help us Reach our Destination
Calendar of Significant events
June 13, 14 – Budget Workshops
July 27 – BCC certifies millage rates
Aug. 19 – Non-Ad Valorem published
Sept. 12 – 1st Public Hearing
Sept. 26 – 2nd Public Hearing
30. 30 Questions?
Let’s apply what we’ve learned!
31. 31 Pit StopHow are you doing so far? Have you:
Completed the post-assessment and glossary game for Module #3 (Business Planning: From Concept to Action)?
Added Module #4 post-assessment (Fiscal Planning) to your “to do” list? [Due by 1/15]
Added Module #5 pre-assessments (Gov Max: The Tool) to your “to do” list? [Due by 1/20]
Signed up for Module #5 via TRAC?
32. 32 Thank you for your participation!