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The Progressive Movement. PROGRESSIVISM. Muckrackers. Suffragettes. M i d. c l a s s W o m e n. Labor Unions. Civi l Rights. Popul ists. Temperance. Progressive ideals strong amongst young, Protestant, middle class Americans Looking to fight the wrongs of society.
The Progressive Movement
PROGRESSIVISM Muckrackers Suffragettes Mid.classWomen Labor Unions CivilRights Popul ists Temperance
Progressive ideals strong amongst young, Protestant, middle class AmericansLooking to fight the wrongs of society. Immorality and corruption really bothered them. Emphasized the simple duties of a good Christian could create a good society: SOCIAL GOSPEL MOVEMENT Progressivism & the Protestant Spirit
1) Return control of the government back to the people. 2) Restore economic opportunities 3) Correct Injustices in American Life Aims of the Progressive Movement
Beginnings: The Settlement HouseMovement/Hull House What purpose/services did they serve? • Settlement Houses were determined to build a better future, short & long term. • Strong belief that family was the key to moral development • Eliminate prostitution • Set up nursery for working moms • Taught banking • Provided local connections • Employment bureau • Education classes to function in society • Helped get a law passed prohibiting child labor • Eliminate the root of all evil in society - alcohol Helped get the 18th Amendment passed
Step 1: Exposing the Evils: Muckrakers, Magazines, & Realism • Muckraker – Reform-minded writers (and those looking to make a profit) who first exposed social ills of the Gilded Age. • Ida Tarbell—exposed Standard Oil Practices • Lincoln Steffens— exposed corruption in city gov’t with “Shame of the Cities” • Jacob Riis—started the movement with “How the Other Half Lives”
Step 1: Exposing the Evils: Muckrakers, Magazines, & Realism • Muckraker – Reform-minded writers (and those looking to make a profit) who first exposed social ills of the Gilded Age. • Ida Tarbell—exposed Standard Oil Practices • Lincoln Steffens— exposed corruption in city gov’t with “Shame of the Cities” • Jacob Riis—started the movement with “How the Other Half Lives”
Step 2: Political Action/Accomplishments • Urban &Workplace Reform: • Tenement Act 1901: public hallways must have lighting & one toilet must be provided for every 2 families • Muller v. Oregon: established 10-hour workday for women (1908) • (Bunting v. Oregon (1917) upheld law for men)
Limits set on campaign spending Established use of secret ballot 17th Amendment: voters, not state legislators, elected senators (1913) Initiative, referendum, & recall -Initiative: voters can propose laws for legislature to consider -Referendum: voters can vote on recently passed law -Recall: voters can remove elected official from office w/ special election Government Reform
18th Amendment (1918): outlaws sale & distribution of alcohol (to right social & healthcare ills) Mann Act (1910): prohibits interstate transport of women for immoral purpose (prostitution) Women gain right to vote, state by state (nationally in 1920) Reforms Toward Social Justice
Progressivism Moves to the White House: Theodore Roosevelt“If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month.” - TR
Family History Childhood obstacles Harvard education Political Resume 3 terms in NY State Assembly N.Y. City Police Commissioner Asst. Secretary of Navy Rough Riding President – American Hero N.Y. Governor cleaned up Tammany Hall Vice President of the U.S. (McKinley) President in 1901!!! Rise to Power
1902 PA Coal Miners Strike: 150,000 coal miners went on strike TR willing to arbitrate—mine owners refused TR threatened to federalize PA coal mines if owners didn’t agree to settle the issues! First time big government sided with the workers! -workers got shorter day/higher pay -owners didn’t have to recognize union Progressivism Moves to the White House – Theodore Roosevelt
Upheld Sherman Anti-Trust Act (now 12 years old), which outlawed monopolies or trusts that restrained trade (broke up Northern Securities Company, a RR shipping business, and Standard Oil) TRs Trust-busting • Supported Elkins Act (outlawed unfair RR rebates to big businesses) and Hepburn Act (gave Interstate Commerce Commission power to set maximum RR rates)
TR’s Philosophy and 1904 Campaign Slogan • TR promised workers, owners, and consumers a “Square Deal:” • Limit trusts • Improve working conditions • Conserve U.S. lands • Promote public health/safety
Some historians believe this was TR’s lasting legacy: Placed 230,000,000 acres under federal protection. Revitalized dry land under the Newlands Reclamation Act & est. U.S. Forestry Service. Environmental Conservation
Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle” prompted the Meat Inspection Act (required federal inspection of meat) and Pure Food and Drug Act (forbade sale of food/medicine containing harmful ingredients) . . . TRs Promotion of Health and Public Safety
Having selected Taft as his chosen “Progressive” successor, TR did what every president does upon leaving office . . .
The Taft—The Reluctant President Hand-picked by TR as his successor. Helped establish the Department of Labor to oversee working regulations/conditions. 16th amendment establishing income tax passed. Did do some trust-busting and conservation legislation. BUT he passed the higher Payne-Aldrich tariff against his promises. AND he wasn’t quite as . . . boisterous/charming as TR The Taft Presidency
Roosevelt Returns!! • Fearful that his Republican Party is not “progressive enough,” Teddy returns to save the day! • The Republicans, however, aren’t sure they want to be “saved” . . .
Election 1912
The Candidates
KeeptheWhistleBlowing Taft was determined to defeat TR and preserve the conservative heart of the Republican Party.
Republican Party Platform • High import tariffs. • Put limitations on female and child labor. • Workman’s Compensation Laws. • Against initiative, referendum, and recall. • Against “bad” trusts. • Creation of a Federal Trade Commission. • Stay on the gold standard. • Conservation of natural resources because they are finite.
The Progressive Party &Former President Theodore Roosevelt People should riseabove their sectarianinterests to promote the general good.
Progressive/Bull Moose Party Platform • Women’s suffrage. • Graduated income tax. • Inheritance tax for the rich. • Lower tariffs. • Limits on campaign spending. • Currency reform. • Minimum wage laws. • Social insurance. • Abolition of child labor. • Workmen’s compensation. NewNationalism
The Socialist Party & Eugene V. Debs “The issue is Socialism versus Capitalism. I am for Socialism because I am for humanity.”
“The Working Class Candidates” Eugene V. Debs Emil Seigel for President for Vice-President
The Industrial Worker: I. W. W. The first American labor group to open its membership to all wage-earning workers, regardless of skill, nationality, race, sex, or gender.
Socialist Party Platform • Government ownership of railroads and utilities. • Guaranteed income tax. • No tariffs. • 8-hour work day. • Better housing. • Government inspection of factories. • Women’s suffrage.
The Democratic Party &Governor Woodrow Wilson (NJ) Could he rescue the Democratic Party from “Bryanism”??
Democratic Party Platform • Government control of the monopolies trusts in general were bad eliminate them!! • Tariff reduction. • One-term President. • Direct election of Senators. • Create a Department of Labor. • Strengthen the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. • Did NOT support women’s suffrage. • Opposed to a central bank. NewFreedom
The Results
Election Results • By 1912, 100,000 fewer people had voted for Wilson than had voted for Bryan in 1908. • The 1912 election marked the highpoint of the Socialist movement in America.
How did the election of 1912 change politics in America for the rest of the 20c?