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Resource Creator vs. Resource Obliterator Social Order

Resource Creator vs. Resource Obliterator Social Order. Development, Justice, and Resource Creation and Obliteration. مرکز اندیشه و پژوهش طرح هزاره نام کارگروه: توسعه و منابع ملي رئیس کارگروه: آقاي عبدالرسول دیوسالار 91/6/5 تاریخ: آقاي ابوالفضل نوري تهیه کننده:

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Resource Creator vs. Resource Obliterator Social Order

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  1. Resource Creatorvs.Resource ObliteratorSocial Order Development, Justice, and Resource Creation and Obliteration

  2. مرکز اندیشه و پژوهش طرح هزاره نام کارگروه: توسعه و منابع ملي رئیس کارگروه:آقايعبدالرسولدیوسالار 91/6/5تاریخ: آقاي ابوالفضل نوريتهیه کننده: همکاران (اعضای کارگروه): مهندس علی اسدي، دکتر غلامرضا حداد، عبدالرسولديوسالار، دکترمهرداد ناظری، دكترنوري،ابوالفضل نوری عنوان: مقدمه‌اي بر فلسفه سياسي کلیدواژه: منابع انساني، منابع غيرانساني، كليد توسعه

  3. = $? What determines to what extent this is a resource for you?

  4. Resources • Non-human resources are dependent on human resources in exploitation, efficiency, and in their very existence. • There is no non-human resource independent of human resources. • And if fluctuations in the price of non-human resources affect your development, it is still …

  5. Development

  6. So?

  7. Resource Allocation in Development Planning

  8. Not only at odds with each other over the point of the development, but also over the celerity

  9. False Economy • Austerity as a Value (e.g. of rulers) • Usury • Taxi and Bus Example

  10. GDP per capita What’s the value of these folks?

  11. Where can we get one of them?

  12. Resource Allocation in Development Planning

  13. To Be Different or Not to be Different!

  14. Who starts business? • Entrepreneurs usually don’t have basic needs.

  15. Oh, shit!

  16. Chart of the Hypothesis

  17. What’s all the fuss about?! • “American companies founded by immigrants or their children have revenues that are greater than the gross national product of every country in the world outside the United States, except two” • “Immigrants are why New York City became America’s economic engine,” • In New York City , with about 8.2 million people, some 40 percent are foreign born

  18. Where Does Justice Fit in? • Resource Allocation: • Proportionate to the Contribution to Development • The Same • Proportionate to the Service to a Creed • Proportionate to the Service to the State • Material Resources Aren’t All That Significant • . . .

  19. Desert?

  20. = ?

  21. And Justice Sustains Development!

  22. Non-Salty Salt?! • Your political philosophy is your identity. • When is a Social Order Changed? • What’s the Point for Development Planning? • What if you have the chance to commence anew with the wisdom of hindsight?

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