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Athrofa Cymru ar gyfer Dysgu Seiledig ar Waith Wales Institute for Work-based Learning

Gwerthfawrogi Dysgu trwy Brofiad: Grymuso Taith y Dysgwr Valuing Experiential Learning: Empowering the Learner Journey. Athrofa Cymru ar gyfer Dysgu Seiledig ar Waith Wales Institute for Work-based Learning Dr Elsie C Reynolds Uwch Ddarlithydd / Senior Lecturer Lowri M Harris

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Athrofa Cymru ar gyfer Dysgu Seiledig ar Waith Wales Institute for Work-based Learning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Gwerthfawrogi Dysgu trwy Brofiad: Grymuso Taith y DysgwrValuing Experiential Learning: Empowering the Learner Journey

  2. Athrofa Cymru ar gyfer Dysgu Seiledig ar WaithWales Institute for Work-based Learning Dr Elsie C Reynolds Uwch Ddarlithydd / Senior Lecturer Lowri M Harris Darlithydd / Lecturer Dr Elizabeth (Liz) Wilson Athro Cysylltiol a Phennaeth / Associate Professor and Head

  3. Dysgwyr Learners Cefndir Addysg Sector Oedran Gwaith Cytundeb Profiadauamrywiol Background Education Sector Age Work Contract Diverse Experiences

  4. PwyntiauTrafodDiscussion Points • Adnabod, gwerthfawrogi ac achredudysgudrwybrofiad • Safbwynt y dysgwra’rcyflogwr • Llais y dysgwrynganologi’radolygiad ac adnabod y dysgu • Gwerthfawrogwyd, ynbersonol ac ynbroffesiynol, y cyfleiachredudysgu a gyflawnwydtra’ngweithio • Recognising, valuing and accrediting experiential learning • The perspective of both learner and employer. • The learner voice is central in the review and identification of learning. • Given the opportunity to gain accreditation for learning achieved whilst working has been valued personally and professionally

  5. Ac i orffen ...And finally ... • Achredudysgu a datblygiadarlefelprifysgol • Gwahanolsectorau a meysydd • Tystiolaethuprofiad • Effaith – bersonol a phroffesiynol • O fewncyd-destun • Cyfrwng y Gymraega’rSaesneg • Accrediting learning and development at university level • Different sectors and subjects • Evidencing practice • Impact – personal and professional • In context • Welsh and English medium

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