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“Making the Tough Decisions Together”. A look at the Southern Nevada Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Coalition’s Regional Approach to Traffic Incident Management . October 15, 2010 Rita Brohman, PMP. Background.
“Making the Tough Decisions Together” A look at the Southern Nevada Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Coalition’s Regional Approach to Traffic Incident Management October 15, 2010 Rita Brohman, PMP
Background • Initiated by Nevada DOT in partnership with the Dept. of Public Safety – Nevada Highway Patrol • TIM Steering Committee members reflect public agency representation with authority to make policy decisions • Making the “Tough” decisions together • “Open Road’s Partnership Agreement” • Signed by 42+ member coalition • Boundaries • Unified Regional TIM Policies
Southern Nevada TIM Boundaries The TIM Coalition is three years old and its boundaries were based on Clark County boundaries combined with services from several of the emergency first responder agencies. Clark County holds upwards of 70% of the entire State of Nevada’s population. While the southern NV TIM and the TIM Policies have boundaries, there is a Joint Operations Policy Statement Agreement underway that will define statewide agreement for policy between NDOT and DPS-NHP that mirror the TIM Coalition.
TIM Coalition Members • Law Enforcement (State, County, Cities, Taxi Cab, etc.) • Fire and Rescue (County Fire, City Fire Depts., etc.) • Emergency Medical Services (AMR, etc.) • Transportation Agencies (State DOT District and statewide O&M, County Public Works, City Public Works, etc.) • Towing and Recovery (all NHP rotation list) • Emergency Managers (State, County and City EMO, OEC) • Hazardous Materials Responders (contracted with state and County) • Medical Examiners and Coroner’s Office (Coroner P. M. Murphy) • Universities (UNLV and UNR)
TIM Mission “Coordinate and sustain an effective multi-agency, multi-disciplinary and multi-jurisdictional TIM program that improves safety for responders and motorists and reduces traveler delay in the Las Vegas region of Southern Nevada.”
TIM Goals • Improve safety of Responders, Highway Workers and Motorists through Coordinated and Efficient Traffic Incident Management (TIM). • Reduce Accident Severity and Traffic Delay. • Improve Motorist Awareness of Traffic conditions, Congestion, Construction and Safety. • Improve First Responder and Highway Worker Preparedness. • Fund Regional TIM Projects to Support Regional TIM Goals & Objectives
How far we have come… • “Best Practice” polices - facilitated and prepared by TIM Consulting team with all agencies engaged - Feb 2009 • Consistent goals and objectives finalized and TIM policies approved – March 2010 • Multi-Agency Training for Quick Clearance • Bimonthly After Accident Reviews with all First Responders – using videos from incidents. • Quick clearance goal: 30/60/90 minute goals • 30 for minor incident • 60 for injury related incident • 90 multiple vehicles / fatality / overturned truck / hazmat spill incidents
Physical TIM Benefits Realized • 45% reduction in fatalities on freeways • Contracts with environmental agencies has helped clean up hazmat spills and large vehicle turn over quicker • Expediently providing emergency services and removing the traffic blockage has helped with secondary accidents which is 22% of incidents in the TIM area • Quicker clearance has aided in: • Protecting incident responders (and those in their care) from moving vehicles and protecting motorists (passengers and cargo) from hazards of the incident • Facilitating emergency vehicle (and other response vehicles) movement and access to the accident scene. • Facilitating safe and expedient traffic flow past the incident.
Some Regional TIM Benefits • Enhanced communications with one another and respect • Provides a forum for identifying problems from those who are on the roads and at the incidents… also provides forum for: • resolving conflict and debrief incidents • Communications about agency changes – especially in financial times of difficulty the TIM has been valuable • Joint Operations Policy Statement – Agreement among first responders
The “Tough” Decisions – TIM Policies • Regional Multi-Agency, Multi-Disciplinary Open Roads Policy To support 30, 60 and 90 minute clearance goals for minor accidents, minor injury and major traffic incidents, respectively • Responsibilities: • NDOT TIM Steering committee representatives to keep the agreement updated, circulating and monitoring the control of the agreement • Each agency responsible for maintaining their agency signatures on agreements • “Joint Operations Policy Statement” agreement being developed between NDOT and DPS
The “Tough” Decisions – TIM Policies • Performance Measurement Goals To support collecting data for incident clearance, secondary accidents and meeting clearance and safety goals • Responsibilities: • First responders currently measure only “response time” • Efforts taken to determine automatic extraction of data from NHP CAD database without compromising secure information • Discussions to develop automated database to measure performance goals
The “Tough” Decisions – TIM Policies • Incident Response Vehicle (IRV) Policy To add IRVs for managing traffic at incidents • Responsibilities: • NDOT to determine operation on incident response vehicles • Maintenance dispatch to be added to FAST to provide 24/7 assistance with incidence clearance
The “Tough” Decisions – TIM Policies • TIM Lighting Policy Agreement To reduce the number of emergency lights once the incident scene has been secured • Responsibilities: • NHP troopers not using heavy lightning during day as testing ground • additional limitation to be considers for nighttime emergency lighting
The “Tough” Decisions – TIM Policies • Apparatus Placement and Scene Protection Policy To limit lane blocking at scene of an incident to one additional lane of barrier and set guidelines for EM vehicle parking at the incident • Responsibilities: • Vehicles arriving first at the scene will set up a “lane of protection” • additional limitation to be considers for nighttime emergency lighting
The “Tough” Decisions – TIM Policies • Multi-Disciplinary NIMS and TIM Planning/ Training Policy To support multi-disciplinary NIMS and TIM training for TIM coalition members • Responsibilities: • TIM bimonthly meetings, trainings and other TIM events • Coordinating multi-agency response to multi-disciplinary cooperation
The “Tough” Decisions – TIM Policies • TIM Fatality Investigation Policy To include Photogrammetry and technology for reconstruction away from the incident scene to limit secondary incidents • Responsibilities: • Photogrammetry software, cameras, computers and training for the region • Utilizing Photogrammetry technology in NHP’s investigations of traffic fatalities
The “Tough” Decisions – TIM Policies • Removal of Decedents from Fatality TIM Scene To allow the body to be removed expeditiously by other first responders after meeting criteria for Photogrammetry • Responsibilities: • NHP to notify the County Coroner within 15 minutes of identifying a fatal traffic incident • Responsibilities and procedures for implementation involving NHP moving the body have not been developed.
The “Tough” Decisions – TIM Policies • First Responder Communications for In Route and On-Scene Supports standardized multi agency TIM communications practices among first responders in route and at the scene • Responsibilities: • Communications decisions made by the TIM Coalition should not impede decisions of the statewide communications project efforts • TIM Executive Committee to determine and implement common communications protocols and equipment across all emergency responder agencies and jurisdictions.
The “Tough” Decisions – TIM Policies • Effective Use of TIM Technology and Responder Availability To allow access to CCTV camera images from TMC and NDOT dispatch for maintenance • Responsibilities: • Shared Use of CCTV Cameras and Dynamic Message Signs • Prompt Reliable Traveler Information Systems.
The “Tough” Decisions – TIM Policies • Wrecker Operator and Truck Requirement Policy Encouragements towing operator training and towing response within 30 minutes of notification • Responsibilities: • NHP uses a rotation for notifying towing services. - standards for towing are in the process of being updated • NDOT in the process of implementing an Instant Tow program – procedures to be written once approved.
The “Tough” Decisions – TIM Policies • Spills/Contaminates Removal Policy To provide quick removal of large vehicles and contaminates with contracted services • Responsibilities: • NDOT and Clark County obtained the services of a third party for quick Contaminant/spill clean-up • Incident on State Highway - NHP contacts NDOT , NDOT contacts environmental clean-up contractor for quick removal • Incident on County right of way- NHP contacts Clark County , Clark County contacts environmental clean-up contractor for quick removal
The “Tough” Decisions – TIM Policies • Unified Command System for Traffic Incident Management Defines proactive structure for unified command at the scene of an incident that takes longer than 60 minutes to clear • Responsibilities: • To be used whenever an incident will require more than 60 minutes to clear • The structure for the Las Vegas region
The “Tough” Decisions – TIM Policies • Multi-Agency, Multi-Disciplinary TIM Plans for Construction Requires construction projects that take place in the TIM boundaries to be presented and engage the TIM coalition to engage members responsible for maintenance, enforcement and operations. • Responsibilities: • NDOT successful with TIM Plans for North I-15 project • Considering same steps for US-95 construction project
The “Tough” Decisions – TIM Policies • TIM after Action Incident Review Debriefing Policy Provides guidelines for debriefing incidents that exceed the 90 minute quick clearance goals • Responsibilities: • All agencies required to follow “TIM After-Action Review” debriefing procedures • NDOT TIM Management Team to manage the TIM Consultant Contractor who will provide an unbiased approach to debriefings
Questions & Answers Nevada Department of Transportation William “Bill” Hoffman, P.E. John Domina, ITS Planner Director, Maintenance & Operations TIM Program Manager tel 702.888.7050 | whoffman@dot.state.nv.ustel 702.888.7864 | jdomina@dot.state.nv.us Denise Inda, P.E. Assistant Director, Maintenance & Operations tel 775.888.7867 | dinda@dot.state.nv.us Consultant Team: Rita L. Brohman, PMP Iteris, Inc., Sr. Project Manager (TIM Project Manager) tel 916.772.7976 | cell 916.847.9480 | r.brohman@delcan.com