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Sophomore English 3-4. Ms. Dilley. Email: jana.dilley@granite.k12.ut.us Extra help: Tuesday & Wednesday, 2:15-2:45. In this class we will:. Write journals and learn the writing process. Review grammar and punctuation weekly through language workshop and student writing.
Sophomore English 3-4 Ms. Dilley Email: jana.dilley@granite.k12.ut.us Extra help: Tuesday & Wednesday, 2:15-2:45
In this class we will: • Write journals and learn the writing • process. • Review grammar and punctuation • weekly through language workshop and • student writing. • Study vocabulary weekly. • Read, analyze, & interpret various • literature.
* Pen/Pencil • * Binder • * College ruled paper • * Section Dividers Materials
Policies & Procedures • Bring materials and assignments to class. • Adherence to the KHS attendance policy is mandatory. Students will need to be in class to receive the necessary materials and information. Many in-class assignments cannot be made up, thus attendance is crucial. If a student arrives to class more than 20 minutes late, he/she will be marked absent as per school policy. Be on time. • Late work will not be accepted.
If student has an excused absence, please see me at the end of the period to get work missed. Student will have 7 days to complete and turn in missed a assignment, after the 7th day student will not receive credit for the assignment. If student misses a test or quiz they may come in after school during extra help time listed above. • There will be some homework required. • Citizenship: 60% attendance, tardies, respect, effort, participation, and attitude.
Students are expected to be organized. The binders are required for this purpose. • No cell phones or walk-mans They will be taken and students can pick them up after school. • Attentiveness, respect, a willingness to learn, new ideas, participation, and growth are expected. Students are responsible for their own learning and behavior.
Cokes, Skittles, Heath bars, coffee, smiles, and a good attitude are also welcomed.
Grades are calculated according to the following percentile scale: Grading A 100 – 94 B- 81 – 78 D+ 65 -- 62 A- 93 – 90 C+ 77 – 74 D 61 – 59 B+ 89 – 86 C 73 – 70 D- 58 -- 55 B 85 – 82 C- 69 -- 66 F 54 & Below
Short stories “Twelve Angry Men” “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Of Mice and Men Tentative Reading Selections: 1st Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 2nd Quarter • Stop Pretending • “Inherit the Wind” • Night • The Pearl
Have a SUPER Sophomore Year!