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Monday, January 14, 2013. Anchorage Public School. Reading/Language/Writing Students will not have a reading story this week. Students will work on the elements of a narrative writing. Students will work in the beginning stages of writing their own personal narrative. Math
Monday, January 14, 2013 Anchorage Public School Reading/Language/Writing Students will not have a reading story this week. Students will work on the elements of a narrative writing. Students will work in the beginning stages of writing their own personal narrative. Math After determining fractions of a set, equivalent fractions will be the name of the game this week in math. We will be slicing and dicing fraction bars (not literally) to show our understanding of equivalent fractions. Flashbacks will continue. After receiving their grade from last week's flashbacks, students will set a goal for the score they want to receive on this week's FB. Homework expectations for this week: 1. Math Playground every night, 2. Daily Word Problem every night, and 3. an average of 5-8 practice problems each night to reinforce what we are learning in class. Looking forward to a great week! Science Students will begin a two week unit on the study of weather. Students will track weather trends in Anchorage and make predictions from their data. At home students should be studying their weather vocabulary flashcards and watching the weather. A culminating STEM challenge will finish up the unit. In order to conduct the STEM challenge during classes, I will send home a take home test at the end of the week and students will have until next Wednesday, the 23rdto complete and return it. Social Studies This week we are exploring in-depth Kentucky's economy. Students will learn that Kentucky has a market economy that is made up of service industries, manufacturing industries, mining, and agriculture. We'll learn about how imports and exports link Kentucky to the rest of the world. Finally, we will study the assembly line and how important it is to production. Upcoming Dates: January 16th “We Sing America” program. January 18th 2nd Midterm ends. January 21st Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. January 24th 4th Grade Field Trip to the Capitol. January 25th Midterm report sent home. February 1st Assembly February 25- March 1st Winter Break. March 5th Author visit with C.C. Payne. NEWSLETTERMs. Campbell Ms. Holt Ms. Harper Spelling / Vocabulary This week’s spelling and vocabulary words are from the Root Word Workbook. Test Friday. Lesson 9 Special Families Familiar Specialist Specialty Species Specific Special Specimen Family Just a Reminder: Book orders are due on Friday, January 18th. Students that have charges in the lunchroom or any over due library books will have notices in their weekly folder this week. Field trip permission slips and lunch order forms went home last week. Please sign and notarize the permission slip since we are traveling outside of Jefferson County. Please have everything for the field trip returned no later than Friday, January 18th. Wish List: white copy paper ANCHORAGE VISION The Anchorage School Learning Community Launching Life Long Learning Through... Inspiration – Exploration – Connection