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South East Mental Health Commissioning Network

Join us at the 1st SEMHCN conference to learn, share best practices, and improve service quality in mental health commissioning. Supported by Lundbeck.

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South East Mental Health Commissioning Network

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Presentation Transcript

  1. South East Mental Health Commissioning Network Tuesday 19th November 2013 Holiday Inn, Egerton Road, Guildford, Surrey Supported through an unrestricted educational grant from Lundbeck

  2. Welcome to the 1st SEMHCN! Paul Midgley Director of NHS Insight NHiS Ltd

  3. Network Objectives • Learn from each other • Adapt the best ideas • Spread good practice down to grass roots • Make service quality better for patients • Really make sure we get value throughout • No ‘them and us’ – we all rely on one budget!

  4. Agenda 13.00 Registration and buffet lunch 13.30 Welcome and introductions – Dr Liz England 13.45 What do we want from the new CCG/MHT relationship? Panel discussion/Audience Q+A GP MH leads/commissioning leads from the South East MH Provider leads from the South East 14.45 Break and networking 15.15 Focus on Alcohol misuse How big is the problem locally? – Jessica Mookherjee, Consultant in Public Health/ Educational Supervisor, Kent County Council & South Kent Coast CCG How big is the problem – the view from General Practice – Dr Joe McGilligan, GP & Chair Surrey CCG, Joint Chair Surrey HWB Substance misuse services – Commissioning Effective Alcohol Services in the South East – Liz Osbourne, Commissioning Officer for Alcohol, Kent DAAT Developing more effective treatment pathways – Mr Martyn Penfold, Independent Consultant in Health & Social Care Alcohol Panel - Q+A 16.30 Summary and key learning points 16.45 Evaluation & future events preview 17.00 Close

  5. Chair – Dr Liz England GP Laurie Pike Centre Birmingham, NIHR Senior Clinical Lecturer, GP Appraisal Lead NHS Midlands and East, & RCGP Mental Health Commissioning Lead

  6. What do we want from the new CCG/MHT relationship?Panel Q&A Commissioners • Kent & Medway Dr David Chesover GP Vice Chair West Kent CCG, MH Lead & Co-ordinating MH lead, Kent • Solent Dr Jenny Allinson GP Lead Commissioner for unscheduled Care & Mental Health, Fareham & Gosport & SE Hampshire CCGs • South West London Dr Peter Ilves GP Mental Health Lead, Deputy Chair Wandsworth HWB - TBC • Surrey & Borders Dr Jill Rasmussen GP Mental Health Lead East Surrey CCG, RCGP Clinical Champion for Dementia and Chair of the RCGP LD Group Providers • Isle of Wight Dr N Yoganathan Con Psych, Clinical Lead Drug & Alcohol Service St Mary’s Hospital Newport • Kent & Medway Dr Catherine Kinane Forensic Psych & Asst Medical Director KMPT & SE Coast Strategic Clinical Network • Solent Dr Tade Thompson Clinical Director Designate AMH & Consultant Psychiatrist, Solent NHS FT • SLAM Dr Martin Baggaley Medical Director, South London & Maudsley Mental Health Foundation Trust • SLAM Ms Mandy Everett Deputy Director National Account Management , SLAM • Surrey & Borders Dr Rachel Hennessey Consultant Psychiatrist & Medical Director, Surrey & Borders Partnership NHSFT

  7. Tea break and networking Back at 3.15pm please

  8. Focus on Alcohol misuse • How big is the problem locally? – Jessica Mookherjee, Consultant in Public Health/ Educational Supervisor: Public Health Kent • How big is the problem, the view from General Practice – Dr Joe McGilligan, Chair East Surrey CCG & Joint Chair Surrey HWB • Substance Misuse Services – Commissioning Effective Alcohol Services in the South East – Liz Osbourne, Commissioning Officer for Alcohol, Kent DAAT • Developing more effective treatment pathways – Mr MartynPenfold, Independent Consultant in Health & Social Care • Alcohol Panel/Audience Q&A

  9. How big is the problem locally? Jessica Mookherjee Consultant in Public Health/ Educational Supervisor, Public Health Kent County Council & South Kent Coast CCG

  10. How big is the problem locally – the view from General Practice Dr Joe McGilligan GP, Chair East Surrey CCG and Joint Chair Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board

  11. Substance Misuse Services Commissioning Effective Alcohol Service in the South East Liz Osbourne Commissioning Officer for Alcohol, Kent DAAT

  12. Developing more effective treatment pathways Mr Martyn Penfold Independent Consultant in Health & Social Care

  13. Panel Discussion: Alcohol MisuseQ&A, reflections and key points • What are the main points you have learnt today? • What do you intend to feed back to your local clinical or CCG team? • What do you want to change as a result?

  14. Before you go….Feedback please on: • Faculty and Spring agenda ideas • Who else would you like us to invite to SEMHCN? • Are you registered for the Regional MHCNs website? Ask for details on your evaluation form - we will email you with a link – all you have to do is click and follow instructions! Please give your feedback on forms provided – your response will help shape the SEMHCN’s 2014 activities

  15. Thank you for attending SEMHCN • Next meeting – May 2014 date tbc • Slides, handouts + group work will be published on the Regional MHCNs website at http://www.networks.nhs.uk/nhs-networks/east-midlands-mental-health-commissioning-forum

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