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Excretory System

Excretory System. What four systems are most involved in excreting (getting rid of) wastes?. # 1. # 2. # 3. # 4. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM. URINARY SYSTEM. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM.

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Excretory System

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  1. Excretory System

  2. What four systems are most involved in excreting (getting rid of) wastes? # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM URINARY SYSTEM DIGESTIVE SYSTEM

  3. Excretory systems regulate the chemical composition of body fluids by removing wastes and retaining the proper amounts of water, salts, and nutrients. Not all organisms use the same routes or excrete their wastes the same way humans do.

  4. # 1 # 1 The Human Urinary System The Human Urinary System Is made of: 2 Kidneys 2 Ureters 1 Bladder 1 Urethra

  5. # 1 # 1 The Human Urinary System The Human Urinary System • Each kidney is made up of about one million tiny filters. • Each filtering unit of the kidney is called a nephron. • Blood entering a nephron carries wastes produced by body cells.

  6. Section 37.3 Summary – pages 985-987 Click image to view movie.

  7. # 1 The Human Urinary System • The kidneys are responsible for cleaning the blood by removing metabolic wastes, excess solutes, and excess water and excreting them as urine • Besides removing urea, it also removes excess salts or glucose, the remnants of drugs (reason for urine tests), and excess water.

  8. # 1 The Human Urinary System Section 37.3 Summary – pages 985-987 • You produce about 2 L of urine a day. This waste fluid flows out of the kidneys, through the ureter, and into the urinary bladder, where it may be stored.

  9. Review # 2 The Digestive System The Digestive System is responsible for taking the food we eat and converting it to energy for our bodies to use. What is not useable for the body is released as solid waste.

  10. # 3 The Respiratory System What waste does your body get rid of during respiration?

  11. # 4 The Integumentary System The Integumentary System serves as a cushion, protection, a regulator, a sensory receptor, and an EXCRETER OR WASTES. It rids the body of access water and salt through sweat glands

  12. IN COMPARISON: Invertebrate Section 27.2 Summary – pages 728-733 Nephridia Some invertebrates, such as worms, use nephridia for excretory purposes. It is a tubule that expels waste through a pore.

  13. Most terrestrial arthropods (ex. Insects) excrete wastes through Malpighian tubules. Section 28.1 Summary – pages 741 - 746 In insects, the tubules are all located in the abdomen rather than in each segment. These are a set of long tubules that draw in excess body fluids- water is absorbed, and the rest of the wastes empty into the gut, and then out of the insect.

  14. Section 3 Check Question 1 Explain why the loss of function in your kidneys is dangerous.

  15. Section 3 Check The kidneys filter waste products such as ammonia and urea out of the body. They also help control the sodium level in your blood and regulate the pH of blood. Without proper function of your kidneys, these waste products would poison the body.

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