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SAVVY 101 Savvy Board Relations. Dr. Susan Lockwood SSA Executive Director June 18, 2010. The Savvy Superintendent :. Provides on-going training for board members, Makes board communications a priority, Uses board meetings as a positive force for system,
SAVVY 101Savvy Board Relations Dr. Susan Lockwood SSA Executive Director June 18, 2010
The Savvy Superintendent: Provides on-going training for board members, Makes board communications a priority, Uses board meetings as a positive force for system, Gets to know each board member and what matters most to each one, Develops common ground and common goals over time, and Remembers that good timing is everything!
The Savvy Superintendent: • Provides on-going training for board members
School Board Meetings • Hold a board work session to discuss board meetings and establish how you will handle • Complaints and public comments • Timelines for discussion before actions • Personnel • Building Programs • New Programs • Budget • Provide a Calendar with Topics likely to be on Board Agenda for each month of year • Discuss Roles and Responsibilities of Board, Superintendent, and Leadership Team • Explain Relationship of Central Office and Schools • Review whenever you get New Board Members
The Superintendent should • Expect board members to refer Complainants to follow “chain of command”; then notify you of the problem/concern. • Expect board members to abstain from individual counsel and action. • Ask board members to assure the individual who comes to them with a concern that school leaders are also concerned and share insights that are appropriate. • Ask board members to keep conversations focused on the issue at hand. • Expect board members to build up the school district and leaders whenever possible. • Set Expectations for Board Members
Emphasize Board Training • Attend AASB meetings with your board members and help them understand how what they hear relates to your school system • Bring in assistance if you need it through AASB’s Roles and Responsibilities Workshop, through the Lighthouse study, or through SSA. • Urge new board members to attend AASB Leadership Training and attend with them • Take the time to meet and teach new board members • YOU should be the board member’s primary teacher
The Savvy Superintendent: • Provides on-going training for board members, • Makes board communications a priority,
Expect Phone Call to Board Members from Superintendent’s Office • Discuss with board members the “situations” they want to know about before they “hear about it in community” • Drug bust at high school • Student picked up for “ */!/*” • Accusation of harassment • Superintendent or designee should tell board members • What has happened • What administrators are doing to investigate • When superintendent anticipates determining “what will be recommended” • Hold some possible dates if a hearing may be needed • Expect superintendent will calland inform you as needed as the investigation proceeds • Give board members advice on how to answer media or questions from public in a manner avoiding suits. • ALWAYS notify ALL board members with the same information.
Written Information Updates • Expect bi-monthly updates to board members • Between board and superintendent • Share update on “situations” • Given information immediately rather than waiting for next meeting • Share information on AASB, SSA updates, information from SDE • Reminded of events to attend such as AASB district meeting • Provided background info on upcoming discussion at board meeting • Staying in touch in a dependable manner helps build the relationship • Share what you send to one board member with ALL board members
Outcome of Superintendent’s Communications to School Board • Give board members the knowledge and confidence that superintendent is performing the job • Keep board members informed on topics for which they have legal responsibilities • Don’t allow board members to be blind-sided; • The Superintendent’s ability to inform is determined by board members’ willingness to handle some information confidentially and professionally.
The Savvy Superintendent: • Provides on-going training for board members, • Makes board communications a priority, • Uses board meetings as a positive force for system,
What should the Board Members Expect from the Superintendent? • Board Packets should be • Clear • Accurate • Superintendent’s Report should lay the foundation for action at future meetings, highlight programs for public and board consumption, and promote positive public relations. Use this time to explain why you might need to reduce number of units or why you are considering building program at a particular school. • Say it more than once • Say it in a Superintendent’s Report • Include information in an Update to Board mail-out • Say it again the next month • Provide information in Media Packet so they help “tell your story” in print and news media
Make Board Meetings Positive • Always start the meeting with something positive that focuses on teaching and learning • Show off great things happening in schools • Use recognition to highlight achievements • Give a “Superintendent’s Award” annually • Make the meeting efficient: everything should be professional, on time, clear, with mutual respect • Take care of details • STAY ON TRACK • Instructions for those that wish to address the board
The Savvy Superintendent: • Provides on-going training for board members, • Makes board communications a priority, • Uses board meetings as a positive force for system, • Gets to know each board member and what matters most to each one,
Study your board more closely • Jot down the first name of each board member • Beside each name list their relatives and where they work in the schools • Summarize the one topic you think is most important to that board member and write it beside each name
Create Opportunities to Get to Know Your Board Members • Go to AASB Conference and Dine out Together • Find the best time and place to meet individually once a month or every other month • Lunch out at the Mexican Restaurant • Informal visit at their office • Ride together to a ball game • Create an opportunity to know if there is something “on the mind” of your board members • Know their children, spouses, favorite sports, and keep in mind as you plan
The Savvy Superintendent: • Provides on-going training for board members, • Makes board communications a priority, • Uses board meetings as a positive force for system, • Gets to know each board member and what matters most to each one, and • Develops common ground and common goals over time.
Establish System Goals • The Superintendent and School Board should work to establish Goals for the System for the coming year and use a work session to seek common ground. • Using principal input collaborate with school board to establish 3-5 Goals for the coming year that will be the focus.
PLANNING • Establish System Goals and expect the board members to work with you in determining those goals; then • Work with your Leadership Staff to Develop a PLAN for Implementing and Communicating the Goals • Bring the PLAN to the School Board and update the Board on how the Goals will be implemented and seek their consensus • Make the Plan the School Board Plan • Expect board members to support the work of the PLAN • Help the board members COMMUNICATE the PLAN Within the Community as you are asked questions about the schools • Expect board members to support the PLAN and the administrators as they implement the PLAN
Follow-Up on the PLAN • Give the school board a Report on the Goals at the end of the year • Keep the board members focused on the System Goals instead of micromanaging the superintendent’s work. • Work to make this planning a REALITY in your school system.
The Savvy Superintendent: • Provides on-going training for board members, • Makes board communications a priority, • Uses board meetings as a positive force for system, • Gets to know each board member and what matters most to each one, • Develops common ground and common goals over time, and • Remembers that good TIMING is everything! (knows when to Hold ‘Em, knows when to Fold ‘Em)
Main Goal: Keep Focused on the Education of CHILDREN Develop trust among the board, superintendent, and community and make decisions that are good for boys and girls