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Data Form Web Part Development Approaches 

Data Form Web Part Development Approaches  . Raymond Mitchell Senior Consultant @ Inetium http://www.iwkid.com. Agenda. Overview. Overview. What is the Data Form Web Part?. Web Part Displays Data using XSLT “Swiss Army Knife” of Web Parts AKA: Data View Web Part (v2)

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Data Form Web Part Development Approaches 

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  1. Data Form Web Part Development Approaches  Raymond Mitchell Senior Consultant @ Inetium http://www.iwkid.com

  2. Agenda

  3. Overview

  4. Overview

  5. What is the Data Form Web Part?

  6. Web Part • Displays Data using XSLT • “Swiss Army Knife” of Web Parts • AKA: Data View Web Part (v2) • Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.DataFormWebPart What is the Data Form Web Part?

  7. Can only be created using SharePoint Designer • Minimal configurability through the web browser What is the Data Form Web Part?

  8. SharePoint Designer and the Basics

  9. What is SharePoint Designer (SPD)? • Next version of FrontPage • What can you do with SPD? • Brand your SharePoint Sites • Create / Configure Workflows • Create new ASPX pages • Add Web Part Zones and Web Parts SharePoint Designer and the Basics

  10. Demo • Create a new ASPX Page • Apply a Master Page • Add a Web Part Zone SharePoint Designer and the Basics

  11. Introducing the List View Web Part (LVWP) • Displays lists and libraries • Can be added via Web Browser • Allows for view configuration via Web Browser • Can be converted to a Data Form Web Part SharePoint Designer and the Basics

  12. Demo • Add a List View Web Part • Configure the View SharePoint Designer and the Basics

  13. Introducing the Data Form Web Part (DFWP) • Displays lists and libraries (and more!) • Can be created by converting a LVWP • Can be created from a Data Source defined in SharePoint Designer SharePoint Designer and the Basics

  14. Demo • Revisit the List View Web Part • Convert the LVWP to a Data Form Web Part • Customize the view of the DFWP SharePoint Designer and the Basics

  15. Data Sources in SharePoint Designer • SharePoint Lists and Libraries • XML Files • Web Services • Database Connections • Can also support Linked Data Sources SharePoint Designer and the Basics

  16. Demo • Create a DFWP from a SharePoint List • View the XSLT • Customize the XSLT SharePoint Designer and the Basics

  17. Conditional Formatting in DFWPs • Change formatting / visibility based on values • Uses XSLT / XPATH / CSS behind the scenes • Can be used to create dashboard / KPI views SharePoint Designer and the Basics

  18. Demo • Update a DFWP to use conditional formatting • View the XSLT SharePoint Designer and the Basics

  19. The Form in DFWPs • Allows you to create custom new/edit forms as well as displays • Control how the form gets rendered and allows you to add additional notes/info/design SharePoint Designer and the Basics

  20. Demo • Create a custom form to edit multiple items • Create a custom edit form SharePoint Designer and the Basics

  21. Advanced Data Form Web Parts

  22. Advanced Uses: • Simple Forms / Views • Rapid, “Codeless” development Advanced Data Form Web Parts

  23. Demo • Use an XML file as a data source • Build a custom maintenance form • Build a custom display Advanced Data Form Web Parts

  24. Advanced Uses: • Output JavaScript • Output XML (RSS, SVG, etc…) Advanced Data Form Web Parts

  25. Advanced Uses: • Use to provide data for Rich Internet Applications: • Flash • Silverlight Advanced Data Form Web Parts

  26. Getting XML Data into Silverlight • Several options: • initParams • Html form fields • XML Data Island Advanced Data Form Web Parts

  27. initParams as a String Dictionary Advanced Data Form Web Parts

  28. initParams as a string Advanced Data Form Web Parts

  29. Html form field Advanced Data Form Web Parts

  30. XML Data Island Advanced Data Form Web Parts

  31. XML Data Island (DFWP) Advanced Data Form Web Parts

  32. Advanced Uses: • Cross-Site Rollups • Custom Master/Detail Displays • Linked Data Sources Advanced Data Form Web Parts

  33. Resources • SharePoint on Vista • http://community.bamboosolutions.com/blogs/bambooteamblog/archive/2008/05/21/how-to-install-windows-sharepoint-services-3-0-sp1-on-vista-x64-x86.aspx

  34. Resources • SharePoint Designer Homepage • http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepointdesigner • SharePoint Designer Team Blog • http://blogs.msdn.com/sharepointdesigner • SharePoint Designer Support Team Blog • http://blogs.msdn.com/spdsupport

  35. Resources • Inetium • http://www.inetium.com • Raymond Mitchell • http://www.iwkid.com • SharePoint Beagle • “Getting to Know the Data Form Web Part” • http://sharepointbeagle.com/blogs/beagle

  36. Thanks! Questions?

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