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走进宁波 (About Ningbo)

走进宁波 (About Ningbo). 中国宁波 Ningbo,China 宁波是浙江省副省级城市,计划单列市,有制定地方性法规权利的较大的市。宁波市浙江省的三大经济中心之一,宁波港市中国货物吞吐量第一大港口。宁波民营经济发达,是中国最具活力的城市之一,城市人均可支配收入位居全国第六,是一个非常富有的城市。宁波商帮是中国近代最大的商帮,中国传统 “ 十大商帮 ” 之一。宁波千万富豪有 1.47 万人,亿万富豪有 950 人,

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走进宁波 (About Ningbo)

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  1. 走进宁波(About Ningbo) • 中国宁波 Ningbo,China • 宁波是浙江省副省级城市,计划单列市,有制定地方性法规权利的较大的市。宁波市浙江省的三大经济中心之一,宁波港市中国货物吞吐量第一大港口。宁波民营经济发达,是中国最具活力的城市之一,城市人均可支配收入位居全国第六,是一个非常富有的城市。宁波商帮是中国近代最大的商帮,中国传统“十大商帮”之一。宁波千万富豪有1.47万人,亿万富豪有950人, • Ningbo is the Vice provincial city in Zhejiang province, which is called municipalities with independent planning status and the power to draft local laws and regulations. Ningbo is one of the three economic centers in Zhejiang and has the busiest harbor in China. With the development of economy, Ningbo has become the city of vigor with PCDI ranked No.6. As is recorded in history, Ningbo is regarded as one of the The ten business groups in ancient China. There are 14700 multimillionaires , 950 billionaires. • 海外宁波 International Ningbo,China • 现有海外宁波籍人士73000多人,加上他们的后裔有30多万人,分布在世界64个国家地区。其中工商巨头、科技名人、社团首领和社会名流有800多人。在海外的宁波籍新移民和留学人员已超过4000人。他们大多学有所成,部分人已进入西方国家主流社会。“宁波帮”在海外享有较高的社会名望,具有财力和智力的优势。他们的经济实力雄厚,拥有可观的资金和产业,还拥有遍布世界的商业管理销售网络和大批掌握现代化科技、生产工艺和管理知识的专业人才,在香港的十大富豪中,“宁波帮”曾占有三席; • Ningbo nowadays has a population of more than 300 thousand oversea Ningbo-natives(including their descendants) in 64 countries around the world. Among the them are business tycoons, famous scientists, organization leaders and celebrities. What’s more, there are more than 4000 new immigrants and oversea students. The Ningbo group has a good reputation in the world with their abundant funds and properties, and once waw active in the tycoons in Hongkong.

  2. 展会背景(Exhibition Background) 《2011中国私人财富管理白皮书》显示全国18个重点城市的千万级别以上的高净值人群在国家对房产经济调控没有放松的情况下选择了海外房地产投资为主。一半的高净值人群因为子女教育而进行海外投资,近30%的人在未来三年有进行海外投资的计划。子女教育是海外投资的最主要目的。 近两年来,在国内通胀预期以及房地产严厉调控政策大背景下,越来越多的投资客把目光投向海外置业并积极付诸行动。自2008年金融危机以来,宁波民间资本海外置业已经成为趋势.现有海外宁波籍人士73000多人,加上他们的后裔有30多万人,分布在世界64个国家地区。其中工商巨头、科技名人、社团首领和社会名流有800多人。在海外的宁波籍新移民和留学人员已超过4000人。 应海外展商及市场需求,于2013年1月20日-21日举办宁波海外地产投资置业展,将完整涉猎全球地产项目。本次展会将致力于打造一个社会广泛关注,国外地产商积极参与,对投资者有更多回报的海外不动产综合展示交易平台,为广大的宁波海外置业及投资人士提供专业的服务。 The China Private Wealth Management White book 2011 indicates that numbers of the rich tend to have oversea investment under the tight situation.Some of the rich do so for the sake of their children. About 30% people have the idea of oversea investment in the following 3 years. In recent 2 years, under the condition of inflation expectation and tight regulating and controlling, more and more investors are likely to carry out this action. Since the economic crises in 2008, using the private capital to overseas property investment has become the tendency. Ningbo nowadays has a population of more than 300 thousand oversea Ningbo-natives(including their descendants) in 64 countries around the world. Among the them are business tycoons, famous scientists, organization leaders and celebrities. What’s more, there are more than 4000 new immigrants and oversea students. In order to meet the demand of market and foreign investors, there will be The 3rd Oversea Property Investment Exhibition in Ningbo (January,20-21,2013). The exhibition will include the global property programs, making it an excellent platform for investors and a offer professional service to the Ningbo-native oversea property investors.

  3. 组织机构(Organization) • Organizers: • 支持单位: • Supported by: • 媒体支持: • Media Wenzhou HengBo Exhibition Co., Ltd Lighthouse Project and Event Management Co. 海外投资联合会(海投会) 宁波台商总会 宁波房产投资俱乐部 宁波晚报 Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce Ningbo Taiwanese general chamber Ningbo property investment club Ningbo evening news 宁波企业家联合会 宁波温州商会 宁波现代金报 宁波东南商报 Ningbo entrepreneurs association Ningbo Wenzhou chamber of commerce Ningbo modern daily newspaper Ningbo southeast business newspaper

  4. 观众邀请(Population invited) • 1、邀请18家在宁波银行VIP私人黄金客户; • 2、邀请豪华车车主:20种顶级品牌跑车、豪华轿车车主; • 3、邀请顶级房产业主:豪华别墅、楼盘业主及准客户; • 4、邀请49家世界各地宁波人同乡会、联宜会、华人华侨联合会会员; • 5、邀请40家顶级高尔夫球会、游艇俱乐部、私人会所会员以及高级五星级酒店行政层人员; • 6、邀请40余家奢侈品专卖店消费客户; • 7、定向邀请宁波高端俱乐部成员; • 8、通过宁波海外置业网络大量宣传本活动吸引前来登记的投资者; • 9、邀请宁波市中小企业、宁波市行业协会两万名会员企业参加; • 10、以及通过媒体报道和广告召集的客户;

  5. 观众邀请(Population invited) • 1、Invited VIP private gold customers in Ningbo Bank; • 2、Invited to the luxury car owners:20 kinds of top brand sports car, luxury car owner; • 3、Invited the owners of the top real estate: luxury villas, real estate owners and prospective customers; • 4、Invited 49 world around Ningbo Association joint should members of the Federation of Overseas Chinese; • 5、Invited the top 40 golf club, yacht club, private clubs, as well as advanced five-star hotel administrative layers; • 6、Invited more than 40 luxury stores consumer customers • 7、The members of Ningbo high-end clubs. • 8、Promotional activities to attract investors to register a large number of network of Ningbo overseas home buyers; • 9、Invited the The enterprises of Ningbo medium-sized and small enterprises and Ningbo guild. • 10、By media reports and advertising convened customers.

  6. 展会优势(Exhibition advantages) 海外置业投资热:当前境外投资已成为中国人的投资热点,2011年大陆移民数量增长已近30%,中国个人可投资资产超过1000万元人群中拥有海外资产的已达1/3。在目前没有海外资产的富豪人群中,也有将近30%的人在未来三年有进行海外投资置业的计划。 The popularity of oversea property investment. In 2011, the number of immigrant in mainland rose up to nearly 30%. The percentage of people who has invested more than 100 thousand and invested in oversea property investment has come to 1/3. Though some riches have invested in such programs, they still have the willing to do so. 宁波投资热潮:宁波投资热潮:现有海外宁波籍人士73000多人,加上他们的后裔有30多万人,分布在世界64个国家地区。其中工商巨头、科技名人、社团首领和社会名流有800多人。在海外的宁波籍新移民和留学人员已超过4000人。 The popularity of investment in Ningbo. Ningbo nowadays has a population of more than 300 thousand oversea Ningbo-natives(including their descendants) in 64 countries around the world. Among the them are business tycoons, famous scientists, organization leaders and celebrities. What’s more, there are more than 4000 new immigrants and oversea students.主办优势:主办优势:温州恒博展览有限公司五年来专注举办房地产展会、海外置业展。每年举办宁波、温州春季房展会、宁波、温州秋季房展会等最具影响、最具规模的房产展。 The advantage of sponsor: Wenzhou Hengbo Exhibition Limited Company has concentrated on holding property exhibition and oversea property exhibition for 5 years. We will hold Ningbo/Wenzhou Springtime Home exhibitions Will, Ningbo/Wenzhou Fall Home exhibitions Will. 媒体优势:超过100家海内外主流媒体,包括电视媒体、网络媒体、报纸、杂志、电台等,汇集世界镜头。 The advantage of media: there are more than 100 national and international media, including television, Internet, newspapers, magazine, radio station and so on. 观众优势:预计吸引近5千名海外置业意向客户,超过近2万人次意向购房者。 The advantage of participants: there will be about 5000 clients for consultation and about 2000 intending to purchase.

  7. 参展范围及费用(Scope and Fee) 海外别墅(villa) 独栋庄园(castle) 度假型酒(hotels) 住宅(apartment) 留学机构,移民机构,律师事务所,投资机构…… study agencies, immigration agencies, law firms, investment institutions…… 写字楼(office buildings) 海岛(island) 参展费用(Participation Fee) 室内豪华展位 3000元/㎡ (9㎡起订) luxury indoor booth RMB3000/㎡(9㎡order) (12月份之前,2680元/㎡) (Before December,RMB2680/㎡)

  8. 2013宁波海外置业展平面图

  9. 套餐价格(Package price) T套餐 12万元整 1. 场地赠送(T区36㎡)(价值RMB 108,000.00) 2. 现场推介会/项目介绍(30分钟)(价值RMB 30,000.00) 展会现场布置LOGO体现(价值RMB 5,000.00)  项目宣传资料放入与会贵宾礼品袋中(价值RMB 10,000.00) 3. 印刷媒体广告  你的品牌标志将出现在请柬上(价值RMB 15,000.00) 你的品牌标志将出现在宣传单页上(价值RMB 10,000.00)  你的品牌标志将出现在展会会刊上(价值RMB 20,000.00) 4. 户外广告  入口指示牌,户外LED显示屏出现项目名称(价值RMB 3,000.00) 展馆出入口广告位一个(共四个)(价值RMB 10,000.00) 回报总价值(总价值RMB 211.000.00)

  10. 套餐价格(Package price) T package RMB 120,000 1. venues present (36㎡) (Value of RMB 108,000.00) 2. Site promotion / Project (30 minutes) (Value of RMB 30,000.00) Exhibition site arranged reflects theLOGO (Value of RMB 5,000.00)  Project promotional materials put into the gift bag of participating VIP (Value of RMB10,000.00) 3.Print media advertising Your brand logo will appear in Invitation card (Value of RMB 15,000.00) Your brand logo will appear in the Exhibition leaflet (Value of RMB10,000.00) Your brand logo will appear in the Proceedings of the exhibition (Value of RMB 20,000.00) 4. Outdoor advertising Entrance of signs, outdoor LED display project name (Value of RMB 3,000.00) Advertising at the Entrance of the hall,(only four) (Value of RMB 10,000.00) Return on total value (Total value of RMB 211,000.00)

  11. 套餐价格(Package price) A套餐8万元整 1. 场地赠送(A区18㎡)(价值RMB 54,000.00) 2. 现场推介会/项目介绍(30分钟)(价值RMB 30,000.00) 展会现场布置LOGO体现(价值RMB 5,000.00)  项目宣传资料放入与会贵宾礼品袋中(价值RMB 10,000.00) 3. 印刷媒体广告  你的品牌标志将出现在请柬上(价值RMB 15,000.00) 你的品牌标志将出现在宣传单页上(价值RMB 10,000.00)  你的品牌标志将出现在展会会刊上(价值RMB 20,000.00) 4. 户外广告  入口指示牌,户外LED显示屏出现项目名称(价值RMB 3,000.00) 展馆出入口广告位一个(共四个)(价值RMB 10,000.00) 回报总价值(总价值RMB 157.000.00)

  12. 套餐价格(Package price) A package RMB 80,000 1. venues present (18㎡) (Value of RMB 54,000.00) 2. Site promotion / Project (30 minutes) (Value of RMB 30,000.00) Exhibition site arranged reflects theLOGO (Value of RMB 5,000.00)  Project promotional materials put into the gift bag of participating VIP (Value of RMB10,000.00) 3.Print media advertising Your brand logo will appear in Invitation card (Value of RMB 15,000.00) Your brand logo will appear in the Exhibition leaflet (Value of RMB10,000.00) Your brand logo will appear in the Proceedings of the exhibition (Value of RMB 20,000.00) 4. Outdoor advertising Entrance of signs, outdoor LED display project name (Value of RMB 3,000.00) Advertising at the Entrance of the hall,(only four) (Value of RMB 10,000.00) Return on total value (Total value of RMB 211,000.00)

  13. 套餐价格(Package price) C套餐5万元整 1. 场地赠送(C区9㎡)(价值RMB 27,000.00) 2. 现场推介会/项目介绍(30分钟)(价值RMB 30,000.00) 展会现场布置LOGO体现(价值RMB 5,000.00)  项目宣传资料放入与会贵宾礼品袋中(价值RMB 10,000.00) 3. 印刷媒体广告  你的品牌标志将出现在请柬上(价值RMB 15,000.00) 你的品牌标志将出现在宣传单页上(价值RMB 10,000.00)  你的品牌标志将出现在展会会刊上(价值RMB 20,000.00) 4. 户外广告  入口指示牌,户外LED显示屏出现项目名称(价值RMB 3,000.00) 回报总价值(总价值RMB 120.000.00)

  14. 套餐价格(Package price) C package RMB 50,000 1. venues present (9㎡) (Value of RMB 27,000.00) 2. Site promotion / Project (30 minutes) (Value of RMB 30,000.00) Exhibition site arranged reflects theLOGO (Value of RMB 5,000.00)  Project promotional materials put into the gift bag of participating VIP (Value of RMB10,000.00) 3.Print media advertising Your brand logo will appear in Invitation card (Value of RMB 15,000.00) Your brand logo will appear in the Exhibition leaflet (Value of RMB10,000.00) Your brand logo will appear in the Proceedings of the exhibition (Value of RMB 20,000.00) 4. Outdoor advertising Entrance of signs, outdoor LED display project name (Value of RMB 3,000.00) Return on total value (Total value of RMB 120,000.00)

  15. 赞助机会(support) 冠名权: 在所有对外宣传媒介冠以贵公司名称,包括报纸、杂志、广播、门票、会刊、展会现场T区展位、推 介会一场 ****公司·2013宁波海外置业展 赞助费用:20万元 现场推介会: 我们将为您安排一小时的现场推介会,包括现场组织及客户邀请 赞助费用:3.6万元 门票广告: 您的项目品牌标志、及简单介绍将出现在所有门票上面() 赞助费用:1.5万元 会刊广告: 您的项目品牌详细介绍将出现在本次展会会刊上 赞助费用:1万元 展会现场: 您的项目品牌LOGO将出现在组委会背景板上,我们将在现场为您放置两个易拉宝 赞助费用:0.3万元

  16. 2012温州海外置业展组委会 电话(Tel):(+86) 186 2199 3228 Email: lighthouse2011@live.hk LighthousePEM@gmail.com 网址(Web):http://www.LighthousePEM.com/

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