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Coordinated School Health Model: District Implementation Strategies

Coordinated School Health Model: District Implementation Strategies. Presented By: Marie Stewart, Ph.D., NCC, LPC District Coordinator PBIS-EBRPSS Co-Presenters: Antoinette :Toni” Bankston, LCSW Director Mental Health Services/BR Children’s Heath Project Patricia Friedrich

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Coordinated School Health Model: District Implementation Strategies

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  1. Coordinated School Health Model: District Implementation Strategies Presented By: Marie Stewart, Ph.D., NCC, LPC District Coordinator PBIS-EBRPSS Co-Presenters: Antoinette :Toni” Bankston, LCSW Director Mental Health Services/BR Children’s Heath Project Patricia Friedrich Director Safe Schools/Healthy Students-EBRPSS Bridgette Wade, LCSW Program Coordinator, Behavior and Counselor-EBRPSS Session 19 B

  2. Why Support a CoordinatedApproach to School Health? Why Support a CoordinatedApproach to School Health?

  3. Today’s students come to us with social, emotional and physical needs

  4. Today’s schools must provide more than just academic instruction

  5. n 1 in 7 students has been in a physical fight on school property

  6. n 1 in 7 students has been in a physical fight on school propertyn Every 60 seconds a child is born to a teen mother

  7. n 1 in 7 students has been in a physical fight on school propertyn Every 60 seconds a child is born to a teen mothern Obesity affects 1 in 5 children in the U.S.

  8. n 1 in 7 students has been in a physical fight on school propertyn Every 60 seconds a child is born to a teen mothern Obesity affects 1 in 5 children in the U.S.n Each day, 3,000 children start smoking —1 every 30 seconds

  9. n 1 in 7 students has been in a physical fight on school propertyn Every 60 seconds a child is born to a teen mothern Obesity affects 1 in 5 children in the U.S.n Each day, 3,000 children start smoking —1 every 30 secondsn 1 in 3 high school students reports having consumed 5 or more drinks in a row

  10. 1 in 7 students has been in a physical fight on school propertyn Every 60 seconds a child is born to a teen mothern Obesity affects 1 in 5 children in the U.S.n Each day, 3,000 children start smoking —1 every 30 secondsn 1 in 3 high school students reports having consumed 5 or more drinks in a rown Every 4 hours, a child in America commits suicide

  11. Healthy Kids MakeBetter Students.Better Students MakeHealthy Communities. Healthy Kids MakeBetter Students.Better Students MakeHealthy Communities.

  12. What is a Coordinated Approach to School Health (CSH)?

  13. The Need:Many of today’s problems with students are actually health related. Kids can’t learn if they are:nHungrynTirednHungover from alcohol and drugsnWorried about violence

  14. The Solution:CSH is about:n Involving parentsn Keeping kids healthy over timen Supporting a student’s capacity to learnn Imparting skills, knowledge, and judgment to help kids make smart choices for lifen Reinforcing positive behaviors throughout the school dayn Making it clear good health and learning go hand in hand

  15. CSH is also about: • Helping young people grow into healthy, productive adultsn Focusing on physical and emotional well-being of kids K-12n Coordinating parents, schools, administrators, and communities as key partners

  16. Great Ways to School Health:2 or 3 Are Super Starters!1. School Environment

  17. Great Ways to School Health:2 or 3 Are Super Starters!1. School Environment 2. Health Education

  18. Great Ways to School Health:2 or 3 Are Super Starters!1. School Environment 2. Health Education 3. School Meals and Nutrition

  19. Great Ways to School Health:2 or 3 Are Super Starters!1. School Environment 2. Health Education 3. School Meals and Nutrition 4. Physical Education

  20. Great Ways to School Health:2 or 3 Are Super Starters!1. School Environment 2. Health Education 3. School Meals and Nutrition 4. Physical Education 5. Health Services

  21. Great Ways to School Health:2 or 3 Are Super Starters!1. School Environment 2. Health Education 3. School Meals and Nutrition 4. Physical Education 5. Health Services 6. Counseling, Psychological, and Mental Health Services

  22. Great Ways to School Health:2 or 3 Are Super Starters!1. School Environment 2. Health Education 3. School Meals and Nutrition 4. Physical Education 5. Health Services 6. Counseling, Psychological, and Mental Health Services 7. Staff Wellness

  23. Great Ways to School Health:2 or 3 Are Super Starters!1. School Environment 2. Health Education 3. School Meals and Nutrition 4. Physical Education 5. Health Services 6. Counseling, Psychological, and Mental Health Services 7. Staff Wellness 8. Parent/Community Partnerships

  24. CSH: The Opportunity Every school day, 53 millionstudents attend more than116,000 schoolsn That’s big!n That’s where the kids are!Parents, schools, andcommunities can makepositive contributions tothe health and education of our nation

  25. “Schools could do more thanperhaps any other single institutionin society to help young people,and the adults they will become,live healthier, longer, more satisfying,and more productive lives.”— Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development

  26. CSH: The Benefits People in different parts of the country report that the benefits of a coordinated approach include:n Reduced school absenteeismn Fewer behavior problems in the classroomn Improved student performance

  27. CSH: The Benefits n New levels of cooperation among parents, teachers, and organizationsn A more positive spirit among educators and studentsn Health awareness made a part of the fabric of children’s livesn Young people more prepared to become productive members of society

  28. 1. School Environment To learn effectively, children must:n Feel comfortable and supportedn Attend a safe, proper functioning schooln Have minimal distractions

  29. 1. School Environment What parents, educators, business leaders, and school officials can do:n Hold workshops on conflict resolution and peer pressure resistance n Implement/enforce school policies to prohibit tobacco, alcohol, and other drug usen Inspire community businesses to help repair older schools

  30. 2. Health Education School staff can worktogether to develop anongoing approach tohelp students buildhealth-relatedknowledge and skillsfrom kindergartenthrough high schoolgraduation

  31. 2. Health Education Examples of What Can Be Done:n Health education teachers incorporate role-playing to teach conflict resolution, refusal skills, dangers of alcohol, drug, tobacco usen Cafeterias provide opportunities to try healthful foods (discussed in class, reinforced in posters)

  32. 3. School Meals and Nutrition The Reality:Students often eatone or two mealsa day at school

  33. 3. School Meals and Nutrition Schools can examine meal programs, offernutritious food, and develop educational activitiesto encourage good nutritional choices for lifeFor instance:n Parents, school staff, and students partner to select healthy cafeteria menus

  34. 3. School Meals and Nutrition n Schools offer healthy food choices in vending machinesn Elementary schools can adopt healthy snack policies for school celebrations

  35. 4. PhysicalEducation Physical activity can build self-esteem and leadership skills and reduce stress

  36. 4. PhysicalEducation Parents and schools can encourage students to be physically active... for instance:n Challenge teachers and students to include physical fitness in daily routines

  37. 4. PhysicalEducation n Encourage joint efforts between students and teachers to set up: — aerobics classes — walking programs — swimming or water aerobics classesn Develop a calendar of sports activities

  38. 5. HealthServices Growing kids require a regular health“maintenance”program—immunizations,dental checkups,physicals, and eye exams

  39. 5. HealthServices What to do?n Schools, working with parents and health care personnel can provide critical preventive caren Health departments can sponsor immunization campaigns for students and teachersn Nurses can work with students with chronic health problems to manage symptoms/reduce time lost from school

  40. 6. Counseling, Psychological,and Mental Health Services The Need:Many students have theadded stress of copingwith emotional challenges

  41. 6. Counseling, Psychological,and Mental Health Services The Solution:n School counselors influence positive behaviors by consulting and problem solving with students, families, and teachersn Schools can provide counseling, instruction, and referrals to professionals for students and families when appropriate. Students get help and classroom disruptions are minimized

  42. 6. Counseling, Psychological,and Mental Health Services n Staff can offer parents the opportunity to attend counseling support groups along with their children so referral services can be made available as soon as a problem is identified

  43. 7. Staff Wellness The Reality: Educators and school staff are important role models. Successful schools have healthy, highly motivated staff with low rates of employee absenteeism

  44. 7. StaffWellness Schools can enact programs to help teachers and staff feel their best and perform at peak levels Consider:n Seminars on stress reduction, smoking cessation, physical fitness, or othersn Jogging clubs for teachers — before or after schooln Simple health screenings such as blood pressure so staff can identify early symptoms of disease

  45. 8. Parent/CommunityPartnerships Benefits:n A closer working relationship between parents and schoolsn Parents, businesses and community groups, and schools can form powerful coalitions to address health needs of students

  46. 8. Parent/CommunityPartnerships Examples:n Community members volunteer to teach health units, e.g., dietitians focus on food choicesn Open school facilities to public during non-school hours for physical activity, fitness sessions, family health seminars, social and recreational functions

  47. CSHP: Relationship to PBIS

  48. + In Place Health Education Physical Education Health Services Nutrition Services Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services Healthy School Environment Health Promotion for Staff Parent Community Involvement Needed Write in the types services needed within your district. Your District’s Report Card:Surveying Existing Services

  49. Lessons about safety, substance abuse prevention, nutrition, physical activity, and other health topics; Nutritious school meals and snacks; Nonsmoking policies; School nurses; Traffic patterns that increase students’ safety; Counseling services; and Outreach to parents and the community. Unrecognized and Often Overlooked Existing Services When Implementing CSHPs

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